New Inflation Report Amplifies Economic Concerns

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 41 comments

New Inflation Report Amplifies Economic Concerns

Peter Schiff discusses #Biden #economy and #inflation on OAN 12/13/2023

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The latest inflation report has brought more bad news for consumers and economists alike. According to the report, the cost of living continues to rise at an alarming rate, with inflation reaching its highest level in years. This is a troubling sign for the economy and raises concerns about the impact on people’s purchasing power.

The report shows that prices for essential goods and services, such as food, fuel, and housing, have seen significant increases. This is particularly concerning for low-income families and individuals who may struggle to afford these basic necessities. Additionally, the rising cost of living can also put pressure on businesses, as they may have to raise their prices to cover their own rising expenses, ultimately leading to higher prices for consumers.

Economists are worried about the long-term implications of this trend. High inflation can erode the value of people’s savings and reduce their standard of living. It can also lead to a decrease in consumer spending, which can have a negative impact on businesses and ultimately slow down economic growth.

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Furthermore, the report indicates that the recent surge in inflation is not just a temporary phenomenon. It appears to be driven by a combination of factors, including supply chain disruptions, rising energy prices, and increased consumer demand. These issues are likely to persist for the foreseeable future, which means that inflation may continue to be a problem in the months to come.

Government officials are being urged to take action to address the rising inflation. Some experts are calling for targeted fiscal interventions, such as subsidies for essential goods and services, to help alleviate the burden on consumers. Others are advocating for more aggressive monetary policy, such as interest rate hikes, to curb inflationary pressures.

Overall, the latest inflation report paints a bleak picture of the economy. With prices on the rise and no immediate end in sight, consumers and businesses are facing tough times ahead. It will be critical for policymakers to come together and devise effective strategies to combat this worrying trend and ensure the long-term stability of the economy.

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  1. @dannieholtz4410

    In 4 year’s inflation has hit 30+%

  2. @charlesstorey2765

    You want to sell me gold. You want a very high premium over normal market prices. I don't understand why anyone who's educated would buy gold from you. Lower your premium or stop taking advantage of we the people.

  3. @williamboydsmith4773

    The only thing Biden has created is a pile if crap in his pants!

  4. @Mike-Ham

    The difference is fantasy vs reality. Do you really believe what the Fed says? I don’t

    the past 2 years, the Fed has been wrong consistently

  5. @georgeorwell3501

    All of the government numbers are lies. The CPLIE, jobs growth, inflation etc. It’s all a lie.

  6. @Airsails

    Even if inflation goes to zero the prices DO NOT GET LOWER they just stop going up.

  7. @toneyeye

    Where are the numbers Peter? How many people took on second jobs that didn't work two or more jobs before? Are you keeping your own books on the economic numbers? Give me something I can accept without having to trust your "truth". The way to defeat propaganda is to bring the facts to light – not "telling truth" that could just as easily be propaganda.
    Talking about polls gives away the purpose of the interview. It is just political posturing. You have been at this long enough Peter that nobody gets fooled who is not already on your bandwagon.

  8. @DeanDavisMarketing

    Dan Ball needs to rethink what bad news means…good news that the truth about the bad news is being uncovered.

  9. @coffeejunkie33

    I'm one of those 2nd job holders! Prices aren't going down. It cost me more for everything.

  10. @georgevazquez74

    It must suck to be these two clowns getting on the air, lying your ass off, it's pathetic

  11. @cyberninja6798

    But yet no body has balls to get this traitor out of the stolen seat he has put his ass in. Protect our right, remove traitor slow joe not anyone's president. Biden is murdering American citizens.

  12. @glenn726

    How much did Trump run up the deficit, 8 trillion, Obama 7 trillion, Bush trillions. Biden 3 trillion. That's teamwork.

  13. @WilliamMofford-jb5vs

    Biden where the hell is the 200.00 a month that was to go on Social Security an the 1400.00 we were to get to help the people though Thanks Giving an Christmas that you promised all dam lies.

  14. @omanhamad8905

    Democratic party is acting like an authoritarian regime.

  15. @webcomber

    Gold is a dead rock in a dark basement.

  16. @jose2212-

    With around £120k invested in tech/TSLA stocks, any suggestions for additional stocks to diversify across various markets? Looking for a well-rounded portfolio that balances risk aversion with returns meeting yearly inflation concerns.

  17. @johnhasse3995

    messing with americans pocketbollk… Donald trump did the worst.

  18. @johnhasse3995

    Interest rates of 4% ABOVE inflation used to be considered normal.

  19. @JacobPaula

    Inflation hits people a lot harder than a crashing stock or housing market as it directly affects people's cost of living that people immediately feel the impact of. It's not surprising negative market sentiment is so high now. We really need help to survive in this Economy.

  20. @someparts

    All time high S&P keeps the college wed white genpop asleep

  21. @bar8665

    If you bought enough silver and bitcoin you can sleep at night.

  22. @barunto1

    So why did Trump didn't get re elected? LOL

  23. @twright4263

    The stock market says there is nothing wrong!

  24. @vyacheslav.flunkedin

    People with two jobs and a family will not
    Get gold; they simply are not disciplined to do so and appreciate Gold.

  25. @ristau

    Peter Schiff should have six million followers at least but I guess the truth isn't very popular at all.

  26. @nonsibi1087

    Peter Schiff, a shady character if ever there was one, owned Euro Pacific Bank in San Juan, a boutique bank in Puerto Rico. iAn nvestigation was conducted by a group of international tax authorities, including the Internal Revenue Service, into Euro Pacific and some of its offshore customers. The investigation was looking into whether some of the bank’s customers had engaged in tax evasion or money laundering..Last year, the NY Tomes reports, banking officials in Puerto Rico moved to shut down Euro Pacific, claiming it had inadequate capital levels. Mr. Schiff subsequently reached an agreement with bank regulators to liquidate Euro Pacific and agreed to pay $300,000 in fines.

    The international tax investigation, led by a group called the J5, has not filed charges against Mr. Schiff or Euro Pacific. But in February, tax officials in Britain said they had arrested two of the bank’s customers on “suspicion of tax evasion and money laundering” in connection with a related investigation.

  27. @funnylifes360

    Powell is a great example of what happens when you let non-elected people run the government. He straight up lied last week and even now the Fed comes out and admit he lied and there will be no accountability. They just print money, inflate the currency, hurt lower/middle class, and no accountability. This bubble will pop, people's retirement accounts will get obliterated, and Nancy Pelosi will buy another yatch.

  28. @RA-el6vn

    Market about to reach all time highs… does Peter ever get tired of being so consistently and reliably wrong lol

  29. @scottpieper7888

    I said from the time Biden got in that crashing the economy is this administrations Master Plan !

  30. @alfredjason9168

    I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Michelle Stewart

  31. @YeshuaDavidson


  32. @ChrisRy

    Biden administration has murmured our economy. Fk those controlling idiots.
    These people are trying to take your rights and give you chicks with dicks lmao

  33. @user-ch5mv3xn9b

    Throughout the year, the Fed consistently forecasted a negative outlook, influencing our perceptions. However, productivity surged to 2.6%, surpassing the underlying growth potential of 1.8%. The labor force outperformed expectations. This prompts reconsideration of the Fed's stance.

  34. @olegv300

    Gross manipulation.

  35. @4bennybear

    the market was suppose to crash 20 years ago instead . the S&P hits all time high

  36. @koreanyoon

    What about buying silver?!

  37. @koreanyoon

    Powell is going to seriously damage our economy by NOT raising interest rates!!!
    The interest rates have been too low to make saving money desirable!!!!!

  38. @koreanyoon

    He CAN and SHOULD raise interest rates!!!

  39. @MgtowRubicon

    "The American Empire is coming to an end, that is undeniable, but what may surprise many is that when it happens, it is not an accident and it will not be left to random chance." — Jeff Berwick, "The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire", Amazon Kindle

    "The financial alchemists at the Federal Reserve are really nothing more than coin debasers in nice suits, chipping away at the edges of their coins to try and take as much from the people before being exposed as the common criminals that they really are." — Jeff Berwick, "The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire", Kindle Edition.

  40. @jhull5870

    The credit card debt when compared to 2019 is not that much higher, The FED has already reduced rates, that is what the markets are saying with the rally since the Wednesday meeting and since October. The FED is following the markets. Have to love Perma Bear Schiff. The host needs to take a 10 mg Gummy!

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