Pentagon Cancels Drag Show: Family-Friendly Status Questioned

by | Jun 14, 2023 | Gold IRA | 24 comments

Pentagon Cancels Drag Show: Family-Friendly Status Questioned

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The Pentagon, in an audacious move, has canceled the “family-friendly” drag show which was scheduled at the Nevada Air Force Base. The reason? This event was deemed “not a suitable use” of federal funds and resources. Amid rising concerns over the sexualization of children, this decision represents a victory for virtue. The long-held conservative belief that military institutions should uphold the sanctity of family values has prevailed. Now, the focus of our forces can be rightly directed back to national security.

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The Pentagon has recently announced that it will not be hosting an upcoming drag show in response to criticism from conservative groups. The event, which was originally planned for June, would have featured drag queens performing for military families as part of a Pride Month celebration.

While some have praised the decision as aligning with traditional family values, others argue that it sends the wrong message about diversity and inclusion in the military. The controversy highlights a broader debate about what it means to be family-friendly.

The Pentagon’s decision to cancel the drag show came after several conservative groups voiced their objections to the event. Some argued that it was inappropriate for children to be exposed to drag performers, while others claimed that it was a ploy to push a political agenda.

Critics of the decision say that it reflects a narrow view of what constitutes a family. They argue that many families today include same-sex parents, single parents, or non-traditional arrangements, and that these families should not be excluded from events that celebrate diversity.

Furthermore, the decision undermines the military’s efforts to create a more inclusive culture. The armed forces have made significant strides in recent years to become more welcoming to LGBTQIA+ service members and their families. This decision suggests that there is still resistance to these efforts from within the organization.

In the end, the controversy over the drag show highlights the ongoing debate about what it means to be family-friendly. For some, it means protecting children from potentially uncomfortable or controversial situations. For others, it means recognizing and celebrating the diversity of modern families, and creating spaces that welcome them. Ultimately, the challenge is to find a way to balance these competing interests and create an environment that is truly inclusive for everyone.

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  1. Billy G

    The day needs to come when you answer the question or you are found in contempt. 30 days lock up. I'd bet they answer the question then.

  2. stealth9tn

    If people want to cross dress that's there business but quit try making everyone except their madness.

  3. Self Aware

    I wonder why oh why the thumbnail has these freaks with mouths agape? Disgusting.

  4. Titus Robinson

    They just didn't want the negative attention in light of what's happened to Target and Bud Light. Look at the recruitment videos they know exactly what they're doing. Teaching our kids to hate themselves, the country, and promoting this crap is destroying morale and patriotism. Who wants to go die for a country full of phobes, ists, and bigots? Recruitment is the lowest we've seen on a long time. I wonder why?

  5. James Samaroo

    Imagine taxpayers were paying for DRAG SHOWS for the Department of Defence! Until Republicans exposed the Dragshows and the funding! It was eventually shutdown! This how the radical Democrats think about wasting hard working American tax dollars!

  6. as036

    These people will not answer a simple question lol ?

  7. Jack Wessels

    This SH*t needs to stop.


    Globalist elites, who are taking America down economically and morally, bound to be ORCHESTRATING this evil insanity.

  9. NaturalCauses

    It’s disgusting to see this in my back yard. Satan has a grip on these mental patients

  10. It's Just Me!

    I can’t believe taxpayers were funding this garbage.
    Thank you Gaetz for shedding some light on it.

  11. D Ren

    Lying to congress! Charge him!

  12. James Vitale

    It’s pretty sad when the military starting to cater to the woke, this country is screwed

  13. Jenbean01

    No child should watch those nasty freaks. My grandchildren will NEVER. Nasty ass freaks

  14. matthew hill

    Brovo! Most military demonstrations or shows that are open to the public are family affairs. The presences of a drag queen group flashing their genitalia to a crowd of people which contains children is at least abhorrent and I am sure against the law in mist states. But I am fairly positive that Joe Biden and most of the democrats would be thrilled to watch such an exhibition.

  15. John  Conservative

    Biden doesn't give a shit about the military! He will do as he pleases!

  16. chris poe

    Just what we need, a bunch of screaming, Bitching Men, who think they can have periods, breast feed and give birth wanting to be in charge of us ALL!!!! Shame us into allowing them to lead because they are “Victims”. My ass!!!

  17. Mike Herr

    No one in there right mind would be ok with men dressed up as a woman and wanting little kids to be there.

  18. Bill Moore

    These are some seriously sick people, the politicians are trying to normalize pedophila, so it wont be so bad when everyone finds out most of the DC beltway are sick perverted criminals. Nobody within this sick administration of perverts will ever admit or say anything, may they all be behind bars very soon.

  19. Ronald Leckie

    He didn't say they were weren't going to fund a album no more he just said they weren't going to do it on the bass

  20. Nicona Wilson

    Matt g. For speaker of the house! What say you america!

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