Numerous Diversions Amidst a Changing World

by | Oct 14, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 23 comments

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Many Distractions While Our World Is Reconfigured

The past year has been a whirlwind of change and reconfiguration for our world. From the COVID-19 pandemic to significant political shifts and environmental challenges, it seems like every aspect of our lives has been turned upside down. However, amidst all these seismic changes, there are also numerous distractions vying for our attention.

One of the most significant distractions in recent times has been the relentless coverage of the pandemic. News outlets around the world have been providing constant updates on infection rates, vaccine development, and government measures. While it is essential to stay informed about significant health crises, this saturation of information can be overwhelming and distracting. People may find themselves spending hours scrolling through news feeds or glued to television screens, absorbing every detail and statistic. This constant stream of information not only diverts attention but may also contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels.

Another distraction that has become even more prevalent during these times is social media. With people spending more time at home and physical interactions limited, social media platforms have become a lifeline for many. However, the constant scrolling, liking, and commenting can easily consume hours of our day. These platforms are designed to keep us engaged, often using algorithms to feed us content that aligns with our interests. While social media can be a valuable tool for staying connected, it also has the potential to distract us from more meaningful and productive activities.

See also  "Fed's Focus Heightened as US Inflation and Gold Prices Increase" #shorts #inflation #Gold.

The rise of remote work and online learning has also brought a new set of distractions. With the freedom to work or study from home, distractions such as household chores, family members, or personal devices can easily derail productivity. Additionally, the lack of physical boundaries between work and personal life can blur the lines, leading to longer work hours and increased burnout.

Furthermore, amidst all the chaos, it is easy to get caught up in various conspiracy theories and misinformation circulating online. Whether it is theories about the origins of the virus or dubious claims about vaccines, the spread of misinformation has become a significant distraction. People may find themselves down rabbit holes of false information, wasting valuable time and energy.

While distractions are an inevitable part of life, it is essential to find a balance and remain focused on what truly matters. Here are a few tips to help minimize distractions:

1. Set clear boundaries: Establish designated work or study areas and define strict boundaries between personal and professional life.

2. Limit news consumption: Stay informed, but avoid excessive exposure to news. Choose reliable sources and allocate specific times for catching up on the latest developments.

3. Practice mindful social media usage: Be intentional about the time spent on social media. Consider setting limits on the amount of time spent on these platforms and be mindful of the content consumed.

4. Fact-check information: Before accepting information as truth, take a moment to fact-check and verify the authenticity of the source.

5. Prioritize self-care: Engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Taking care of one’s mental and physical well-being helps maintain focus and reduces the impact of distractions.

See also  Rick Rule Dissects the Truth About Silver's Actual Worth in Surprising Revelation of Its Price Forecast.

As the world continues to be reconfigured, it is crucial to navigate the distractions that come our way. By being mindful and intentional about our choices, we can stay focused on what truly matters, both individually and collectively.

Truth about Gold
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  1. Foo Shampoo

    Single spending item bills. This is their job and what theybare supposed to be doing. But the WEF uniparty is doing this on purpose to kill our country either way. But single spending bills would record the votes of everyone.

  2. Rhonda Jeanette

    Thank you for this, i appreciate all your research! ❤

  3. me lol

    Futurism article..hard to read bottom of page…

    Along with our biodiversity, the loss of Earth's magnetic field could alter Earth's auroras,
    known commonly as the Northern and Southern Lights. These beautiful phenomena
    are created when our planet's magnetic field channels charged particles from the sun
    – known as the solar wind – into our planet's upper atmosphere. The solar wind is
    usually deflected by our magnetosphere (the invisible "shell" created by Earth's
    magnetic field), but around the north and south poles, the magnetosphere dips inward
    like a funnel, allowing the solar wind to interact with our upper atmosphere. The result of this interaction are the spectacular, multicolored bands of glowing plasma known as
    Auroras on Earth have been known to shine so brightly, a person could literally read by
    them. But without Earth's magnetic field, our entire upper atmosphere would be
    exposed to the solar wind, completely changing how our auroras might appear – they could even resemble auroras found on Venus and Mars. Since these two planets have no significant magnetic fields, they sometimes have faint, less colorful auroras
    scattered across their night sides. Thus, along with altering our polar skies, the
    disappearance of our magnetic field could forever dampen one of Earth's most
    breathtaking natural wonders.

    4. Cosmic Rays Could Reach Earth's Surface…

    Our magnetic field doesn't just give us beautiful auroras: it keeps us alive. Cosmic rays and the solar wind are harmful to life on Earth, and without the protection of our
    magnetosphere, our planet would be constantly bombarded by a stream of deadly
    particles. The effects of cosmic rays on the body can be pretty terrifying. While on
    lunar missions, for example, astronauts often reported seeing flashes of light when
    they closed their eyes – the direct result of cosmic rays passing through their retinas. A
    few even developed cataracts years later.
    Radiation and cosmic rays are a real concern for NASA, especially when it comes to
    long-term spaceflight. Astronauts on a mission to Mars could undergo up to 1000
    times the exposure to radiation and cosmic rays that they would get on Earth. If
    Earth's magnetic field disappeared, the entire human race – and all of life, in fact –
    would be in serious danger. Cosmic rays would bombard our bodies and could even damage our DNA, increasing worldwide risk of cancer and other illnesses. The flashes of light visible when we close our eyes would be the least of our problems.

    5. Widespread Power Outages and Broken Satellites…..

    Human health is one issue, but without a geomagnetic field, our technology would also
    be at risk. Satellites can and do suffer damage from solar storms, and without Earth's magnetic field, every electronic device could be exposed to high-energy particles from cosmic rays and the solar wind
    In fact, solar activity has caused such problems before. In 1989, a massive solar flare –
    an eruption of super-heated plasma from the surface of the sun – slammed into Earth's
    magnetosphere and knocked out electricity in Quebec, Canada. The power grid for the
    entire province went offline for 12 hours, and other nearby regions scrambled to keep
    their grids working. Some satellites suffered damage, as their delicate electronics
    simply weren't designed to handle a huge solar storm, and many tumbled out of control
    for hours after the flare struck.
    While the Geomagnetic Storm of 1989 was unusually massive, the solar wind is always
    hitting our magnetosphere, even during normal solar activity. If Earth lost its magnetic
    field, there would be no magnetosphere – and no line of defense, even from weaker
    solar storms. Our power grids would be more vulnerable than ever, and even
    our computers and other electronics could suffer damage if a solar storm struck.

    6. Our Atmosphere Could be Stripped Away…

    Perhaps the most horrifying effect of losing Earth's magnetic field might be losing the
    air we breathe – and the solar wind would once again be the culprit. The sun's natural
    wind is so powerful, it can easily rip gasses out of a planet's atmosphere until there is
    little gas left at all. In fact, this likely happened to Mars.Mars was probably once a lot
    like Earth, with oceans of water and a thick atmosphere – but unlike our planet, its
    magnetic field disappeared billions of years ago. It's atmosphere was left totally
    unprotected, causing it to be ripped away into space. Once its atmospheric pressure
    dropped low enough, its water began to evaporate until it too was taken by the solar
    wind. It's quite possible that without our geomagnetic field, our atmosphere, our
    oceans, and life on Earth, could suffer the same terrible fate.

  4. Bruce Robak

    How about a canoe

  5. me lol

    David is it me or am I seeing more severe weather events lately? The alignment dream is sure starting to become most evident and 2024 may well be a horrific weather events situation…im getting lots of foreboding today as I watch the recent flood in New York city just now…the sand storm in the middle east as well..can't recall which country at the moment…the 3 back to back typhoons in Beijing area a few months ago etc… I'm expecting a major major uptick btw in 2024…I have not had this foreboding since that Sumatra event in boxing day..I don't recall the year tho but I had dreams, visions… as did my friend Nova some 6 months before the event happened. I don't like this foreboding st all.. it severely rattles my inner cage infact…

    I dug up the alignment dream for 2024. Btw.. your alignment pic is identical to the dream I had…it blew me away. Im just a nobody little seer but this dream seems very important regardless…

    Dream…Sept 16 2020….alignment….

    Had a very bizarre dream today…. I was with this small group of people who were around their 20's to 30s in age. It was nighttime outside and we were looking up at the stars. There was this straight planetary alignment in the sky. Just then all the planets zoomed up close to me and I noticed most of the planets were closer to the right hand side in the lineup. A few of the planets beside earth were on the left hand side but they were smaller planets in size in regards to all the other planets on the right hand side. Also this straight planetary alignment was not perfectly straight either. Close but not
    exactly straight in its lineup.

    Then the scene changes and while looking at the nighttime sky…. this very tall guy who reminds me of Herman monster of the show 'the monsters' invites us all to his mansion. … in his long black limo infact. When we get to his mansion it is very dark and spooky looking. Also the mansion was long in size too???

    It is still nightime outside too, so very dark outside. Then I get a date 2024. What it means I donno…. only having to do with a celestial star alignment. Then hearing the words repeating to part of a recent song I've been hearing in Spirit the past couple of days. Yup, that song is really stuck in my head
    lately…. why unknown to me. Just a very weird dream btw!

    We're leaving here tonight
    There's no need to tell anyone
    They'd only hold us down
    So by the morning light
    We'll be half way to anywhere
    Where love is more than just your name

    Is this a possibility too… G_d I sure hope not!!!

    In an update of the celestial alignment dream I saw the earth torn up in huge chunks.. and something about the dropping magnetosphere. Could this futurism article scenerio play out in any way?

  6. James Crouch

    When do we start mining the land fills for the silver and gold in the electronics?

  7. drew sykes

    ft. knox is mt. its all a facade

  8. Rita Moore

    And they will throw gold and silver in the streets for lack of things to buy.

  9. Florida50

    Zero visible results in Ukraine……Zero accountability … equals ZERO……

  10. Sky W

    Caterpiller's new diesel engine was made for the BRICS nations.

  11. Wade Ray

    Our lives are a debt slavery all your life has been a lie

  12. Undercover Bird

    What good is gold if humanity is gone? Just asking. My body and mind are more precious. Money was invented to control people in my opinion.

  13. jester

    This country is so incredibly poor i think we have to accept facing starvation deaths at a shocking point.

  14. Ollie Hoover

    The math?

    Interesting but how can you have a gold backed currency when China to have just enough to cover their own economy would need about 145 times the gold they have at current prices.  Or roughly $285,505 per oz at current holdings.

    US gold reserves to cover the us economy would require a ounce to be about $102,692.

    A gold backed currency is a pipedream. The cost of a computer with the gold used in it at just US cost would be at least $1016 for breakeven for the gold alone.

  15. Boss Dog

    US definitely needs to revise the way bills are passed. There should be NO tacking on, onto bills.

  16. Talawanda

    I think its very simple as to why ancient civilizations suddenly advanced and then poof they are gone… I think the sun activates all dormant powers at the end cycles and abilities such as telepathy, flying you name it and then after a short period there is a window in which the soul has to leave the planet, and if it can't do that the game ends after a certain period and there is a extinction event regardless. So i think we are close to this event less than two years tops.

  17. jerome elston

    Thank you David. Very valuable information.

  18. Kathy Clem

    Some of the alien story's about gold kinda make sense doesn't it?!!!

  19. Hank Kuya

    Gold, silver, copper & lead (pew pew)

  20. Hank Kuya

    Blips of history I would think they are magnetic resets= mud floods

  21. Melvin Quinones

    Thanks for the update and warning on the crop freeze.

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