Prepare for an Impending Recession: We Are in Serious Financial Trouble

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Recession News | 27 comments

Prepare for an Impending Recession: We Are in Serious Financial Trouble

“I think we are at great danger… and you look at what’s going on geopolitically… We could have a massive blowup,” says David Tice, senior advisor for the Ranger Equity Bear ETF (HDGE). David contends that the instability in the economy combined with today’s elevated geopolitical tensions could lead to a major conflict at some point down the road. He also believes that a recession is inevitable before year-end once the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate hikes settles into the economy. David says, “I think the consensus has gotten a soft landing. I think that’s ridiculous. What we’re talking about is lag between tightening and an eventual recession. But a recession is coming…. And it’s going to be here by the end of the year.”

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00:00 Upcoming crash
3:54 World War III
7:19 Gold suppression
10:01 Grid down, Power up
12:37 U.S. grids
14:00 The grid going down in America
17:43 David’s film
18:25 bitcoin
19:23 conclusion…(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


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We’re in Great Financial Danger: Get Ready for a Recession to Hit by December

As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is growing concern about the state of the global economy. Many experts are warning that a recession may be on the horizon, and it could hit as soon as December. This is not news anyone wants to hear, but it’s important to be prepared for the worst.

See also  Amid recession fears, the U.S. economy experiences growth.

The pandemic has had a devastating impact on economies around the world. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and supply chain disruptions have led to widespread job losses, reduced consumer spending, and a slowdown in economic activity. Governments have implemented stimulus measures and support programs to cushion the blow, but the long-term effects of the crisis are still uncertain.

Recent data has shown signs of economic recovery in some countries, but the road ahead remains precarious. Rising inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, and the unpredictable nature of the virus all pose significant risks to the global economy. The recent surge in energy prices and the ongoing semiconductor shortage are additional factors that could further strain economic growth.

In the United States, the world’s largest economy, there are growing concerns about the potential for a recession. The Federal Reserve has already indicated that it will begin to taper its bond-buying program, a sign that the central bank is preparing for a potential economic downturn. The labor market, while improving, is still far from pre-pandemic levels, and inflation has surged to levels not seen in decades.

The situation is similar in other major economies, such as the Eurozone and China, where a combination of factors is raising the specter of recession. The ongoing energy crisis in Europe, coupled with concerns about the property market in China, has added to the uncertainty surrounding global economic prospects.

So, what does this mean for the average person? It’s crucial to be prepared for the possibility of a recession. This means taking steps to shore up your finances, reducing debt, and building up savings. It also means being cautious about major financial decisions such as large purchases or investments.

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For businesses, it’s essential to assess their vulnerabilities and develop contingency plans to weather a potential economic downturn. This may involve taking steps to protect cash flow, diversifying supply chains, and reassessing growth projections.

At the same time, policymakers around the world need to carefully calibrate their responses to the evolving economic situation. This includes carefully managing monetary policy, targeted fiscal stimulus, and ensuring that financial institutions are adequately capitalized.

In conclusion, the warning signs are there, and it’s crucial for individuals and businesses to be prepared for the possibility of a recession. While there are still many uncertainties, it’s better to be proactive and take steps to mitigate the potential impact. By being prepared, we can better navigate the challenges that lie ahead and hopefully emerge stronger on the other side.

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  1. A

    6 months window, not 6 weeks

  2. Xavier Amoros

    The warmongers are in the USA, ain't they?

  3. rustyrabbitak

    Oooooh, we aren’t in a recession now. Sorry, my mistake.

  4. Lupe

    The recession is here, mortgage rates still on the rise with higher imports and lower exports, yet the Fed is to lessen cost. Where do investors look at now for wealth gains? Something will eventually break if they keep raising interests and quantitative tightening.

  5. liu zhang

    I've bought most of your stocks picks but I'm still unable to make profit. However, a few investors I read about were able to make profits of upto $50,000 monthly, so am I doing something erroneous? please i need some hints on how to make enormous profit

  6. nicolas benson

    I foresee a recession lasting 2-3 years, and if inflation continues to surge, the Federal Reserve will likely raise interest rates soon. Inflation is causing various issues worldwide, such as food shortages, scarcities of diesel and heating fuel, and significant spikes in housing prices, leading to a potential financial market crash. This global downturn could have long-lasting repercussions. Given the current inflation rate of approximately 9%, my main worry is how to optimize my savings and retirement fund, which has remained stagnant at around $300,000, yielding almost no gains for quite some time.

  7. Alan Nernst

    The stock market is a way to hedge against inflation. Most notably amidst recession, investors need to understand where and how to allocate funds to hedge against inflation and still make profits.

  8. Mike Good

    In the event of an emp attack, it will be world wide. It’s time to stop mocking Christ, the world needs Him!

  9. Daniel.r

    Ww3 fear porn

  10. eneudorf

    I respect the guests's fiinancial outlook but he's off on geopolitics. The only reason Americans have "adversaries" is because they created them, feel threatened by them, and project their own incompetence on them. Zero diplomatic ability to actually dialogue.

    None of these players have any interest in destroying America, much less their power grid. They have growing their own societies according to their interests, and physically destroying America is not in their interest at all. They want fair trade at the global trading table, they don't want to be told what they can and cannot do socially/ethically/religously/culturally, and they can no longer be bullied by a declining power such as America and its European vassals.

    We live in a multi-polar world, it's time to get used to it.

  11. Barry Shaw

    We are the good guys ?? Looking around the world l just don’t see that. How many USA military bases are there. It does look like the rest of the world doesn’t want to be oppressed by the USA anymore.

  12. Mark Whitton

    Survival in a cold climate will be easier than survival in a hot climate with a power outage. No AC in Phoenix in The summer! But you can build a fire in the north in the winter

  13. Maria A

    How would that many people die?

  14. Wayne Hendrix

    Oh my goodness, I just remembered I have the Ted Koppel book on my bookshelf. Of course I have Morris Dees SPLC Coming Storm as well, and Morris was a total A$$ hat. I kind of feel the same about Koppel.

  15. Sophia Davis

    I will forever appreciate this channel, you’ve helped me and my family a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us, I now earn every week. You’re such a blessing to this generation, we all love you.

  16. Ronald Miller

    Were already in a recession, depression is coming in Nov

  17. 7-2 off suit.

    Bring it on baby. We need it.

  18. RantzBizGroup

    Well, this means we'll be hearing exactly the same thing in 2024.

  19. carole doerr

    Do the politicians have a bunker as all of these American citizens die?

  20. Mark Weaks

    "Enemy countries" have ZERO motive, ZERO gain by taking down the Power Grid in the U.S. That would eliminate U.S. consumption of Chinese goods. China would NEVER want to LOSE all of that. They would destroy their own business model of manufacturing. Instead the most likely enemy who would attack our grid is the Western Elites themselves for their own protection. They have already sacrificed the People and financial collapse for their own wealthand control. Stay afraid, but instead fear other countries instead of your own.

  21. Coding

    Scary news.

  22. George Holewik

    Daniela, is there a website for David Tice with the resources he mentioned i.e. Reps & Senators links?

  23. Crane Gantry

    To interview successfully, she should have conferred with David prior to the interview and asked for a list of topics to discuss and within each topic a list of questions. That way, she is not stumbling through badly formulated questions.

  24. Victor Sperandeo

    David is a great guest =talks of things others have no clue of !

  25. Anne Erickson

    Great movie…eye opening for sure!

  26. Enjoy The Dream Life

    selling books you need to call a dooms day. US can knock out both Cheena and Russia

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