Part 2: Government Adopts New Policy Causing a University Funding Dilemma at Day Break

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 1 comment

Part 2: Government Adopts New Policy Causing a University Funding Dilemma at Day Break

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In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the University funding dilemma in light of the government’s new policy. It has created a stir among universities about how the funding model will impact their operations. The policy proposal will change the current funding model, which provides funding based on student enrollment.

The new funding model will be based on the number of students who graduate from university and secure employment. While the aim of the policy is to encourage universities to focus on providing education that is more relevant to the workforce, it has raised concerns among educators and students alike.

One of the primary concerns is that the new policy focuses too much on employment outcomes and not enough on the education itself. The focus on employment outcomes could lead to universities concentrating on courses that are more job-oriented, rather than those that provide a broader education.

Another concern is that the policy could lead to universities favoring students who are likely to do well in employment rather than those who are the most deserving of higher education.

The policy also raises questions about the government’s ability to accurately measure the employment outcomes of graduates. While it may be easy to track graduates who are employed in the formal sector, it may be more difficult to track those who are self-employed or those who work in the informal sector.

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Finally, the policy may also lead to a shift in the focus of universities from research and innovation to purely teaching and helping students secure jobs. This could have a significant impact on the development of new technologies and ideas that drive economic growth.

In conclusion, while the new policy proposal has the potential to encourage universities to focus on providing education that is more relevant to the workforce, it also raises significant concerns about the potential shift in focus, the ability to measure outcomes accurately, and the impact on research and innovation. Ultimately, it will be important for universities and policymakers to work together to address these concerns and ensure that any new policies do not compromise the quality of education provided to students.

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1 Comment

  1. Gilai Tarimo

    How can you repay helb yet the education you got have not assisted you get a job.

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