Predicting Winter Blackouts

by | Jul 30, 2023 | Silver IRA | 25 comments

Predicting Winter Blackouts

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Winter high demand begins in the Norther Hemisphere for electricity, natural gas and imported foods, problem is that these items are in short supply across the planet or just fractions of what is was in years prior. Which locations on the planet will have society changing events take place ?

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As winter approaches, many areas around the world will experience the dreaded phenomenon of blackouts. While power outages can occur for various reasons, including severe weather conditions and infrastructure issues, winter brings with it a unique set of challenges that can further exacerbate this problem. In this article, we will explore some of the areas where blackouts are more likely to happen as the winter season sets in.

1. Northern regions:
Countries and regions located in the northern hemisphere, such as Canada, Scandinavia, and parts of Russia, face significant challenges during the winter months. These areas regularly experience sub-zero temperatures, heavy snowfall, and freezing winds. Combined with aging infrastructure, these harsh conditions can put a strain on power systems, leading to power outages.

2. Mountainous regions:
Mountainous areas also face higher risks of blackouts during winter. The combination of snowstorms, avalanches, and treacherous terrains make maintenance and repair works difficult, sometimes resulting in extended periods without power. Places like the Swiss Alps, the Rocky Mountains in the United States, and the Himalayas are all vulnerable to winter blackouts due to the harsh mountainous environment.

3. Urban areas with high population density:
Cities that have a high population density tend to be more susceptible to blackouts, irrespective of the season. However, during winter, the demand for electricity increases significantly due to the use of heating systems, electric blankets, and other appliances. If the power grid is not equipped to handle the heightened demand, it can lead to overloading that ultimately results in blackouts. Metropolitan areas like New York City, Tokyo, and London, which are densely populated and heavily reliant on electricity, are particularly at risk.

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4. Regions heavily reliant on renewable energy:
Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, are becoming increasingly popular for power generation. However, during winter, these sources are often less consistent due to reduced sunshine and less reliable winds. Areas heavily dependent on these renewable energy sources are more prone to blackouts as the power supply might become intermittent or insufficient. Countries like Germany, which has a significant portion of its energy generated from wind and solar, may experience blackouts during the winter months.

5. Developing countries with inadequate infrastructure:
Developing countries often lack the infrastructure required to handle the stresses of winter-related power outages. Limited resources, poor maintenance, and outdated infrastructure make it difficult for these nations to ensure a reliable electricity supply during the cold season. Countries in parts of Africa, South Asia, and Latin America may see an increased frequency of blackouts during winter due to these factors.

In conclusion, as winter sets in, blackouts become a concerning issue for various regions around the world. Harsh weather conditions, mountainous terrains, high population density, reliance on renewable energy, and inadequate infrastructure are some of the factors that contribute to the occurrence of blackouts. Governments and power companies must prioritize upgrading infrastructure and investing in backup systems to minimize the impact of winter blackouts. Additionally, individuals can also play their part by conserving energy and adopting energy-efficient practices to reduce the strain on the power grid during this demanding season.

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  1. Roger Diogo

    Will the river thames, freeze during the GSM?

  2. Roger Diogo

    This channel is right on the money.

  3. James Lee-Pevenhull

    My biggest worry is the Meridional, block jetstream disrupting agriculture. Extreme hot/cold oscillations.

    Archimedean screw generators. Lot in the UK. Caveat. Needs a fish ladder.

  4. Megalodon Sean Casey

    Weather engineering dates back over 100 yrs ago. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was engineered & so were the Mississippi floods of 1927

  5. Tim Yates

    Keep it up and thanks David. its appreciated , much love from cold Canada.

  6. John Kuczmanski

    What happened to the natural gas in the North Sea, Norway, Canada and America? Can’t they supply themselves?

  7. Peter Black

    Writing from Redland city on the east coast of Australia, so far temperatures in the month of December have mostly been significantly cooler than average and everybody is noticing. We did have some hot weather a couple of weeks ago but that was brief. Before the heat and afterward, Temperatures are several degrees lower than normal. I am 27.5° south here.

  8. Dan The Man

    People who were making fun of preppers… Could you spare? No Only have some lead to sell your chest if you come at me.

  9. Ingeborg Swieten

    I guess they got to fulfill some books. Very interesting channel, gives one a realistic view on whats coming and the consequences.. scary. I hope intervention will come soon.

  10. darthvader5300

    My granduncle has a "MICROFILMED" pocket book of Ripley's believe it or not which is printed either in the late 1970s or mid-1980s. In Canada engineers designed a building getting all it's heat from the bodies of it's human occupants, office equipment, and electrical lighting and even from the kitchen of the canteen mess hall. In his "MICROFILMED" Time Life Book collections going way back to the very beginning. In one Time Life Book on WW II, the allies discovered and captured a supposed to be peaceful German weather and climate observation and research ship vessel only to find out it is being used by the NAZIS as a military surveillance ship and what they noticed and paid little attention and was all but almost forgotten, is the fact that the Arctic Ship was lined with 6 to 8 inches of CORK for warmth and that the Arctic ship's coal bunkers and fuel oil tanks were hardly used because she was so well insulated that they are in danger of suffering from heat stroke. So they jury rigged a cooling set up made out of cork insulated 2 primary input and secondary output copper pipes that goes out to a maze of thin uninsulated copper pipes on top of the ship where the outside Arctic air will cool the air inside the pipes and is piped back inside through these cork insulated primary input copper pipes and they are allowed to flow to a maze of uninsulated copper pipes and then back again to the cork insulated secondary output copper pipes. The maze of uninsulated copper pipes placed near the ceiling of each room will cool the room and being cold the cold air will flow downward creating their own self-circulating convection effect in each room and below each of these maze of uninsulated copper pipes are metal pans to collect the condensation for the cold pipes will condense the moisture in the air. It is similar to a glass filled with ice cubes and filled with water and minutes later the walls of the cold glass will be covered with drops of water condensed by the cold walls that condenses the moisture from the surrounding air.


    No blackouts in my house. Whatever takes place I will survive and thrive.

  12. Bob D

    You get what you pray for. Go green go cold. How soon will they wish to have the CO2 to warm themselves. Let the whiners freeze.

  13. Anonymous

    What is the damn beeping in the background? It is distracting wtf.

  14. iamsheel

    We still not had winter where I live. I don't give a shit that I live in a desert, we still got painfully cold winters but not since 2019-2020

  15. madmaxx

    All cuntries are rich
    All the people poor

  16. Scott Congdon

    Conspiracy theories like this is nonsense. This guy is selling gold.

  17. Sustainable Energy

    Good work!! Looks like you found Michael Mann's Real Hockey Stick there in those power graphs!!!
    Watch out when you get hit by one!!!

  18. Hope faith Truth

    Hi David, i found out about Christian at ice age years ago via your channel, do you know if he's ok, i hope so maybe you could do a collaboration if you haven't before, keep up the great work!

  19. Michele A

    I have to wonder how many people are going to freeze to death because Joe has decided we don't need fuel to heat our homes!!

  20. Dark Times Prepping

    I designed a bigger version of the screw generator over 20 year's ago how ,they were fitted to hulls made from ferrocement . These were connected to the river bank by paralelagram arms so iff the water rose the boat stayed level and kept generating even during a flood . When the water went down the whole thing returned to it's orignal position . The bow of the catamaran style hull was funnel shaped to direct more flow through to increase the output .
    Not one was interested , even used the same hull as a basis for 2 storey alternative cheap homes that could be moved around iff you changed jobs .
    No one was interested .

  21. Ken Marchlenski

    Great insight and information!

  22. plainasday

    Thanks David, Bundle up and hang on.

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