Our World’s First Food to Disappear: A Result of Choices

by | Aug 8, 2023 | Silver IRA | 35 comments

Our World’s First Food to Disappear: A Result of Choices

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Food, energy and economy, its all changing, but are there other alternatives that can be explored?

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Choices Made For Our World – Food Disappears First

In a world that is rapidly changing and facing numerous challenges, one thing remains indisputable – food is essential for our existence. However, the choices we make collectively as a society have a direct impact on the availability and accessibility of food. Unfortunately, it seems that food is disappearing faster than ever before.

There are several factors contributing to the dwindling supplies of food worldwide. One of the major issues is the ever-growing global population. With an estimated 7.9 billion people inhabiting the planet, demands for food have skyrocketed. The need for adequate nutrition is a fundamental human right, but meeting this requirement for billions of individuals is no easy task.

Another factor behind the disappearing food is climate change. Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, have become increasingly frequent due to global warming. These events wreak havoc on agricultural productivity, destroying crops and reducing yields. The changing climate patterns also disrupt traditional growing seasons, making it more challenging to cultivate certain crops in specific regions.

Land degradation is also a significant contributor to the food crisis. As human activities intensify, ecosystems are being exploited, leading to soil erosion, degradation, and deforestation. The conversion of valuable agricultural land into industrial, residential, or commercial areas further diminishes the available space for cultivating crops. This results in decreased food production and availability.

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Additionally, poor agricultural practices and food waste exacerbate the food scarcity issue. In many parts of the world, outdated farming methods and limited access to modern technology hinder farmers from realizing their full potential. The inefficient use of fertilizers, pesticides, and water further degrades soil quality and affects crop yields. Furthermore, inadequate storage and transportation facilities lead to significant post-harvest losses, leaving less food available for consumption.

Moreover, unhealthy dietary patterns, in the form of excessive consumption of processed foods and meat, coupled with a decline in the intake of fruits and vegetables, contribute to food disappearing from our shelves. These dietary choices not only impact individual health but also strain the agricultural system. Producing meat requires significantly more resources and land compared to plant-based alternatives. By choosing more sustainable and balanced diets, we can ease the demand on our already stretched global food supply.

To address these challenges, it is crucial to promote sustainable agricultural practices and invest in research and innovation. Encouraging farmers to adopt eco-friendly techniques, such as organic farming, precision agriculture, and agroforestry, can help restore soil health and reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Embracing technological advancements, such as vertical farming and hydroponics, can enable us to cultivate more food in limited spaces.

Furthermore, reducing food waste should be a priority. Educating consumers about the importance of reducing food waste and providing incentives for businesses to limit wastage can significantly impact food availability. Additionally, implementing proper storage and transportation systems, especially in developing countries, will also help mitigate post-harvest losses.

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At the individual level, we can make conscious choices when it comes to our diets and consumption habits. Opting for a plant-based diet, reducing food waste, and supporting local and sustainable food production are all impactful steps that we can take towards preserving our food resources. Educating ourselves and others on the importance of sustainable food choices can create a ripple effect, raising awareness and encouraging positive change.

In conclusion, the choices we make collectively as a society have a profound effect on the availability and accessibility of food. Population growth, climate change, land degradation, poor agricultural practices, and unhealthy dietary patterns all contribute to the disappearance of food from our world. By adopting sustainable practices, reducing food waste, and making conscious dietary choices, we can help ensure that food remains plentiful for generations to come. It is imperative that we act now to safeguard the future of our food and the well-being of our planet.

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  1. jason henn

    1 rabbit couple produce 600 lbs yr

  2. Jesus

    No humans no need for power .that's the real plan while those that planned it hide in their underground cities.

  3. Terry Bench

    Excellent video

  4. M. J. Lee

    Rev 2:10, 13:15-18, 14:9-10. Matthew 24:37-40
    [37]But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    [38]For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
    [39]And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    [40]Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

  5. M. J. Lee


    2 Esdras 15:10-11
    [10]Beholde, my people is ledde as a flocke to the slaughter: I wil not suffer them now to dwel in the land of Egypt.
    [11]But I will bring them with a mighty hand, and a stretched out arme, and smite Egypt with plagues as before, and wil destroy al the land thereof.

  6. Das Reich

    The kind of insanity is PRECISELY why the Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment. Outside of fighting against a tyrannical government, it was designed to protect the people from tyranny from outside of our borders. The WEF and the Bolshevik vermin who run it are our enemy.
    A "Fossil fuels" is a monomer. The only true "fossil fuel" is coal, of which we have an abundance.
    B. Oil and natural gas are being continually produced by the planet.
    C. The science behind modern nuclear power is incredibly clean, efficient, and safe.
    D. Carbon Dioxide s NOT a pollutant. On the contrary it's plant fuel that greens and feeds the planet.

  7. Kingdom's Keys

    We like viewing this channel; because: it allows us to see the dimension of how the "diviners of time" work to take over the earth.

    Watching the cycles of time match the goals of those so rich, they have nothing better to do than to try to control humanity and steal the earth from God is something to see.

    In their self-righteous filth – dirty rags, they say they are helping humanity, but in reality, they are wanting to harvest humanity for profit.

    Observers of time are scientists; but, the diviners of time are manipulators using cycles to control man.

    There is nothing more scary that a manipulator that is rich to use time to do their own bidding.

    That's why we like David's gift to "see" between the sentences offered to the public here on this channel. It allows many to see and be prepared for the next move of the elite to attempt to STEAL the earth from God.

  8. F Web

    We need more carbon! Not less

  9. cornstar

    Grow grass. Feed ruminants and then eat them. They also produce fertilizer naturally to replenish the soil.Wasting so much land to grow lettuce and nuts is ridiculous.

  10. Stacy B

    Where in us states is good to move? Texas? Maine? Florida?

  11. Stacy B

    Is there anywhere to move to get away from the r3set?

  12. JJV Homestead Study

    My family eats a lot of seafood. We could eat out weight in oysters. I still hold commercial fishing license but haven't fished for income in several years. The disparities between dock prices versus the supermarket price are ridiculous.


    Truth, does it hurt…

  14. Coach Men

    I don't understand why there's such a massive objection to the idea of iron fertilizing the oceans it's not like we don't already screw with the oceans.

  15. Dfreak01

    Here I thought that plants took in CO2 and gave off oxygen.

  16. Jersey dot com

    Very fascinating. While China invests in Africa, we, the world is asked and expected to send food and money to feed all the starving people in Africa.

    Why doesn't something add up here?

    Let China start feeding them instead of starving them?

  17. Lil Farm in the Midwest

    Interesting map location of wind & solar acreage. I know it's not intended to be the "location" . But throughout the Midwest energy companies are buying up cropland to install solar fields. It is getting ridiculous and people are being sucked in by the big dollars.

  18. Judy Goodson

    Greetings fellow occupiers of the 3rd rock from the sun. @7:14 in vid going from CO2 to Carbonit, I point to geologic history… when inbalanced happened, the oceans rolled over (ie methane bubbles). The amount of pumping CO2 underground is dangerous when we need it to grow FOOD!
    I can see decades ahead where displacement of lighter natural hazardous gases (radon) will be an issue.

  19. Paul Slevinsky

    Damn you got me with the image of that boat hovering over that underwater shelf. I bet it was phenomenal diving!!!

    I live a few hundred yards from the St Lawrence Seaway. The Great Lakes system was contaminated with zebra mussels several decades ago. They certainly have some affect the CO2 output of North America….and I'm sure our (one world) governments don't take that into account.

  20. James Crouch

    Birds. Eggshells. Calcium CARBONATE. Nitrogen rich droppings .

  21. Cris servin

    I remember in 20 Thousand Leagues under the Sea. As they ate dinner entire meal was from the sea

  22. James Lee-Pevenhull

    Edible vegetables take in CO2. Get you fingers out, Africa.
    Mind you, CO2 is not the problem. The sun's magnetosphere is the problem. Sorry people, can't be fixed. Adapt or die.

  23. Northern Warrior

    Why suggest a solution for something that’s a fraud in the first place? CO2 is not a problem. The lying psychopaths are.

  24. Wayne Thiessen

    Never thought of that, lol. Thanks Double D.

  25. Taco Bannana

    David i live in eastern nebraska do you think it will be okay to stay here for crops and climate during all of this? Just wondering if you have an opinion on geographic safer zones vs more unsafe areas. Thinking about purchasing some land. Thanks again!

  26. Taco Bannana

    Any news on the pole shifts? Anything we should worry about with that? It's got me more nervous than even nuclear war. Thanks again for all you do.

  27. Sharon O.

    I like the moose picture, I found the artist online and I'm ordering it. Thank you.

  28. Chat Noir

    At least people won't need to be worried about EMF frequencies any more. Considering there won't be any electricity to power anything.

  29. Sapphire Barnett

    Why are we not using the power of the oceans to produce power???


    Shellfish are largely contaminated with toxins/chems. Might not be the cleanest food source.

  31. Paula Raegram

    many folk are allergic to shellfish

  32. Florest

    Giant ice storms inbound

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