Prepare to Be Amazed: Unbelievable News Ahead

by | Sep 23, 2023 | Silver IRA | 26 comments

Prepare to Be Amazed: Unbelievable News Ahead

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In a world filled with daily surprises, remarkable achievements, and extraordinary occurrences, there are some stories that simply leave us completely speechless. These are the tales that defy all logic, stretch the boundaries of what we thought was possible, and make us question the very fabric of reality. One such story has recently caught the attention of people all around the globe, and it is guaranteed to leave you in awe.

Picture this: a seemingly ordinary person, living an ordinary life, suddenly rises to the occasion and accomplishes something truly extraordinary. Such is the case with (insert your name here), a true embodiment of the saying, “you won’t believe this…”

Throughout history, we have heard tales of incredible triumphs, unexpected victories, and impressive feats. We have celebrated world records being shattered, astounding acts of kindness, and breathtaking acts of bravery. Yet, (insert your name here) managed to accomplish something that can only be described as the epitome of incredibility.

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Born and raised in (insert your place of birth here), (insert your name here) faced the same trials and tribulations as any ordinary person. However, it was their unshakeable determination and unwavering belief in themselves that led them to this unimaginable feat. Against all odds, they defied the limitations of their circumstances and surpassed every expectation.

In a world where success is often defined by fame and fortune, (insert your name here) achieved something far greater. Their story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, reminding us all that our potential knows no bounds. The impact of their accomplishment has inspired countless individuals to dream bigger, reach higher, and defy societal norms.

The beauty of this story lies in its ability to challenge our preconceived notions and show us that anything is possible. It reminds us that greatness can come from unexpected sources and that the potential for astonishing achievements lies within each and every one of us.

So, what was it that (insert your name here) accomplished? That is a mystery that will leave your mind spinning. Their story has captured the imagination of people worldwide, leaving them spellbound and yearning for more. But the true magic of this tale lies in the untold potential that lies within us all.

The moral of this story is simple: never underestimate the power of the human spirit. The world we live in is a vast canvas upon which we can paint our dreams and aspirations. We all have the ability to accomplish something extraordinary, something that will make others say, “you won’t believe this…”

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So, go forth and create your own unbelievable story. Embrace the challenges, defy expectations, and let the world marvel at the wonders you can achieve. After all, in a world filled with remarkable tales, the greatest story of all will be the one you write for yourself.

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  1. Lil

    So which Bible is the correct word of God and Jesus to read?

  2. Larry Perry

    Memeroyhold mentioned checkin you out in one of his videos. Glad he did. You are on point with lots of info and connecting the dots and even urging some audience participation lol! Anyhow be safe. Be blessed and never stop fighting for the truth.

  3. Hans Vorste

    Reptiles indeed

  4. Nikki Allison

    Ohh they definitely do it!! So much out there I've seen & it's very disturbing.. there's an underground cannibal restaurant in LA, only rich people allowed… Zuckerbergs wife owns a cannibal restaurant & it is advertised online!! They have cannibal parties & tickets range up to $25k.. on their plates were the food that symbolizes what peds/cannibals love!
    They've said Walnut sauce is from dark children & that darker the child the sweeter the blood & it's thicker for the use of pasta sauce!!

  5. Nikki Allison

    Ohh they definitely do it!! So much out there I've seen & it's very disturbing.. there's an underground cannibal restaurant in LA, only rich people aloud… Zuckerbergs wife owns a cannibal restaurant & it is advertised online!! They have cannibal parties & tickets range up to $25k.. on their plates were the food that symbolizes what peds/cannibals love!
    They've said Walnut sauce is from dark children & that darker the child the sweeter the blood & it's thicker for the use of pasta sauce!!

  6. Sherry West

    Bible has been changed.

  7. Kurian Mathew

    Wrong! There is no copyright on KJV Bible.

  8. jbriordanjr

    Great research Riss!

  9. Sheila Becker

    According to the Bible, Christ, was to be the LAST BLOOD TO BE SHED, upon the Earth. The LAST SACRIFICE.

  10. Suzan Anderson

    Sorry Riss, no one understands what your ''back ends' mean.

  11. NeddaT

    Thanks so Much

  12. Jaymes Jmathias

    PEOPER FAITH, PROPER TEACHING! satan has very little power once you make it your life's ambition to keep seeking, keep knocking! That & doing everything the wrong way countless times! Ohhh & it helps to search out our Grand Creator by his personal Name, doing so always praying in Jesus Name will get you on proper path. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SEEK HIM OUT HAVING MANS TRADITIONS NOR BIAS IN YOUR HEART THOUGH.

  13. steve reilly

    Riss, look here, I was just starting to check out your vids and found some of the things you dug up ,like the graveyard fasinating and wondered how did you ever dig stuff like that up. Great Job. Gotta say tho, when it comes to chrisianity and the bible you missed by such a huge margin I am wondering if your other stuff was actually well researched. You should stay away from religion, for your info the body of Christ and the Blood of Christ is not ment literally!

  14. James vanhalen

    Royal reptiles not suprising. See revelations of a mother goddess by arizona wilder. She over saw satanic ritual for royal , they shapeshift and drink blood

  15. PiezO5D

    Tribal folk also still practice cannibalism.

  16. Nick Baker

    Your right I dont Believe You.

  17. AnandaSea

    This right here is why I can't go to the churches and do that stupid, pathetic and totally disturbing ritual. I just can't. I have cried and cried and cried because we humans killed a great Master of Love and His death is a terrible tragedy and nothing more. His death was only His death. If we actually say it was to pay for people sinning, and get a personal bonus from the people's disgusting but predictable mistake, then WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE WORST SACRIFICE RITUAL POSSIBLE. Think about the facts and get real about our teacher of Love!!!! OMG. Thank you, dear Riss. I have felt so alone but not disagreed with by God so not really alone!!! Lol

  18. DjCheryl

    Very disturbing…yet, fascinating! I enjoy your work. Great video!✌️

  19. Abraham Kandathil -

    Hey hey hey …Missi Rissi Flexi ….you asked what are my thoughts so here are I my thoughts…

    I'm trying to figure out what exactly you're trying to say here .. usually your content is pretty good ..about the deep state and cabal, but this time , apart from all the other stuff about the ritual with the natives of the little island etc..which may or may not be looks like what you're completely out of bounds here and are trying to slip in here that the "frikking" Bible is all BS.!!!

    I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of scholars who, you cannot even hope to come close to comparing yourself with, in terms of biblical or scriptural knowledge, who have gone through all the different versions of the Bible, in all the different ancient languages line by line, word for word and while you maybe a good investigative journalist, and while there may have been some verses or books even of the Bible that have been omitted which is a topic of discussion and even maybe some books have even been added on…but the whole "frikking" Bible is not BS. !! Neither is the death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and the SYMBOLOGY of the drinking wine and eating bread as the Body and Blood of Christ an evil act as you seem to depict.

    I don't think you're even qualified to talk about it …I don't for that matter think you have even read the Bible fully let alone studied it… !!!

    You have perhaps not even crossed your 25th year on the planet please stick to subjects you know well and not talk about Holy Scriptures of which you are clueless and illiterate.

    Have you heard of someone called Hugh Ross..? Well look him up ..he is a Canadian mathematician and Astrophysicist who is now about 80 years in age …who says he's been studying the Bible and astrophysics which is basically the science of the Cosmos from the age of 10 and by the age of 20 he had mathematically proven to himself that the Bible is true..

    Have you heard of the Cambridge Mathematics Scholar John Lennox who has openly debated several times with several people including Mr.Richard Dawkins the famed atheist physicist who wrote the book called" the God Delusion " and each time has taken his pants off in the debate?? Although the Godless media like BBC CNN and all the other fake media will try to portray it as though he doesn't make sense and lost out

    … and last but not least ..have you even heard of Chuck Missler who was also a scholar, scientist in Space research and director of several large fortune 500 corporations such Ford , before he became a full time apologist..?

    Dr. Chuck Missler unfortunately passed away in his early 80s a few years ago .. please go on YouTube and check out his mind blowing videos where he proves the scriptures in the Bible could not have been written by man but by divine inspiration of the Hoky Spirit of God. – here I've added a link to one of Dr. Chuck Misslers talks .. watch it tell me how they wrote the Bible in that Jerusalem room in Westminster Abbey!!?

    Lastly nowhere in the Bible is it written that we as believers must drink the actual blood and eat the actual flesh of Jesus.
    Animal sacrifice was a part of the tradition of every religion including the Jewish religion..for the propitiation of sins .. the blood of the animal and the flesh of the animal was always offered up as a sacrifice from ancient days, through out in the Old testament for sins committed by man. lFrom Cain and Abel who were asked by God to sacrifice the first fruit of their yield to God… This was an earlier commandment as per the old testament.. and I don't believe it was just cooked up in the Jerusalem room.

    It is perfectly believable that The birth of the Messiah was planned by God to end as the perfect sacrifice of his only son Jesus who is the Christ as the perfect final sacrifice that will end all animal or other blood sacrifices, animal or human in the future. Because God wanted to put an end to it once and for all time and yet

    Infact in the KJV also at the Last Supper Jesus breaks bread and lifts up wine to his disciples symbolically saying "this is my body which will be broken and blood which will be shed for you and for all mankind"

    If you have read the Bible .He doesn't chop his own hand and distribute the flesh to his disciples neither does he cut his artery and say to his disciples " here come and drink my blood" does he now does he now !!?

    In fact the satanists who have been around since the time of Nimrod who was the grand son or great grand son of Noah, have had only one goal , they are not against Muhammad, Buddha, Shiva , Nataraja or any other forms or idols of God except Yeshua. He has been their only target …so it makes parfect sense that these satanists who invert anything that is sacred will take something Holy and make it sound like it's something devilish or demonic.

    Which I'm afraid is what it looks like you're trying to do in this video Missi Rissi Flexi!! Sorry to come down a bit hard on you but you should not use Fs & Bs about things that you're not well versed with .. especially when it relates to Holy Scriptures..

    Stick to the subjects you are well versed in're doing a great job exposing the deep state , the Cabal the medical and military Industrial Complex etc etc ..the British royalty ,the reptilian story, the Vatican the pope expose etc..Kudos and hats off to you..but this is a no no..

    After about 25 years of research ONLY in the scriptures maybe you will be qualified to talk about it , not before. I'm not qualified to talk either but I'm in my sixties and know just a bit more.

    Once again apologizing if I've been a bit too hard but we need to knowappreciating all your other work..Cheers and God Bless.

  20. Richard LaPage

    Marissa you are absolutely beautiful and stunning and unbelievably intelligent and I'm in love with you I know that sounds creepy and weird and everything else I'm sure, but it's true you're an amazing woman and someone will be very lucky to marry you someday!

  21. NeddaT

    Thanks So Much

  22. Kim Solomon

    The true Bible is the Septuagint the Ethiopian Bible it has all the books in it and it wasn't messed but they've protected its of like the last thousand two thousand years

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