October FTDs Still Missing – AMC Tokens, BBBYQ Merger, HYMC Halts! 😂🚀🦋

by | Nov 19, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 16 comments

October FTDs Still Missing – AMC Tokens, BBBYQ Merger, HYMC Halts! 😂🚀🦋

The Future of America’s Economy & Stocks; Due Diligence on EVERYTHING.

Marcel Kalinovic | Boss Blunts; business owner, entrepreneur, investor, connoisseur of blunts & herbs.
Founder of Lit🔥Xchange LLC, Hot Shot Expediting & Logistics LLC, Hot Shot Expediting Inc.

🔥Linkedin: Marcel Kalinovic
🔥Twitter: @BossBlunts1
🔥Reddit: u/bossblunts
🔥Instagram: @bossblunts1

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Credit Default Swaps are up 5,000 % in 2021.

**Dark Pool Use By Top 4 BANK NOW 61.8 %
CBO Admits, inflation and GDP to “surpass its maximum sustainable level”.**

Part 1 of 7

This began as an investigation into the correlations from 2008, 2011, 2013 and 2021 stock market crashed and debt ceiling issues.
It turned into my biggest nightmare and there’s no good outcome. Buy Calls on my therapist… $65 strike price…

As of 8/1/21 we are entering a new debt ceiling crisis with congress on a 6 week vacation, combined with an expired rent moratorium where 6.2 million renters face evictions, the homeowners of said tenant’s houses will likely never receive back-pay for rent owed possibly causing record high bankruptcies akin to 2008 or worse, and without taking this into account, CBO projects a federal budget deficit of $3.0 trillion this year as the economic disruption caused by the 2020–2021 coronavirus pandemic, while the legislation enacted in response continue to boost the deficit (which was large by historical standards even before the pandemic).

In August 2011, during the debt ceiling crisis, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that the federal budget would show a deficit of close to $1.5 trillion, or 9.8 percent of GDP.

See also  Inflation - The CPI Consumer Price Index data came out 7 7% increase vs expected 7.9%

That is nearly 1 percentage point higher than the shortfall recorded in 2010 and almost equal to the deficit posted in 2009, which at 10.0 % of GDP was the highest in nearly 65 years at the time.

At 13.4 % of gross domestic product (GDP), the deficit in 2021 would be the second largest since 1945, exceeded only by the 14.9 % shortfall recorded in 2020.

For the period of economic expansion from the second quarter of 2009 through the fourth quarter of 2019, real GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.3 %.

The CBO estimates from 2011 would be heaven compared to the reality we’re facing, which is a crippled economy and stock market on the verge of collapse. Evidence below;

In 2011 CBO projected the 3 month Treasury bill to be worth 4.4% in 2021.

The actual 3 month Treasury bill rate for July 2021 is worth between 0.01 and 0.06%.

In 2011 the projected 10 year Treasury note bill rate was projected to be 5.4% for 2021

The actual 10 year Treasury note bill rate is 1.24% In July 2021

2nd quarter of 2021 has been a bloodbath in terms of loss of income, savings, and increased expenses for the average American.

Report Released by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Beureau of Economic Analysis, on the Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2021

Personal Income: “Current-dollar personal income decreased $1.32 trillion in the second quarter, or 22.0 percent, in contrast to an increase of $2.33 trillion (revised), or 56.8 percent, in the first quarter of 2021.”

See also  Comprehending Saving, Investment, and Inflation

Americans have lost $2+ TRILLION in savings, Q2 2021 ALONE…….(read more)

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The stock market has been buzzing with a flurry of activity this October, and some crucial developments have left investors scratching their heads. One of the most talked-about topics is the continued absence of FTD’s (failure to deliver) for October, leaving many wondering what the hold-up could be.

For those unfamiliar, FTD’s occur when a seller fails to deliver securities to a buyer within the specified time frame after a trade has been executed. Failure to deliver on time can have serious implications for both the buyer and the seller, and the continued delay in resolving these FTD’s has left many investors concerned.

Adding to the mix of confusion and excitement are some new developments in the market. The announcement of the new #AMC tokens and the #BBBYQ merger has sent shockwaves through the trading community. The #AMC tokens are poised to bring a new level of innovation and excitement to the market, while the #BBBYQ merger has the potential to reshape the landscape of the retail sector.

In addition to these developments, the trading of #HYMC has been halted, leaving investors wondering about the future of this stock. Halted trading can occur for a variety of reasons, and it’s important for investors to stay informed and be prepared for potential market volatility.

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The sheer volume of activity and developments in the market this October has left many investors eagerly awaiting the next move. With so much on the line, it’s crucial for investors to stay informed and be prepared to navigate the market with confidence.

As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the stock market, it’s important to stay informed and be prepared for the unexpected. While the absence of FTD’s for October may be raising eyebrows, the introduction of new tokens and mergers, along with halted trading, serve as a reminder of the dynamic nature of the market.

In conclusion, the stock market is an ever-evolving environment, and October has proven to be no exception. Whether it’s the absence of FTD’s, the introduction of new tokens and mergers, or trading halts, there’s no shortage of excitement and uncertainty. As always, it’s crucial for investors to stay informed, be prepared, and approach the market with a keen eye for opportunity.

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  1. Benbred doe

    They'll pop up in a yr or 2…..n we will be told they investigated n found nothing just like always. At this point I doubt anything in any form of gvmnt is actually investigated. It's all am act on both side of the aisle to do anything to keep the status quo n continue with them all filling their pockets at our expense

  2. psulse

    They refuse to do their job, it's that simple. Which makes them complicit in the criminal acts taking place. Am I wrong?

  3. Robert Helm

    I’m stay long till they admit they were wrong!

  4. TheMcfuzzlez

    I have reported proof of naked shorting by Webull to the SEC years ago, and still nothing has happened.

  5. david gogg

    These people are so compromised it is unbelievable, we need some kind of MAJOR action bringing all this crooked behavior into the light?

  6. Patrick O'Neill

    They failed to provide FTDS because theres an active investigation/ Litigation opened. Freedom of information request was sent and theres 591 pages on ACM/GME. This is the news we wanted to hear. Hopefully they actually act on it now.

  7. Scott Mcmillan

    Marcelo, how can we get this FTD info over to Speaker Mike Johnson? I

  8. VivaChe83

    Paying them more? They shouldn't of tooken that oath in the first place. The people finally taking into their own hands to serve justice is how the shit gets fixed. Republican n Democrat party are both shit. Times up Bitches! Hold them all accountable.

  9. jungcarlgustav

    It must have cost MMs dearly to stop the run from 8/28 to 9/5, 11 to 13.50+ per share. Those dates, plus 35 days, is the first half of October. Those are the missing FTD data dates. I say MMs because they would be the ones claiming locates and benefiting from the T35 rule. But what if these locates were not real? Then the FTD data would necessarily be published after those 35 days. We were owed a rally from 11 to 25-40ish in early September and we were robbed. Now they wont even tell us what it cost MMs to rob us. BS. I pray it is because competent government agencies are investigating naked shorting during that time. I averaged down then! September 28th or so. Many people did. We were robbed blind.

  10. CarHeart

    They’re all crooks!!!

  11. John Fisher

    I find it nothing short of incredible how finra or any other governing body has not responded to the Ftd debacle . These hedges have a complete free run and continually piss on retail with no accountability. Amazing

  12. Paula Jacobs

    I’m still holding amc three years now. So glad I found you and your knowledge. You keep me calm lol

  13. Lk

    Boss thank you for the update. Stay Ape Strong!

  14. Dan Torres

    the gov is in on the take down

  15. Jay 777

    Yep sounds about right they don’t give 2 fuks. They do whatever they want to not lose any money. I just continue to buy

  16. m_ c_

    good things!

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