"Prepare Now, Huge Inflation Is Coming…" — Charlie Munger's Last WARNING

by | Aug 21, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 45 comments

"Prepare Now, Huge Inflation Is Coming…" — Charlie Munger's Last WARNING

Charlie Munger warns about money printing & high inflation consequences. He elaborates on several events from history where terrible things were caused by inflation. Mr. Munger also explains why Berkshire Hathaway is holding so much cash and gives advice on how to protect yourself from the devaluation of a currency that, according to his “safe assumption” is going to zero over the next 100 years.

Being a vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and the closest partner (right hand man) of Warren Buffett, Charles T. Munger has a net worth of around $2 billion. He is a profoundly wise man who is absolutely worth listening to, especially when it comes to investing, the psychology of wealthy people, rationality, and life experience.

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“Prepare Now, Huge Inflation Is Coming…” — Charlie Munger’s Last WARNING…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. John Wren

    Huge danger when you have corporations that can buy influence and tax breaks

  2. Cristian Stoica

    10:43 "The world is not driven by greed, it's driven by envy".

  3. onlythewise1

    greed is every were

  4. ANZ Batman

    Cheers…music could be quieter.

  5. Tj redhorse

    Gona loose????

  6. Kristian Niss

    I am so excited for the public recognition that democracy was never alive.

  7. casskidd1

    Music is very off putting

  8. Jay Roy

    I won't be as I don't hold stocks


    We can survive without money planting and farming on land fishing at sea etc only worries for those who rely on money.

  10. B W

    You can thank democrats for inflation. They’re like little kids blowing their allowance and then printing money like it grows on trees.

  11. Showtime Clothing

    Just read Thomas Jefferson opinion on banks being more dangerous than standing armies.

  12. Gcd Hvf

    Allah swt said:
    "And indeed he (man) is, in love of wealth, intensely."
    …. Well it does not always avail a good outcome unless managed in the best way, along with charity

  13. Paul Beaney

    This was all planned.

  14. Terry Wix

    Please drink a gallon of water and wash that Bull Frog down your throat. Also, don't look at the sun wearing those magnifying glasses. RIP. 🙂

  15. Wayne


  16. Dean Raza

    Politicians should focus on financial wealth growth not just on economic population growth. Printing money cause many problems.

  17. toan nguyen

    Inflation is good for country, the people will more healthy because they will eat less and good for environment because the people will drive less

  18. Robert Castello

    Lot of wisdom in this video. Wisdom comes from parents, our elders and especially from God. Robert Castello Dixie General Store Heflin Alabama

  19. Chris Clarke

    Don't envy others just be grateful for what you have. Here's a true story for you i heard about recently. A tycoon worth nearly 34 billion pounds unfortunately was diagnosed with an incurable tumour. So, imagine that you could swap places with him and have all that money but also the incurable tumour. No thought not.

  20. André

    Normalmente quando escuto isso de um grande investidor o que entendo é isso: estou me preparando pra comprar.

  21. Robert McCance

    Brilliant analysis, however the very evil’s Charlie suggests, “pretentious expenditure “, are some of the biggest organisations owned by HIS AND WARREN’S company. Sage advice, if you’re on the right end of it.

  22. moonlites

    Let not get over excited folks the sun will rise anain in the morning next week month year and the birds will sing Look to the positives in life as it is short

  23. Amy Wade

    If you have a technical civilization and people haven't developed enough morally or ethically to guide it, you're in trouble. And that is what most don't see yet that we have world wide. And I think often the response is that mother nature will rebel against it with some disasters.

  24. Jacek Tochowicz

    this guy is older than asbestos,vey sick

  25. Jim Jones

    Great. I'm looking forward to a big wipe out. Time for a reset. Mama nature knows more than Mr Buffet n co

  26. Billal

    Munger is a legend. What an amazing video

  27. OsaVida Films

    Too many humans on the planet… plain and simple
    With too many people come too many problems
    We have destroyed our planet
    Now we should be destroyed….

  28. John Smith

    We are in the last days, bad times are coming. I mean really bad times. Jesus is your only hope.

  29. beatonthedonis47

    Inflation is a great way to disappear debt.

  30. Stephen Swistchew

    What good is money when you can’t see it I bet he would give half his fortune for new eyes

  31. Stephen Swistchew

    When you have all the marbles no one will play. The marbles are useless

  32. Prime

    As long as they keep printing money and change the narrative accordingly we will be fine

    This cycle keeps everything turning

  33. Dita Valerio

    I disagree as well with ppl are fat and not starving – you can be very fat and getting zero nutrition, so technically the fat are starving they just don’t know it – their brain and body’s are starving of vital nutrients and it will kill them eventually through comorbid diseases it’s just not lack of access

    I disagree with ppl won’t work because money was thrown too much at them –
    I believe ppl see the dollar as not worth enough to go in to work – and decided to stay with parents –
    If millennial population is 90 million conservatively and calculated only 50% are working those are pathetic numbers !

  34. Philip Hallam

    My grandfather ALLWAYS said that all you need is a roof above your head and food in your belly a some coal for your fire and a happy family what more do you need nothing and I know that he was right. Everyone in this world is trying to KEEP UP WITH RICH PEOPLE AND SPEND A LIFE TIME PAYING FOR IT. I live by my grandfather words my money is all my own I owe nothing to to no one and have money to help my family when needed and we are all living a good life

  35. George Yao

    Munger won't be wiped out it is the rest of us.

  36. gmshadowtraders

    I want that poster on my wall!

  37. Dominick

    There is a serious problem with this message. Normally, you fight inflation, by raising interest rates. That would have made sense 6 months ago. However, now you have bigger problems. A climate alarmist energy policy disaster. The war in Ukraine is also becoming an ever expanding disaster. The United States is hiking rates, and killing the middle class. The Russian Ruble is getting stronger. Putin is lowering interest in Russia and building wealth in his country, taking advantage of the utter stupidity and vulnerability of American wokeness.

  38. MURICA

    one of the best speeches I have ever had the pleasure of hearing.

  39. Giacomo Fibonacci


  40. Douglas

    History is repeating itself….I see a total Collapse within 2 yrs…been preaching it since 2008…well here we are…Hang on …1929 wont be nothing compared to Now

  41. Support Team

    Politicians are NOT making these decisins…THEY ARE BEING FORCED TO MAKE THESE DECISIONS!!!! WAKE UP….who was the first people group Palpatine got rid of once he started to take power? The BANKERS!!!!! WAKE UP you fools!!!! REPENT AND BE SAVED!

  42. Support Team

    SUCH a hypocrite….the nation of America isn't printing money…THE FED is printing money! Wake up…this is all part of a systematic plan. How do you believe the man of sin is going to take over the world?

  43. John Bruenn

    Charles Munger for Fed chairman.

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