Next year, the CEO of Bank of America anticipates a ‘slight economic downturn.’

by | May 16, 2023 | Recession News | 20 comments

Next year, the CEO of Bank of America anticipates a ‘slight economic downturn.’

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan speaks with CNN’s Poppy Harlow in an exclusive interview about the US economy. #CNN #News…(read more)

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Bank of America’s CEO, Brian Moynihan, has made a prediction that the US economy is likely to witness a “mild recession” sometime in 2022. The reason for this, he said, is primarily due to issues surrounding fiscal policy.

Moynihan spoke to journalists at a conference in New York on Tuesday, and said that while the economy is currently performing well, there are some underlying issues that could cause problems in the near future. For instance, the US is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers, which could limit the ability of businesses to grow in the long-term.

In addition to this, Moynihan pointed out that there are significant drops in public investment and infrastructure spending, which could make it harder for businesses to invest and expand. Finally, there is also the issue of government debt, which is continuing to rise, and could cause serious problems for the economy if it is not addressed.

All of these factors, Moynihan said, have the potential to create a slowdown in the economy, potentially causing a mild recession that could last for a few months. However, he emphasized that this is unlikely to have any long-term effects, and the economy will eventually bounce back.

In particular, Moynihan emphasized that he does not see any signs of a major economic collapse like the one that occurred during the Great Recession in 2008. He said that while he believes there will be some challenges to the economy, these will be manageable, and he is confident that the economy will remain strong in the long-term.

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Moynihan’s comments were generally well-received by investors, who saw them as a reasonable assessment of the economic risks facing the country. While many are hoping that the economy will continue to grow at a rapid pace, it is clear that there are some significant challenges ahead, and it will be important for businesses and policymakers to be prepared for them.

Overall, then, while the news of a potential recession is not necessarily good news, Moynihan’s comments suggest that it will not be a major catastrophe, but rather a minor bump in the road. As the US economy continues to evolve and grow, there will undoubtedly be obstacles to overcome, but with careful planning and cooperation, these can be managed effectively, ensuring that the economy remains strong and vibrant for years to come.

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  1. John

    Is that why bank of America is stealing people's money

  2. Benjamin Martin

    Banking America is racist towards white people

  3. Cindy

    The market is very unstable and you can not tell If it's going bearish or bullish. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.When these reports are bullish take some off to the side lines, when news gets bearish start buying. "Keep it simple simple" that bear/ correction was the best thing that happened me. <But all thanks to Debra Haycraft for her amazing skills for helping me to earn 13.6 Btc through trading chart. I believe we are in the spring phase…

  4. Sunni Enciso

    This is the most recent report from CNN on our economy. I am writing a day after Christmas. What huge news station would not be looking after working poor American's and report on this DISASTROUS and RECKLESS Congress? Stop blaming Trump!!!!! You have had the MAJORITY for two years now. Report on this ADMINISTRATION making MONOPOLY MONEY on my 401K on a DAILY basis please.

  5. Arvydas Andrius

    But biden said economy is stronger than ever :ooo, how now we suddenly heading to recession?

  6. Ali Y

    mild~~~from where the United States is standing in the world stage, economy or politics, I won't think "mild" is the case~~~~

  7. Tim Dewberry

    We are already in a recession ! We can't get friggin tuna at the local Dollar Store .What is in stock in higher than most people can pay!! Thank you Joe Brandon Biden !!

  8. James Mantia

    I have worked life until I broke my back even then after initial break I worked hard to work again although I couldn't be an executive chef again but I did help out by making soups for the neighborhood to help I didn't just not care I tried to help where as people thT are doing great are helping nobody and taking the easy way out and just move on

  9. James Mantia

    How far do you plan to push seniors to the brink of financial disaster as far as the economy will take us or will we be on the streets like these kids that have not paid a cent to retirement what do we do till then


    We’re fucked aren’t we

  11. Dendra Dwar

    .. inflation didn't exist .. then it was transitory .. then recession is no longer defined as a recession .. now it's a mild recession .. credit card debt has rocketed .. housing market is in a downward spiral .. Fed is now saying interest rates north of 5% ..

    Bookmarked this and will revisit in 9 months time ..

  12. John James

    CNN will bring on the worst people to try and influence their viewers. From corrupt CIA directors like James Clapper and John Brennan to push for war and now a BOA CEO. Bank of America was forced to pay BILLIONS in fines for illegally foreclosing on homeowners.

  13. Thrombo

    Yahoo Finance, CNBC, Bloomberg this is not. The interview style was for politician, now a banking executive.

  14. Danny Powers

    Yea, Brian wants you to spend more and borrow more.



  16. SES SES

    Fake Biden News

  17. sonny johnson

    The govt will announce we're in a recession after the Christmas shopping holiday … the economy needs one good shot in the arm before the colapse .. no worries , the money printer is on standby

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