Officially, Germany Falls Into Recession.

by | Jun 5, 2023 | Recession News

The German economy was in recession in early 2023 after household spending in Europe’s economic engine finally succumbed to the pressure of high inflation.

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Germany, one of the biggest economies in the world, has officially entered into a recession. The country’s economy has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a drop in exports and investments being the main factors behind the decline.

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of the year shrank by 10.1%, the biggest contraction since quarterly GDP calculations began in 1970. This follows a 2.2% drop in the first quarter, officially putting the country into a recession.

The German government had been anticipating the downturn as the country went into lockdown to contain the spread of the coronavirus. The manufacturing and export sectors, which are critical to the German economy, were particularly affected by the pandemic as global supply chains were disrupted.

The decline in German GDP is also a reflection of the damage the pandemic has caused to the global economy, with other major economies such as the United States and Japan also entering into a recession.

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The German government has implemented a range of measures to support the economy, including a €130 billion rescue package announced in June. The package provides support for small and medium-sized businesses, stimulus measures, and investment in infrastructure.

Despite this, there are concerns about the lasting impact of the recession on the German economy, particularly with the ongoing uncertainty around the pandemic. The German government has warned that it is likely that the country may see continued economic decline in the third quarter of the year, but hopes the worst of the crisis is now over.

The recession in Germany is also a reminder of the need for global cooperation to address the economic impact of the pandemic. Countries around the world are grappling with similar challenges and will need to work together to create a sustainable recovery.

In conclusion, it is clear that Germany, like many other countries, has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the government has implemented measures to support the economy, the impact of the recession will be felt for some time. It is critical that all countries work together to address the economic challenges posed by the pandemic and focus on creating a sustainable recovery for all.

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