Nuveen’s Saira Malik predicts that a recession is inevitable, not just a possibility.

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Recession News | 22 comments

Nuveen’s Saira Malik predicts that a recession is inevitable, not just a possibility.

Saira Malik, Nuveen chief investment officer, joins ‘Closing Bell: Overtime’ to discuss the bank stock rebound and the cool CPI report, and what both mean for the market. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

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BREAKING: Recession News


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The possibility of a recession in the near future is becoming increasingly likely, according to Nuveen’s Chief Investment Officer, Saira Malik. She stated that it is no longer a matter of if but rather when the next recession will hit the global markets.

The stock market has been on a prolonged bull run for the last decade with slight corrections like the one that happened in December 2018. However, the global economy is currently showing signs of a potential downturn. Several factors such as trade tensions between the US and China, Brexit, and geopolitical risks in emerging markets like Venezuela and Iran have led investors to become cautious.

The yield curve, which measures the difference between long-term and short-term rates, has inverted previously, leading to recessions. Recent data from the US Treasury has shown an incoming inversion in the yield curve with yields on 10-year bonds going lower than yields on three-month Treasury bills. This phenomenon has historically preceded economic contractions.

See also  The Events of an Economic Recession

Malik suggested that investors should prepare by reducing their risk levels and broadening their portfolios to include more assets that typically perform well during turbulent times like bonds.

Nuveen, which is owned by TIAA-CREF, is among many asset managers that have warned their clients to prepare for an upcoming recession. The firm manages approximately $970 billion in assets and is known for its fixed-income business that focuses primarily on municipal bonds.

Malik acknowledged that a recession is an opportunity to make good investment decisions as companies often reevaluate their operations and cut costs during such times. However, she emphasized the importance of caution as a recession can have substantial negative effects on employment, growth, and investments.

In conclusion, the possibility of a global recession is becoming more and more likely as the yield curve inverts and global economic risks increase. Investors should take steps to reduce risk and broaden their portfolios to prepare for the upcoming recession.

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  1. Braxton Horton

    With the way the market is moving, we'll mostly hold for longer than 2030 to realize profit gain, I think a video on "How to profit from the present market" will be more effective, I mean I've heard of people making upto 250K within few months and I'd like to know how.

  2. lissawhitney

    We’ve been in a recession for over half a year you idiots

  3. JBartlySnr

    The only thing you can do is make sure you're ready and plan accordingly because recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle. I began my career during a recession (2009). So I can well say the depression and anxiety has barely started, brace yourself and do not go selling valuable assets because of a little dip

  4. Ryan Helmer

    Monday eve & Tuesday morn.

  5. infocrypt

    There is one man to blame here, Fauci. His biological weapons sponsorship was the catalyst of all bad things that followed. Prosecute Fauci.

  6. Kayla Wood

    At this point, I think even Powell is out of possible options. What citizens need to hear at this point is that there's light at the end of the tunnel. The inflation won't be a run-away phenomenon. If you have money, buy stocks, bonds, real estate. I have myself made more than $84k on a $100k investing since this year alone. So let's remember the economy always recovers.

  7. CBZ323

    Nuveen? Why are they interviewing a body lotion brand on the topic of recession?

  8. MakeDredd2

    Recession was always a when since 2015. But the lies just kept going longer than expected.

  9. joachimlindback

    Fiscal driven inflation in an ice cold economy.

  10. G.T. Richardson

    How about she worries more about nuveens various state muni funds that have done crap

  11. GZ 1

    Ppl been saying this since 2018 … so lame

  12. Phil Stones

    A perfect storm is brewing in the United States. Inflation, bank collapse, severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, diesel fuel and heating oil shortages, baby formula shortages, available automobile shortages and prices, the price of living place. It's all coming together and it could lead to a real disaster towards the end of this year (or sooner). With inflation currently at about 6%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  13. thisbarb

    Recession risk is now an if and not a when.

  14. Pierre Lamont

    Inflation is the worst thing for the economy! It has to be defeated!

  15. Concerned RN

    Never invest in banks, brokerage firms, nor home builders.

  16. Ari Gutman

    I do not care what anyone says, the risk has always been a when and not an if…

  17. Nastynate1219

    I thought we were in it already, what rock she been under?

  18. Michael

    How can I get more profitable investment in the market? Is this pump shorts getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

  19. Carrivel Crib

    Everyone has been saying recession for the past year and yet… no recession. These same people are gonna be clamoring that they were right if we actually get to a recession in 5 years lol

  20. OsamaBinLadensSecondGirlfriend

    And the trend of pundits and wannabes looking for their 15 minutes going on TV and fearmongering continues.

    The economy is fine, fundamentally strong, and gaining resilience and strength, due to the efforts of ordinary, everyday Americans across the country in a variety of roles. America's best days are ahead of us, not behind.

  21. Roman Rivera

    We’ve been in recession for over six months.

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