Next Big Move For Money … Protect Yourselves

by | Dec 23, 2022 | Gold IRA | 39 comments

Next Big Move For Money … Protect Yourselves

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First it was the shutdowns, now come the layoffs and food shortages as our planet is liquidated and restructured. Can you see around the corner to move through the chaos?

DOCU-SERIES Our World Is In Freefall, What to Expect by Jan 2023

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See also  How To Trade & Invest During High Inflation Cycle (Stock Market)

BASTYON …(read more)

LEARN MORE ABOUT: Precious Metals IRAs



REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation

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  1. Middle Way

    Who would want to wait for closures (where you work), when you can stop working at the current location… Under a rotation system…

    Then, everyone is under the mindset to create a system where everyone is able to do what they want to truly do (passionate/drive) by automating everything not needed by human power…
    Then, food forests, tiny homes/yurts – which can be upgraded to a bigger size later… This way we end this crazy reality of (working to live)

  2. James Nod

    The best investment one can do right now is investing on Forex trading though stocks are good but ever since I swapped to Forex, I've seen so much difference

  3. passinthru

    David, the wizards can do alot of spell casting over the populations when they are already in the know with hidden knowledge acquired from ancient records they seized from foreign nations; they can manipulate and orchestrate and bend the will of the masses, all the while preparing and planning to bring forth their agenda of one world government, financial institution, and religion (their religion of Luciferian). It's all based on fraud and deception: they have hidden knowledge of cycles and patterns and climate changes. All the world is a stage, and the leaders are lock step in agreement. Depopulation is the main objective, by any means.

  4. Akashiana

    Hello from Brazil. Have been following you on and off for several years now. Thank you for your work. Am enjoying a few days of sun after a seemingly interminable rain season. Sun energy is indeed less than usual, i.e., one is able spend the day at the beach without sunscreen. Our concern here is election fraud and general strike of truckers, with major blockage of roads and popular support. Production can be shipped but not trucked.

  5. Emily BH

    I paid 9% interest for a fixed mortgage in the late 80s. 4% should not be "devastating" the housing market.

  6. Amanda Wilson

    Having 3 La Nina's in a row is another sign,….major changes to our planet's Climate. All natural,…NOT MAN MADE! The Grand Solar Minimum is going to continue getting cooler….and it lasts about 30-50 years. It's very important to prepare and the Elite are trying very, very hard to keep us from preparing for the coming COLD Times. They have screwed up Energy Supplies all over Europe and the USA and other Western countries. Closing the KEYSTONE PIPELINE was the beginning of the Destruction of America. They must destroy us to get us to agree to accept their complete control in their RESET.

  7. Siouxsiesioux Wilson

    Do what you can where and when you can and look after your Health and Diet and Elders and Younglings

  8. myview1875

    Surely people can see that the evil elite lizard things run the world and they howl at the moon each time they see the number 33. .

  9. dprfail

    you need timestamps

  10. D&T Bambrick

    Its the End Times as predicted in Revelation – famine, wars etc no one being able to buy or sell unless they receive the (embedded) mark (microchip? Gates patent no:060606?) Millions are going to die 1/3 of humanity?

  11. D&T Bambrick

    33 degree freemasonry means you are at the top (like the elites0 and they're satanist!!

  12. Kevin Fields

    I thought I was the only one catching 33

  13. Swiftly Tilting

    The number 33 pops up ALL the time in my life, but what does it mean? Definitely things I can't control, so it's not confirmation bias going on…anyone else experience number synchronicities?

  14. OurGreedyCorruptGovt

    The cult responsible for social engineering us into a cesspool wants us enslaved. Kanye wasn't lying.

  15. Maharasu jp

    thank you for breaking it down!!With everything going on right now, the best decision to be on any creative man's heart is having a profitable investment strategy.

  16. Ed Siceloff

    33rd degree Freemasons in on the planning.

  17. Adrian Bonnes

    The GDP of Western nations is such that a planned demolition would bring China to its knees.

  18. Laura Green

    @Adapt2030 joseph Lofthouse, landrace gardening. A different (in my opinion better) way to save seeds. Christian from Ice age farmer done an interview with him a few years ago

  19. The_Joker

    I love you long time ❤

  20. Mike Poor

    This 12ooo year cycle is special because all species on earth will be annihilated. I doubt we’ll see a 2034 let alone the end of this decade.

  21. Tx jellybean

    WTH? "We can always turn inward or to nature?" Dude! We need Jesus!

  22. masonfreeparty

    silver is the one to buy.. 7x out of cinque with gold price

  23. Laurel Thompson

    The geometry in the matrix is real!

  24. Silver fox Homestead

    I actually LOVE saving my own seeds. Some are easier than others and I try to learn a new way to save a different plant every year. Cabbage is hard for me. And any biennial really.

  25. Dfreak01

    Well it's interesting that California wanted water from the Mississippi and now the Mississippi is drying up.

  26. miller time420

    As the almighty bender has said many times, we're boned

  27. linda campbell

    Your beliefs create your reality.
    The unconscious is a powerful creator.

  28. Deon

    Surely this is planned for now 1 third then 2 thirds then reset maybe?

  29. bass skirtgirl

    QUESTION; With all this planetary change, what does antarctic look like?

  30. Melvin Quinones

    Great information i tell you.

  31. Missy K

    My husband works for Nissan in middle Tennessee and it is business as usual for them. My husband has even asked them about potential layoffs. Response: Nope. No layoffs here. In fact they are increasing hours. I told my husband: DON"T BELIEVE THEM!!!!

  32. Six Acres

    Great idea with the stocking stuffers, thanks!!❤

  33. oteyokwa

    Have You ever, bothered to learn about the soon to happen Polar Shift….could care less about your channel.

  34. Rose Tyler

    What good is money going to be if we collapse the way you say we're going to? The things you say don't line up and most don't come true.

  35. Rene Longoria

    Need a physical currency. Plants and animals as food need to have a relative value.

  36. Steve Bernstein

    David out here in ND family farm we can’t get $9 for spring wheat ! Expenses are going up! Not going to cash flow !

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