Ongoing Demonstrations Persist in France over Pension Reform

by | Apr 27, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 30 comments

Demonstrators in Paris are continuing to protest against French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to raise the legal age of retirement from 62 to 64. Strong opposition to the law followed the government’s decision to push it through Parliament without a vote.

On Friday, the Constitutional Council is expected to rule on whether increasing the retirement age is in line with the country’s constitutional rules, according to Reuters.

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France has been witnessing widespread protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s proposed pension reform for months now. The proposed reform seeks to unify France’s current 42 pension schemes into a single, points-based system, which will replace the current system where pensions are calculated based on high wages.

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The proposal has met with strong criticism and opposition from trade unions and the public, who believe that the new system would lead to longer working hours, lower pensions, and increased taxes. The protesters argue that the reform would unfairly hit public sector workers, particularly teachers, police officers, and railway workers, as they would have to work longer to gain the same pension benefits.

The protests started in December 2019, and since then, there has been no respite for the Macron government as demonstrations continue to grow in size and intensity. The demonstrations have caused widespread disruption across the country, with transport and public services being severely affected.

The protests have also seen instances of violence and clashes between the police and the demonstrators, leading to hundreds of arrests and injuries. The government has been accused of using excessive force against the protesters and violating their right to peaceful assembly.

Despite the opposition, President Macron has insisted that the pension reform is essential to modernize the country’s pension system and ensure its long-term sustainability. He has argued that the current system is too complex, fragmented and favors certain groups, particularly those who work in the public sector.

The French government has also tried to ease the concerns of the protesting unions and workers by proposing some concessions, such as delaying the implementation of the reform, but these have failed to convince the unions to end their protests.

The protests have also become a political issue, with opposition parties criticizing the government’s handling of the situation and calling for the pension reform to be scrapped. The political fallout from the protests could have wider implications for the Macron government, as it seeks to push through other reforms, including labor market and tax reforms.

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In conclusion, the protests against the pension reform in France are unlikely to abate anytime soon, as the government and the unions remain deadlocked in their positions. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has added to the stress and uncertainty for the French people. The issue of pension reform is of great importance to France, and the resolution of this crisis could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s future.

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  1. Rose Di Panfilo

    Keep on believing . You have on this fight. We as canadians will learn from you in what these means to fight all politician tyrants

  2. Жанка

    Impostor must be punished for crimes against God's son…

  3. Dee Ann

    Seniors may be doing the same one day In America when our SS that we paid into while working gets the boot. Be careful how you vote or it will happen. Seniors vote Dem if you want your DD from SS to continue.

  4. The Spartan

    When is France going to pay back all the trillions and billions and millions of dollars they looted from French Guiana, Vietnam and Algeria ???

  5. Black smith

    Et on lâchera pas, surtout pas face à ce président imbu de lui même, et surtout pas face à cette réforme injuste.
    Et en tant que manifestant de la première heure vos messages de soutiens me touche beaucoup merci à vous tous. ✊✊

    And we won't let go, especially not in the face of this president full of himself, and especially not in the face of this unfair pension reform.
    And as an early protester, your messages of support touch me a lot, thank you all. ✊✊


    Lutte contre la dictature de Macron avec sa milice violente

  7. Nathalie Bufor

    Ce soir, le petit president mal élu (macron) nous a fait un bla bla…. il s' aime tellement qui pense qu on doit l aimer, le croire…. 100 jours pour apaiser notre colère…ah ah ah… un mec qui s est pris pour Jupiter parle des 100 prochains jour… pourvu qu il se prenne pour Napoléon 1er et qu il dégage après ces 100 jours…au pire car le peuple français ne va pas se soumettre. J' espère que le 1er mai 2023 sera le plus grand et le plus magique dans tous les pays… les peuples d Europe doivent s unir pour arrêter des politiques qui appauvrissent chacun de nous….pour que d autres s enrichissent encore et encore et qui imposent à tous les travailleurs de travailler toujours plus…Son discours est aucunement une volonté d être le président des français mais celui des financiers et des plus riches. NON A CETTE RÉFORME !!!!@

  8. steven s

    The government does not care how many protests. The French have been protests ever since Macron in power. As long as police and security forces in loyalty to him, there will be no change.

  9. RRR R

    There are still authoritarian or dictatorial regimes today, most of them located on the African and Asian continents, but now it is Europe with France and Macron that are considered dictatorships.

  10. RRR R

    There are still authoritarian or dictatorial regimes today, most of them located on the African and Asian continents, but now it is Europe with France and Macron that are considered dictatorships.

  11. fizzball 3


  12. M.A. M.R.


  13. Tray Vanderbilt

    Something is wrong when the voice of one person or the voices of just a handful of people outweigh the voices of thousands or better yet millions!

  14. Alex Humble

    French people came to the streets because they are indignant with the retirement reform which Macaron pushed detouring parliament. Why did they voted for him electing him the President several years ago? They apparently had no idea what kind of person he was. Now they are disappointed in their own choice. Each people is worthy of its own government. In this particular case French people demonstrate before the world how stupid they are, a huge crowd of idiots. I have no pity on them. Let fools pay for their own stupidity. And of course, no power must be given to such stupid people that cannot elect an appropriate government, but only able to run in the streets demonstrating their opposition. How such a people can be respected? Macaron is right treating them as cattle.

  15. MIke LoBosco

    Moron is no different than our LOSER IN THE WH

  16. A Quick Story

    then they all go to bed.

  17. Sounthala Xiong

    It seem it going to burn fire

  18. Inglesemente

    Left wing working class people showing their true violent inclinations.

  19. Ernesto Martinez

    Guess, France is doing what the United States did, raise the retirement age from 50,to 55,to 60,to 62,to65,going on 70. Government wants you to DIE BEFORE YOU CAN COLLECT YOUR RETIREMENT, THEY'LL KEEP YOUR MONEY, YOUR CHILDREN GET NOTHING. DEMOCRATS AND RINOS, AREN'T STUPID, THEY'RE DEVIOUS.

  20. marcos santos

    Its a false Democracy. They treat us like slaves and do whatever they want with us…

  21. Kathy Bryla

    Why not america and candaians not doing the same

  22. shirley Haugaard

    Exactly how do these people expect these pensions to be paid for ? The demographics are not on their side.

  23. The Last Pinster

    Stop relying on The French and start going to rallies in your own countries if you want any chance of all this coming to an end..

  24. Жанка

    Impostor Anti-christ Macron must be arrested and punished for crimes against me !
    I'm King Jesus ,the son of God.
    I'm Joan of Arc !
    France is me !
    I'm France!
    Joe Biden is my father!
    Saint Joseph is my father!
    Kulimhan is my mother Mary !
    My Father Joe Biden!
    I have no one dearer than you!
    But you surrounded by our enemies!
    Don't listen them!
    Impostor Hanter is not your son.
    He is an impostor Anti-christ,!
    You must punish this enemy!
    My dad Joe Biden!
    My saint Joseph!
    I brought you to the presidency and I am doing everything to raise your raiting!
    And these dangerous enemies are doing everything to drop your raiting and trust among Americans!
    They are don't care about !
    It's time to stop it.
    I'm outraged!
    I'm very angry!
    You should only listen to me !
    My Dad Joe Biden!
    You must protect and save me, your poor lonely child and not other people's children soulles, impudent monsters Hitler Youth and other people's families!
    I have no other mother but my mother Kulimhan ( Mary , the mother of Jesus).
    I'm only true God's son King Jesus!
    You are my father Saint Joseph!
    My holy Mother
    Kulimhan is your wife.
    The whole world should pray
    " In the name of Father and son"!
    That is , in the name of Joe's Father and his child Jan
    ( Jesus-Joan of Arc, that is me ).
    Don't pray for anyone else!
    They are impostors- thieves!
    Our enemies!
    This world is up to me !
    I am pure and pure as a child!
    My Father Joe!.Do not trust our enemies who surrounded you!
    I am a Virgin.
    Any medical institution can confirm this!
    Without this, the miracles that I perform would not be possible!
    You must arrest and punish my enemies-liars!
    Stop slandering and demonizing me immediately, crazy monsters-satanists-Islamists !
    You will be punished if you continue to support worldly evil and hidden crimes against me .
    The Era of criminal dishonest inhuman impostors-satanists is over.
    Hands off my parents!
    Hands off me !
    I'm only true God

  25. Echo Oscar

    Something has to be done about Macron.

  26. Jacques Brown

    Why protest? do not do it why not make unknown weapons and just stand and talk to those who make laws well tell them you will not listen to that company anymore it comes down to the people if they want to hurt you or not when I see people getting weapons and trying to hurt you it's not good somehow you need to defend yourself not just by word. How come they can raise their hands while holding something to hurt you? Does not seem right, why destroy buildings? it's not good as well. Do things the correct way.

  27. Dream Catcher

    We are pulling for you France !!! Keep fighting for your rights !!! From a friend in America ❤

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