Nightmare: Another Market Crash and Bank Bailout Looming ahead!

by | Mar 12, 2024 | Bank Failures | 41 comments

Nightmare: Another Market Crash and Bank Bailout Looming ahead!

Dear brothers and sisters, consider these links below:

1. My letters I wrote warning of coming economic crisis/collapse, first dated 1st March 2016:

2. Second financial related letter dated 18th April 2016

3. Third financial related letter dated 14th July 2016

These letters are on my website downloads page:

Here is a link to my video dated 25th February 2018 where I share a dream from God of a Dow crash from approximately 22,000 to 11,000 or 12,000 as judgment:

Please prepare and seek the Lord regarding any actions you should personally take. May God bless you. Christopher….(read more)


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Dream: Market Crash and Bank Bailouts are Coming Again!

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economy has been faced with unprecedented challenges. The stock market has experienced extreme volatility, with sharp declines followed by rapid recoveries. However, as economic uncertainty continues to loom, many experts are warning that a market crash and bank bailouts are looming on the horizon.

One of the main concerns is the massive levels of debt that have been accumulated by businesses and governments. The pandemic has forced many companies to take on additional debt to stay afloat, while governments have implemented massive stimulus packages to support their economies. This has led to a situation where debt levels are reaching unsustainable levels, which could lead to widespread defaults and financial instability.

Additionally, the stock market has been propped up by massive amounts of liquidity from central banks. Interest rates have been kept at historically low levels, and central banks have engaged in unprecedented levels of quantitative easing to support the economy. However, this artificial support may not be sustainable in the long run, and a market correction could be imminent.

See also  Refinancing banks is like undergoing a root canal procedure.

Furthermore, there are signs of trouble in the banking sector. Many banks have been hit hard by the economic downturn, with rising loan defaults and declining revenues. The prospect of bank bailouts is becoming increasingly likely, as financial institutions struggle to weather the storm.

Many experts are warning that a market crash and bank bailouts are imminent, and that investors need to be prepared for a turbulent period ahead. It is crucial for individuals to diversify their investments, reduce their exposure to risky assets, and prepare for potential financial shocks.

In conclusion, the global economy is facing unprecedented challenges, and a market crash and bank bailouts may be on the horizon. It is essential for individuals to be vigilant and prepared for potential financial turbulence in the coming months. Only time will tell how events will unfold, but it is clear that tough times may lie ahead.

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  1. @ProjectRevoltNow

    I know it's a serious situation but you need to see "money printer go BRRRRRRR" for a good laugh 🙂

  2. @ProjectRevoltNow

    Your dream came to pass! We are going home soon! 🙂

  3. @MegaHatLady

    It all happened, Christopher 🙁
    During the Covid when they closed everything down.
    All the houses for sale up by me are "Contingent"

  4. @mi5veezee

    3/18/2020 You called it, Praise Jesus!

  5. @mi5veezee

    Today is 28, 566 DOW Jan,8/2020.

  6. @newtonneo4095

    If Dow starts to drop, will BTC will go up or go down? I feel market collapse is imminent.

  7. @joshoppong3394

    Thank You brother for sharing this message. Continue you in your faith brother Christopher.

  8. @newtonneo4095

    When do you expect this crash will start? 2019? 2020?

  9. @shakazulu3279

    Brother, I could be wrong on this but – whereas I used to 100% agree that any non-enabling move against the State of Israel would bring calamity on the offender – I now believe that the current representation ("Israel") is not even a reasonable facsimile of the original. The reason I believe that is primarily because of the fruit on the tree. A tree that produces apples will have apple tree roots. That is how we can know that the Zionist State of Israel we see today (which many truly devout, non-Talmudic Jews do not recognize as legitimate; **search vids by Blackstone Intelligence Network for footage of many of them in New York, protesting, and in Jerusalem, and being completely persecuted by the Zionist faction and their armies**) is not the same as the group of people that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob named Israel (indeed, Jacob was literally renamed 'Israel'), nor is it a gathering of political and military individuals now on a certain tract of land that once formed part of the land given long ago to the 12 tribes of Israel, permitted they would take the land, in many cases, from the hybrid-human giants who were illegally on the face of the earth in the first place. Bottom line: don't unwittingly serve the Zionist agenda until you really know what it's all about. This movement seems to be headed by one and the same group of people fomenting most of the evil upon the earth for at least the last 300 years, via every program imaginable, from the international war machine and military industrial complex, to smuggling and profiting (massively!) from the smuggling of narcotics, oil, precious metals, humans…. they are also purposefully sending spies into certain Christian denominations and circles in order to mislead the unsuspecting Christians who think they're supporting something good and doctrinal. But there is a serpent there holding this 'good' doctrinal fruit, but not so, it is tainted with lies and hate, slavery and the worship of mammon. Check out Israeli News Live – they know at least a couple of main departments carrying out the group's agendas.

  10. @goodasgold2012

    No bailout this time allowed….total collapse thru-out the system.. my brother.
    Amen Lord Jesus Christ.

  11. @UgaFan-ie8cd

    Military bases are stocked with guillotines and plastic graves

  12. @OrreHeyde

    This explains a lot! I'm from Belgium, I know a guy who worked in the financial world (for banks and such) and he says a crash is coming anytime soon! I think buying gold & silver at this point would be a wise choice.
    God bless you!

  13. @salometipsandtricks2786

    Someone dreamed that the bank was frozen on monday the 18th. On Friday the 15th the banks over the weekend. Everything was normal but come monday and it was gone for 6 months.

  14. @LittleMolasses

    Your video came up on my feed today, so I watched. Interesting the numbers you saw. Bo Polny has been studying the numbers for a long time, and plugged them into equations and such, and according to his equations, he is also predicting a 50-60% drop in the stock market, and his “target” was 11-12,000 dow, so it interesting that God showed you those exact numbers. It is definitely coming, and may happen fast. In 2008, the first big drop was late Sept. 2008, and the bottom was reached in early March, and we are in far worse shape now. Back in May, the word the Lord gave me was “the earth is going to shake, the markets are going to shake, and my church is going to shake…”, and basically that nothing that is not founded on His truth will be left to hold on to.

  15. @amir123786

    Bullshit. No bailouts. The previous bailouts make society think it can go on forever. But this is the 3rd major crash like a Third World War coming.

  16. @ChangeIsComing

    For poor people like me we have to just trust in the Lord. Barely paining the mortgage; or not able to pay it at all this month leaves no room for money storage. I know God will take care of me and others that are poor (like the homeless) if they are truly saved. God bless you and thank you for sharing.

  17. @ericchill864

    Bail out=bail in=huge sucking sounds as the private accounts are stolen.

  18. @88time1

    There will be a collapse . However the United States is going back to the gold standard. Already happening look on the $100 bill right side is “ gold standard “

  19. @6000thyear

    Ive got dreams and signs here….
    I've got sign showing
    2020 economic collapse
    2022 cali mega quake
    2024 ww3 invasion
    Silver will only be good as a transtion, from it, into food, water, ammo and needful resources.
    No need to worry on the mark till after ww3. The US will get judged by russia and china. Too many people with prophetic rabbit trails.

  20. @jineeamyss2182

    Yes the collapse of the financial world is at the door

  21. @billsmith3741

    Candy, you might want to buy some silver. we might be able to use it for barter for our necessities. But whatever you do , if you can't hold it your hand, you don't own it! . prepare with food and water, food will be the most valuable thing in america

  22. @jxel706

    So we should invest what we have when the mini crash happens

  23. @elijahtish8234

    They setting up for the micro chip..
    It won’t be anymore money

  24. @user-gm5sh3ny8u

    Perhaps there is a bail-out (attempt at least) to stop the collapse and perhaps it slows the US crash…. but that level of quantitative easing again is going to devalue the dollar. Maybe both happen…. maybe they try to bail out banks and buy time…. but maybe after printing all the money for a bail out… the US dollar is removed as the reserve currency or is no longer used to buy oil in the Middle East (petrodollar). These two things are virtually ALL that keeps the USD from hyperinflation. Perhaps the 1st judgment (crash from 22k to 11k) is connected with America being split down the middle by an earthquake after we split Israel. Perhaps that will wake many up to repent and prepare for further destruction…. but once the hyperinflation hits… it's all over for the USD and those that did not repent and heed the warnings. I think some of the very high USD values of cryptocurrencies (think BTC over $60k) is going to simply be the dollar withering and dying in hyperinflation. These are not prophetic revelations or interpretations at all….. just some thoughts and dot connecting with other prophecies.

  25. @timmyjohnson2099

    A financial reset is coming, the federal reserve may lose the grip they currently have now.

  26. @kimrollins7550

    Christopher the Lord God has giving you a maturity and insight far beyond your natural years I look forward to your videos and what the board is going to say to you young men will dream dreams and have visions you are one of those young man I am a 52-year-old woman from Southern California in the United States I have been a believer since I was 12 I think that was in 1972 I have been waiting on the Lord Jesus patiently. thank you for what you do,stay close to the Lord in Jesus name amen

  27. @clairemontanaro4985

    Chris, please tell God that this Moringa stuff tastes absolutely awful, lol 🙂

  28. @livelystone9367

    My phone may be tripping….. Is there a tv or something playing in the background?

  29. @karankaycee8512

    God bless you and protect you president Donald J Trump. May Great God The Most High put powerful hedge of protection around president Donald J Trump and his family members. Folks please pray – bind and loose. With power and authority of Lord Jesus Christ bind the demonic spirit and loose the mighty warrior angels of God in Jesus Christ Mighty Holy Name. Wake up Americans and all the childrens of God. Real war is going on outside – physical and spiritual war. Folks we all need to pray please. May Great God The Most High expose and punish all deep state and corrupt wicked traitor leaders and their dumb evil followers. Woe to you haters, traitors, evil dumb people.

  30. @AlexxTehGreat

    Whenever this happens is when we go cashless, we've already started.

  31. @kentdeberg6020

    I had a short dream Jan 7. 2019. My wife called me at work & told me the stock market had crashed. The news reporter said the stocks had not been that low since 1969

  32. @ladylilo6044

    Greetings Brother Christopher, thank you for sharing! Beard looks good on you☺️

  33. @GodzHammer

    I've been preparing for this since the early 90's. All I need to know is WHEN. WHEN. Timing is everything. Nothing else is knew to me. Shalom.

  34. @ambroseabellair5306

    No bail outs this time, world wide economic collapse, reorganization under one world currency, lifting all trade barrier's and issuing the rfid chip. Marshall law from civil unrest, judgements against the households of faith, binding the tares hand and foot, out pouring of the Holy Spirit, man-child ministry, minister's of fire, whore and her daughter's come against it, calling it the great falling away after they realize what God is doing by turning them upside down, P&L ( : > ) Third horsemen has been released.

  35. @mcanultymichelle

    I don't think bail out a coming again this time it'll be bail-ins.that's when they will start taking money from the people accounts.

  36. @davidturner2113

    I believe your prophecy is correct. The market is way over valued right now. It is built on a house of cards. Any huge event in the world will make it crash. But after that happens it will be valued at just the right amount again. If they bail out the banks again it will make all the problems worse in the future, because you are not taking out banks that are dishonest, corrupt, and inefficient. Some psychic dreamers have seen the value of the dollar becoming worthless, by seeing cash laying on the ground and no one bothering to pick it up. Bailing out the banks might result in that happening.

  37. @candydawn321

    Christopher, I live in the USA. Should I get my money out of the bank? Or does it really matter since paper money won't be good and they will implement the chip soon?

  38. @Kariegoz

    2019 is the year of decision. All those lukewarm people will have to choose to let go of their worldly obsessions, like money, or fall with them. Pray they choose Jesus, and reach out to them with the good news of the Lord when the collapse begins, for all the worldly people will be severely depressed when it happens.

  39. @michaelpendergrass7909

    Visions and dreams of God are about to come to pass China attacks Taiwan and North Korea attacks south Korea and war with Iran this year and in the USA stock market crash and famine and Marshall law and food roits and terrorist attacks and half the people out work massive job losses 50 percent and the stock market starts it's crash in July and famine

  40. @sarafran9315

    Hard to listen with radio in the background

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