Part 1 of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s Remarks on the Failure of Silicon Valley Bank

by | May 11, 2023 | Bank Failures | 30 comments

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that the federal government will not provide a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank’s investors…(read more)


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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently made headlines as she spoke out about the recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank, a San Francisco-based bank that primarily served startups and venture capitalists in the tech industry. Yellen’s comments shed light on the potential risks that arise when banks become too heavily reliant on a single industry or market.

In her comments, Yellen noted that the failure of Silicon Valley Bank was not necessarily indicative of a broader problem in the tech industry. Instead, she pointed out that the bank had become too heavily concentrated in the tech sector, leaving it vulnerable to any downturns in that market.

This point highlights a key risk that many banks face as they seek to capitalize on booming industries. While it can be tempting to focus on hot markets and revenue streams, this approach can leave banks exposed to risk if those markets cool or experience a downturn.

Silicon Valley Bank’s failure also highlights the importance of prudent risk management in the banking industry. In particular, Yellen’s comments suggest that regulators and banks themselves need to be vigilant in assessing whether a bank’s concentration in a particular industry poses risks to the broader financial system.

Whether or not regulators take this warning to heart remains to be seen. However, Yellen’s insights offer a valuable reminder of the potential dangers of putting all your eggs in one basket – in this case, the tech industry – when it comes to financial investments and risk management.

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  1. Radioactive Banana

    So Janet will you be discussing the fact that SVB was laundering money from drugs and human trafficking from out of New Hampshire politicians and corp owners? See Mike Gill and his investgation into SVB and New Hampshire and it goes all the way to the Federal reserve. An upcoming investigation into New Hampshire and corruption with lots of offshore accounts found in the Panama Papers is coming soon. Someone tipped off SVB and in 10 hours 42 billion was taken out of the bank by depositors. Weeks before SVB bank leaders sold stock. SHUT THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND CENTRAL BANKS and arrest all laundering money. Especially Deutsche Bank and BOA and wells fargo and Chase Manhattan and Jp Morgan! They know all big banks are making big bucks laundering money from drugs weapons and child trafficking. Time for bankers to be imprisoned for aiding drugs that kill our children. Janet's a lying POS!

  2. M G

    She is beyond f**** incompetent.

  3. Vintage Motorcycle Repair

    She's one of the dumbest people in the world.
    Lies fly off her tongue as if greased.

  4. James Dyer

    Fire Yellen!!!

  5. J M

    PURE incompetence….a fool

  6. Tim J.

    Yellen has failed the American people with an unstable treasury. Time for her and Joe B. to be fired!!
    Everything the Biden administration touches turns to SH*T . . . God help us all !

  7. Bran Stark

    Thieves and crooks

  8. Flight Risk

    Please madam. India hopes you will bailout SVB, India thanks you. Kamala Harris family will thank you from the bottom of their hearts in Gujurat. Bombay will thank you all the way to the call centers in Bengalore who are funded by Silicon Valley and collect Amazon gift cards from retirees. India loves you. India loves American money. India say America bank number 1. Use taxpayer money its ok, India will thank you madam

  9. Daily Bread

    We heard these lies before!!!!

  10. A K

    This woman is pre-dementia based on how she speaks and looks. Why is she in office???

  11. Welco

    Yellen will burn in hell

  12. Upside Down Turtle

    this jew hates americans, everything she says is a lie

  13. Hybin 17


  14. Daniel Anderson

    Pretty sure this is the same lady(as Fed Chairman) that told us in ‘06/‘07 sub prime mortgage market was “contained.” I don’t trust any of her insight.

  15. Moore

    The Feds will not provide a bailout for SVB, just earlier this week SVB said that in order to make good on those withdrawals, it had to sell part of its bond holdings at a steep loss of $1.8 billion. Bonds and stocks have been hammered since last year, as the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates aggressively, and SVB also noted it wanted to pare down its bond portfolio to avoid further losses. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  16. Phillip DeMoss

    Looks like Yellen lied. SVB is receiving the very definition of a bailout. This will just cause more inflation. Poorly positioned banks and their irresponsible leadership will be rewarded for their bad behavior while the American middle class and poor struggle with higher prices. Biden is now a one term president.

  17. Alan Harrison

    The Biden Washington administration will bail them out. Because (i) these guys create the algorithms/apps that manipulate public information including censorship and vote rigging to their political advantage. (ii) They create the entertainment animation distractions that blind ordinary people to the excesses of corrupt socialism.

  18. GT500

    Lol Putin just brought the US to its knees, this was just a appetizer , I heard Chase and Citi will be obliterated within 7 days

  19. Tooolip

    'the american banking system is really safe and well capitalized, its resilient' got to love her hopium 'transitory inflation- LOL well when its the highest in 40 year you reckon?' US Treasury bonds still have a AAA rating? jokers

  20. durk diggler

    I thought Bitcoin was supposed to fail before big banks?


    Prayers for those affected, their families, keep your faith strong, and I would love to tell you The Truth from The Holy Bible about what is going on. However, I politely encourage you to read it for yourselves. By The Way, check out Truthunedited and Stephan Darby's sermons to get a deeper understanding for The Life. May YAH bless you, your families, and HALLELUYAH!

  22. David Jackson

    I can not stand hearing her annoying voice. Plus, she lives in a theorical virtual ivory tower ignorant of the what the real world is like. She 'taught' at Berkeley. Nothing more needs to be said.

  23. M.

    165 Billion of dollars in deposits and failed.

  24. MD

    No one wants to “bailout” woke tech.

    Most Americans have had it with woke anything.

    SVB has failed.

    Liquidate, distribute proceeds, move on.

    That’s how it’s supposed to work, and when things work according to the rules…confidence strengthens.

  25. william ryan

    How much money was SVB lending out to scooter share ride start ups, Fancy custom donut shops,Chinese real estate tourists buying up property for AIRBNB operations and fake it till you make schemes which are a dime a dozen in Conman-valley.

  26. Leo A

    So happy for bag holders!

  27. Gifted Green

    I wish Pelosi would stop dying her hair. This is what old ladies are supposed to look like.

  28. unordinaryman

    transitory huh – united states financial collapse starting – dollar decline inevitable – Yellen is full of lies

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