Paris BlackRock Building Witness Protesters Over Pension Reform

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 30 comments

Dozens of trade unionists railing against French President Emmanuel Macron’s pension overhaul briefly invaded the central Paris building in which U.S.-based investment firm BlackRock has an office, chanting slogans and setting off firecrackers.

The union action in the historical Centorial building near Paris’ Grand Boulevards area, targetted BlackRock because of its private pension fund activity, protester Françoise Onic, 51, told Reuters.

The action came on an 11th day of nationwide union-organised strikes and demonstrations against the government’s plan to increase the retirement age by two years to 64.

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A group of protesters in Paris recently invaded the BlackRock building to demand pension reform. The protestors stormed the headquarters of the world’s largest asset manager, which has repeatedly supported pension reforms in France.

BlackRock’s building was occupied by dozens of members of the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), an influential French trade union. The CGT is demanding the government make pension reform concessions, as well as more support for workers impacted by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The protesters arrived outside the BlackRock building in the early hours of the morning and scaled its exterior walls before entering the premises. Once inside, they displayed banners and posters, banged drums and chanted slogans aimed at the asset manager.

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The CGT accuses BlackRock of pressuring the French government to raise the retirement age to 64 and to switch to a points-based system for calculating pensions. This would affect millions of French workers who already face an uncertain future due to the pandemic.

BlackRock has strongly denied the allegations, pointing out that pension reform is a complex issue that requires collaboration between the government, employers and workers’ representatives. The firm has also stressed it is committed to social responsibility, including sustainable and responsible investment.

The protest at the BlackRock building highlights the growing frustration among French workers and trade unions with the government’s pension reform agenda. French President Emmanuel Macron promised comprehensive reform of the country’s pension system during his election campaign, but the proposed changes have faced fierce opposition and have remained unchanged.

The CGT and other trade unions are demanding a more generous pension system that recognizes the contributions workers have made throughout their careers. They are also calling for increased support for workers who have lost their jobs or seen their income fall due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

The BlackRock protest shows how pension reform has become a highly controversial issue that is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. As French workers and trade unions demand more protection and support in the wake of the pandemic, the government will need to work harder to find a solution that satisfies all stakeholders.

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  1. Andy Alvarez

    This needs to happen more often everywhere.

  2. Aido

    “Invade”? it’s there home… black rock invaded

  3. Mitzi EVO


  4. Peter Foster

    What gives the prime minister the authority of the legislature to modify the pension plan

  5. alec cap

    You write on here. And no one replies, that's being very disrespectful for those making an effort to post

  6. Zurda Guerrilla

    Ni bloque negro ni leche blanca. Por fin, la gente se levanta para exigir los pocos derechos que les quedan. Tenia que ser en Francia!

  7. Ballowall

    And this, my fellow Americans, is why the French have nicer things than we do. Look it up.

  8. StapleChipz

    In France they act like this is a problem but in America our retirement age is : death.

  9. Ben

    Poor, little BlackRock. They should be broken into a trillion pieces.

  10. The Lone Wolf


  11. Calou

    nice to see the people fight the capital

  12. _mynewcareer

    Antisemitic protestors !

  13. Hugh Spalding

    Humanity against global federation when are we going global its all going to start with strikes as we need the money to live ,despite what the co – -ordinated governments of the world tell you close youre ears to theyre lies ,wheres Sunak thought he was a prime minister . Why didnt he stop the energy rise ,i have now got to assume he is part of inflation and rises now he sits back and watches the uk destroy itself and all be cause we got words we did not get things done only hot air nothing has changed as our situation worsens .

  14. Wally Paige

    I am glad. There leader is a TRAITOR. I hope this happens in Canada. Truedue is another terrorist. CANADA STAND WITH THE PROTESTERS. GLAD YOU WENT AFTER BLACKROCK. HOPE AMERICA SEE THIS

  15. Shoop

    burn it

  16. simon clarke

    Straight to the heart

  17. tv

    Find out where Larry lives?

  18. Mr Holmgren

    Love it France!

  19. Doug Mckay

    Black rock is a predatory company that waits until someone defaults on their mortgage, then swoops in and buys out the remaining debt. Then rents out the house for over price rent.

  20. Tony Wilkinson

    Down with the WEF,no more globalists.

  21. Al Jones

    So the people have finally figured out who the evil Globalists are and no longer want to be enslaved by Blackrock and the WEF

  22. Claire Lynch

    This all goes deeper than pensions when it comes to Blackrock. They are buying up entire streets of housing worldwide, to force people out of home ownership and into rental only. They also plan to take hold of owned homes. Apparently you can be forced out of your owned home if the government declares it an emergency. Legislation will be changed around the world to fit the W.E.F narrative – 'own nothing and be happy'. We all need to rise. The French are proving to be amazing role models ❤

  23. Ken Paduch

    Justin is a bum

  24. Mister Mister

    Now they need to Mussolini Macron


    Red Star return !!!!

  26. Paul A

    Honestly, Canada and the US lose any right to make surrender jokes about France at this point

  27. Pietro Maximov

    Everyone is laughing and having fun, until the protesters pull out the guillotines.

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