President Biden Dispels Recession Concerns: No Economic Downturn Expected

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Recession News | 37 comments

President Biden Dispels Recession Concerns: No Economic Downturn Expected

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Video host: Jaspreet Singh

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BREAKING: Recession News


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President Biden: There Is NO Recession Coming

With the recent change in leadership, the United States is looking towards a brighter future under the presidency of Joe Biden. As the nation faces numerous challenges ranging from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to economic recovery, there has been some speculation about a potential recession on the horizon. However, it is essential to address these concerns and understand that there is no recession looming under President Biden’s administration.

One of the primary reasons why a recession is unlikely is President Biden’s comprehensive economic plan. His administration has proposed a series of policies and initiatives aimed at rebuilding the economy and creating long-term stability. The American Rescue Plan, for instance, includes direct payments to individuals, extended unemployment benefits, and funding for small businesses, all of which provide immediate relief to those impacted by the pandemic.

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Additionally, President Biden has emphasized the importance of investing in infrastructure as a means to sustain economic growth. His proposed $2 trillion infrastructure plan is centered around creating millions of new jobs, reinforcing the country’s transportation systems, and advancing renewable energy sources. Such a robust commitment to infrastructure development will undoubtedly foster economic growth and bolster various industries.

Another significant factor contributing to the absence of a looming recession is President Biden’s emphasis on international diplomacy. The previous administration’s trade wars and isolationist policies had adverse effects on the economy. However, President Biden aims to revitalize relationships with key trading partners, ensuring fair trade practices and increased market access. This approach will provide a stable economic environment that promotes growth and minimizes the risk of a recession.

Furthermore, experts predict that the widespread distribution of COVID-19 vaccines will play a crucial role in preventing an economic downturn. As vaccination efforts continue to ramp up under the Biden administration, the nation will gradually recover from the devastating effects of the pandemic. With more individuals vaccinated and business operations returning to normal, economic activity will regain momentum, reducing the possibility of a recession.

Lastly, President Biden’s commitment to supporting American workers and promoting inclusivity has a positive impact on the overall stability of the economy. Through initiatives such as raising the federal minimum wage, promoting unionization, and advocating for affordable healthcare, the administration ensures that the workforce remains strong and resilient.

In conclusion, the notion of an impending recession under President Biden’s administration is unfounded. His comprehensive economic plan, emphasis on infrastructure, commitment to international diplomacy, vaccine distribution efforts, and support for American workers collectively contribute to a stable and growing economy. As the country moves forward under President Biden’s leadership, the United States is set on a path of recovery, resilience, and prosperity.

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  1. Minority Mindset

    Join me on my first Investor Summit on August 15, 2023! Register for free here:

    There are many fake accounts impersonating me, and there are many bots promoting fake/scam investments. I will NEVER ask you to contact me through YouTube comments, telegram, or WhatsApp. I have a checkmark next to my name and my comment will be highlighted. Fake accounts do not have that. Please be aware of fake accounts trying to scam you using my name and picture!

  2. Martina Acosta

    For salary earners having a passive source of income is the best thing you could have , because aside the the fact that it isn’t always enough you could lose your job any day at any time , have something to fall back to is crucial , for me it is trading the Forex and stock market and no I didn’t have that much knowledge to begin to earn that’s why I said passive income, I leave the profit making to the pro like my Advisor 'David Jeffery herman' , who has been doing a wonderful job.

  3. rob grey

    Here in Teton County Wyoming gas is over $4.20/gallon. Groceries are insanely expensive.
    Our roads here are in terrible shape.
    Biden continues to print money, debasing our currency, and sending it to Ukraine.
    Minus 10% for the Big Guy, and a cut for Zelensky and his cronies.
    Nobody believes that inflation is under 4%.

  4. Dan Kohan

    He talked about how some things cost more now, like food and places to live. But other things, like used cars and plane tickets, cost less.

    And while spending and borrowing money can help our money right now, we need to be careful not to spend too much. Nice explanation!

  5. 57ashdot

    Biden currently also polling at 36% approval rating of handling the economy well. Bipartisan support of taking his hands off the wheel, he has zero idea how to run our economy. When Dems and GOP agree you suck….that is saying something. Obviously, this whole issue could be solved by putting our money supply back on the gold standard (or silver or literally anything except fiat) and removing their ability to print money for value they never acquired or created. Fiat money is the source of inflation.

  6. Sanjay Patel,MD

    President Biden and his advisors are as dumb as Janet

  7. Vee Dubya

    Blightenomics redefines everything and says everything is okay, meanwhile the Titanic is sinking. Anyone really believe anything Joe is told to say?

  8. Shadownian

    Sorry but spending is NOT up. At least not on goods made or sold in the US. Im a trucker and were seeing horribly low freight. Normally a truck driver aims for around 3k miles a week. Now we are seeing half that if we are lucky.
    We have many large companies going under or getting bought out. My own company included. No people aren't buying more. Or else truckers would see that. No they are spending more and going into debt to buy less and less.Just a couple years back my retired parents spent less than 100 a week for food and supplies for just the 2 of them. Now they spend around 300 and they dont even get as much. Sorry Biden but your economy still sux a@@.

  9. Brigadier General

    Recessions was during Covid! It was just flooded with cash to hold it off

  10. Bill Labustro

    Dude use microphone

  11. Ollie Hopnoodle

    Your food and gas costs more but your weekly used car purchase and plane flight is cheaper.

  12. Dennis S

    The economy is being prop up by one trillion in deficit spending, money printed out of thin air

  13. Karls Racing

    It's all lies wake up.

  14. Karls Racing

    Depression not recession.

  15. Mike Theune

    In Wisco, Working Poor. Eggs 2 18 packs for 3 bucks, Roma Frozen Pizzas 2 bucks. These prices are pre beer flu. The basics are coming back to normal it seems. Now everybody gotta eat up all the stuff when the basics were expensive to make the final product….K shape recovery….The people that can earn, or have assets will sail on one boat and the ones that didnt have assets or money before beer flu are stuck on the island thats going down. They just gonna give them more debt and stretch them out.They will own nothing and be happy, put the VR goggles to do anything besides work and eat. They will bottle feed this till election if and next guy gonna have it hit the fan on him, US people waking up too much. Need them in bread lines.

  16. K L

    Biden is old and wondering if he understands the situation we are in. CPE is only down 0.1 which is nothing but the CPI goes up meaning Energy is gone up. Beef prices recently went up again. This is the reason why Fed doesn't use CPI to measure inflation because it is unstable.

  17. Waaaaaaaah! We Keep Getting Dominated! Waaaaaah!

    Well they aren’t going to about recession inbound because it would either cause panic, or, actually shift consumer psyche into causing a recession by attempting to hoard money until it’s over.

  18. noname

    We have such fools upthere, especially joe biden, there has to be a recession

  19. CC

    Did they change the definition of recession? Thought it happened already

  20. Alejandro Hernandez

    when houses cost 6x more than what used to. no need for me to care what recession even means

  21. Kemp Arrendale

    Everybody knows there can't be a recession unless there are four quarters of negative GDP growth and a Republican is in the White House

  22. no no

    There is no recession coming….

    And I didn't talk business with my son.

    And the secret service have no idea where the cocaine came from.




    Well son of a bitch……

    I got my ass wiped….

    You know…. the thing….

    God save the queen…..

  23. LogicOne

    I actually like this guy, but he’s clearly posting contradicting shit everyday

  24. P

    So we've known for decades, actually half a century, that Biden lies about everything. So of course if he says there is no recession there will be one.

  25. RS3 Tcool guy

    What a bunch of hoopla. Digging into your life saving and accumulating credit card debt to afford basic needs is not good for the economy, And it’s disingenuous of you to say it is.
    Just because it’s delayed doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen.

  26. OG13

    I would love if you could do a breakdown on each candidates economic plan and the viability of it w/o picking a side. Maybe as the field narrows. It would be a huge education. Thank you for considering.

  27. Double H

    Recession comes with an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and well-equipped. I've seen on verified posts, folks that turned millionaires amid economic downtrend, and claim to even pull it off easily in a favorable economy, it all boils down to proper asset allocation.

  28. jorgegrealty

    Hahahaha…..and inflation is transitory.

  29. Moheb Kamel

    Biden lives in a different United States.

  30. A. Scott Munson Jr.

    Great work Jaspreet! Scooby snacks for you.

    My allegiance is to Liberty, the Repubic and Democracy.

  31. Robert Bender

    Wages shouldnt increase because of inflation, as inflation is a penalty due to govt financial mismanagement. Wages should increase only along with increased productivity levels. Otherwise it creates wage/price spiral conditions. This is demand driven inflation, so Fed has to hold rates to curb spending

  32. Robert Bender

    Bidrn just recanted on his IRA bill not being an inflation reduction tool, but is now trying to sell govt spending as growth. Spending is artifical non-organic growth which goes away when spendjng stops. To get yield curve to revert will requjre a recessionary reset. Used cars and flights are not something everyone buys everyday like food and energy.

  33. Angelo ACM

    I’ll go with the opposite of what Joe says

  34. The Think Show

    For those of us involved in economics, this whole thing has been an irritating farce. We have been in a recession for two years. You can't decide to unilaterally change the accepted definition of a recession and then go on your merry way fooling the majority. Yet, that is exactly what happened with the cooperation of economists loyal to party politics and a compliant media willing to fool their viewers and readers, while only interviewing "university experts" and others who will carry water for the administration. Try to tell the average middle-class person or the average working-poor person that they should celebrate because inflation is being tamed and the substantially higher food prices they pay or the substantially higher gas prices they pay are offset by some random numbers that don't impact them. Unfortunately, the fooled majority will vote for more of the same next year.

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