No Fear of Inflation

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 31 comments

No Fear of Inflation

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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



I’m Not Afraid of Inflation

Inflation is a term that often conjures up fears of rising prices, economic instability, and financial hardship. However, I am not afraid of inflation. In fact, I believe that a certain degree of inflation can be beneficial for the economy and even for individuals.

To begin with, a moderate level of inflation can actually stimulate economic growth. When prices rise, businesses and individuals are encouraged to spend and invest, as they know that the value of their money will decrease over time. This increased spending and investment can lead to higher production, job creation, and a more robust economy overall.


Moreover, inflation can be a sign of a healthy and growing economy. It reflects increased demand for goods and services, which is a positive indicator. Inflation can also lead to an increase in wages as businesses strive to retain their employees and attract new talent. This can result in higher standards of living for workers, as their purchasing power improves.

Additionally, inflation can reduce the burden of debt. As prices rise, the real value of debt decreases, making it easier for individuals and businesses to repay their loans. This can alleviate financial stress and encourage investment and consumption. Inflation can also support a nation’s exports by making them more competitive in the global market.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that excessive inflation can have negative consequences. Hyperinflation, for example, can lead to rapid and uncontrollable price increases, severely impacting people’s livelihoods. However, central banks and monetary authorities are typically responsible for managing inflation and ensuring that it remains at a stable and moderate level.

In conclusion, I believe that a certain level of inflation is not something to fear, but rather something to embrace. It can spur economic growth, increase wages, reduce the burden of debt, and ultimately improve living standards. By understanding and managing inflation effectively, we can utilize its benefits while avoiding its potential pitfalls.

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  1. Sarry Ibrahim

    25% in cash in this interest rate environment isn’t bad at all. If you park $15mm at 5-6% guaranteed (CDs, money market mutual funds, short term bonds..) that can actually do better than the stock market considering a short period of time and 0 risk.

  2. Cameron Crabtree

    Ain’t nothing boy I got the .62 cent heater account you can’t mess with it. Inflation ain’t shit!!!!

  3. Nicholas Sykes

    Peace of mind…. This can’t get hacked. The government can’t freeze or seize it! It’s hidden in a Folgers can, buried in the back yard. My mind is at peace with that!

  4. Beanzo79

    i don't know how these guys do it. if i end up with 15 million in cash I'm never working again in any shape, form or fashion…

  5. Nick B

    Money market that sht. Or bonds with various short term lengths of 12 months or less. It’s basically cash but combats inflation…

  6. D33Lux

    Got like $20 bucks, an ounce of bud and a case of talls so I'm well diversified.

  7. Hugh Mungus

    By cash he means… high-yield savings account, right?

  8. Travis Mickelson

    funny thing is try to go to the bank n ask for ur money!!!!!!! they dont have all your cash buddy,,


    He is as grounded as it gets when it comes to stupid rich

  10. TJ

    This may be ok (but still dumb) for someone who has hundreds of millions of dollars but keeping over 25% of your net worth in cash is terrible advice for an everyday person

  11. TJ

    It must be nice to be rich enough where being this dumb doesn’t bankrupt you

  12. lifeisgood070

    I mean legitimately he could be earning more than 4% interest on it. Yeah you're still losing maybe 3 to 5% to inflation because inflation is maybe around 8% total. But we all know none of us got 8% raises

  13. Russell Turner

    Dude’s getting ready to go shopping after the collapse. Smart.

  14. Logan

    I'm not afraid of inflation lmaooooooo

  15. Josh L

    Such a dangerous thing to say on on a platform like this LOL

  16. Mitch KillA

    Always keep a lot of cash because like he said. Peace at mind. I’ll always keep a good amount. Banks can’t steal it from your hands

  17. Julio Tejada

    This guys such a bozo

  18. Alex Chavosaurus

    MF could open his own bank with that cash.. lol

  19. D V

    Cash is king, why tf would you have nothing liquid especially with that much money to have invested already…

  20. Adam Mcgrath

    Not smart. 80% of your cash value would have been lost if you stored it in a safe for the last 75 years

  21. Parsnip Productions

    How about he gives it to me to maintain at real value and I’ll take whatever inflation would have taken

  22. sammyvh11

    Cash is king

  23. Tommy Heel

    Does any rich person ever just stop? Like ok , that should do , let me go just live now.

  24. Diaz Alex

    Graham can't handle how Hormozi is not doing the traditional money management.

  25. D Tay

    That's that man's war chest.

  26. noah mccormick

    Should collateralized 10 to generate cash

  27. Alex Hunter

    Totally relatable.

  28. Rigbigly

    I was gonna buy this guys book..

  29. PumpOfWallStreet

    Lol he just pretends like his waud of cash hasn't much 9% of it's value

  30. DaFact’s NoNonsense

    These "2" idiots, have no clue WTF they're talking about! Especially, since they're BOTH associated with "multiple" PONZI SCHEMES/CRYPTO SCAMS currently & quickly ended THIS show, once their culpability/liability/accountability was made "public"

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