OPERS Essentials: Full and Partial Benefits

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Spousal IRA | 1 comment

OPERS Essentials: Full and Partial Benefits

In this edition of OPERS Essentials, we examine the difference between unreduced and reduced benefits….(read more)




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OPERS, or the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, offers a range of benefits to its members, including unreduced and reduced benefits. Understanding the differences between these two types of benefits is essential for public employees who are planning for their retirement.

Unreduced benefits are available to OPERS members who meet certain eligibility requirements. These benefits are not reduced based on the member’s age at the time of retirement. Instead, they are calculated based on a formula that takes into account the member’s average monthly salary and years of service. In order to qualify for unreduced benefits, a member must meet the Rule of 88, which means that their age and years of service must add up to at least 88. For example, a member who is 60 years old and has worked for OPERS for 28 years would meet the Rule of 88 and be eligible for unreduced benefits.

On the other hand, reduced benefits are available to members who do not meet the Rule of 88 but still wish to retire before they reach the age of eligibility for unreduced benefits. These benefits are calculated using the same formula as unreduced benefits, but they are reduced based on the member’s age at the time of retirement. The earlier a member chooses to retire, the greater the reduction in benefits. For example, a member who retires at age 55 with 25 years of service would see a larger reduction in benefits than a member who retires at age 62 with the same years of service.

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It is important for OPERS members to carefully consider their options when it comes to choosing between unreduced and reduced benefits. While unreduced benefits offer a higher monthly payment, they require members to meet the Rule of 88, which may not be possible for everyone. On the other hand, reduced benefits allow members to retire earlier but come with a reduction in monthly payments. Members should evaluate their individual financial situation, retirement goals, and life expectancy before making a decision.

In addition to unreduced and reduced benefits, OPERS also offers a range of other benefits to its members, including health care coverage, survivor benefits, and disability benefits. Members should take the time to explore all of their options and seek guidance from OPERS representatives or financial advisors to ensure that they make informed decisions about their retirement benefits.

In conclusion, OPERS Essentials: Unreduced/Reduced Benefits are an important aspect of retirement planning for public employees in Ohio. By understanding the differences between these two types of benefits and carefully weighing their options, members can make informed decisions that will help them achieve a secure and comfortable retirement.

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1 Comment

  1. @roydavis4062

    How do I buy back 2 years of service to retire earlier.

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