Putin’s Major Failures

by | Oct 8, 2023 | Bank Failures | 32 comments

Putin’s Major Failures

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All of Putin’s BIGGEST Failures

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a controversial figure on the international stage, has been in power for over two decades. Although he has managed to maintain a tight grip on power and exert considerable influence both domestically and abroad, his tenure has been marked by several notable failures. Let’s take a closer look at some of Putin’s biggest blunders.

1. Economic Stagnation:
Despite being the leader of a major world power, Putin has failed to effectively address Russia’s longstanding economic woes. Under his leadership, the country’s economy has suffered from sluggish growth, an overdependence on natural resources, rampant corruption, and a lack of diversification. This failure becomes even more evident when comparing Russia’s performance to its counterparts like China, which has successfully transformed into an economic powerhouse.

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2. Failed Reforms:
Throughout his rule, Putin has repeatedly promised to deliver meaningful reforms, but most attempts have fallen short of expectations. His promise to modernize and diversify Russia’s economy has been largely unfulfilled, as bureaucratic red tape and a stifling business environment have hindered progress. Additionally, initiatives to combat corruption and improve governance have yielded limited results, leaving the system riddled with inefficiencies.

3. Annexation of Crimea:
One of Putin’s most controversial moves was the annexation of Crimea in 2014. This action violated international law and triggered a severe backlash from the international community, resulting in sanctions and increased tensions with Western countries. The annexation has also had significant economic costs for Russia, further exacerbating its economic decline.

4. Failed Foreign Policy Ventures:
Putin’s foreign policy ventures have not always gone as planned. His involvement in conflicts such as the war in Syria and Ukraine has only led to prolonged stalemates and disagreements with the West. Russia’s actions have strained its relations with key players on the global stage, diminishing its standing and influence in international affairs.

5. Suppression of Democracy and Human Rights:
Under Putin’s regime, democracy and human rights in Russia have suffered severe setbacks. Opposition activists and journalists critical of the government have faced intimidation, harassment, and even imprisonment. The Kremlin’s restrictive laws on freedom of expression and association have curtailed political dissent and stifled civil society.

6. Mismanaged COVID-19 Response:
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted Putin’s lackluster leadership and mismanagement on the domestic front. Russia experienced a high number of cases, and the initial response was slow and inadequate, undermining public trust. The lack of transparency surrounding the handling of the crisis raised doubts about the reliability of official data and information.

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Despite Putin’s overall strongman image, these failures demonstrate that his leadership has not been without significant flaws and missteps. As the Russian president continues to chart the country’s course, it remains essential to critically analyze and hold him accountable for these failures in order to foster a more prosperous and democratic Russia.

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  1. janiry agum

    Russia won already ….

  2. Lanaka

    Putin's greatest mistake? Starting a war he can't control nor win.

  3. George Zuniga

    Are you giving advice to "Piuting”

  4. George Zuniga

    Are you giving advice to "Piuting”

  5. George Zuniga

    Are you giving advice to "Piuting”

  6. George Zuniga

    Are you giving advice to Putin?

  7. Arne Gerhardsen

    Compared på GDP Norway is also founding Ukraine together with Great Brittain by paying them in a joint purchusing of equipment and including this overall founding for Ukraine from Norway is the highest relative to GDP.

  8. Kendall Kahl

    They people in the west aren't allowed to understand how the Russian viewpoint really is. The reason Putin can maintain popular support is the average Russian doesn't want their government and economy controlled by international banks and corporations and becoming debt slaves like people in the West. We also don't understand that after WW2 Japanese and Nazi agents and spies were folded in to American and British intelligence which took them in to combat Communism. Which is why Putin rants about Nazis in the West. Conspiracy nuts go off about the Illuminati controlling things and the Russians know that routine as well but the control structure doesn't need to be so convoluted and byzantine its simply a bunch ohf elite bankers and corporations trying to expand their power across the world due to good old Capitalist greed which all Communist children are raised up and taught to dread. They are taught under Capitalism the only value a person has is how they can contribute to making the elite richer and individuals not doing that is considered just a useless eater by the elite aristocracy. Because there is consideredable truth in their concerns the Media avoids letting the masses understand the worries of usual Russian citizens

  9. Fernando Baptiste de sousa

    Amigos cubanos não vão para guerra , para a Rússia eu tive lá eles me prometeram 3000€ e nunca recebi, porque eles sabem que vocês são carne para canhão esperam que vocês morrem para não vos pagar e se não morrerem na guerra eles próprios vos vão matar para não pagar a Rússia não têm dinheiro acreditam que e verdade,a Rússia vai matar os vossos filhos

  10. coodudeman

    How can we avoid global financial crisis after so much damage has been done?

  11. Mohamed Akoo

    Tell the people the truth stop the lies

  12. Gavin Hayes

    The only reason there is fighing, is because America is always fighting and causing wars at all times. This is OUR war, and the Russians are our pawns to deplete our old tanks and get rid of the surplus population of undereducated men in the area. {too real} The REASON this is all happening is not a religious thing or Nazi thing, but more like the Baby Boomers want to get rid of their old enemies before they die. Russia would be no match for US, if we really wanted to beat them (we want Moscow and St. Petersburg to stand) then, we would not send nukes, we would cause war with India, China, and Russia on their territory. We left Afghanistan to enter Kyiv. [Now that is news]

  13. john parker

    I wonder how long the presenter thinks it will be before Russia has had enough of the west massively supplying arms and munitions and resorts to the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

  14. Smokey420Greenleaf

    now do one about all of biden's blunders.

  15. Smokey420Greenleaf

    @15:58: since when does the US produce oil? we buy all our oil from the middle east last i checked.

  16. Smokey420Greenleaf

    say what you want, as far as im concerned, putin is the modern world's smartest leader… only one so far to ban all the alphabet soup nutjobs that are making the rest of the world's lives a living hell on a daily basis.

  17. 3 Geometry dash friends

    Let. Putin rule the original Russia just Moscow will that could be done dismantle Russian federation.

  18. once upon a dime

    I can only imagine shoygu smiled when he got his after action report ok prigozhin's plane

  19. Anthony Russo

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 and 4 say Putin don't bully me around anymore I don't want teasing taunting picking fights cause a Russian bully's bark is always worse than its bite.

  20. GeneralBass

    Can all of you stop depicting Crimea as Russian? It's Ukraine!

  21. Daniel Pobywajlo

    Always kind of wondered how to Soviet experiment would conclude

  22. DOUG. A.

    There can be no security guarantee for any free democratic societies while Putin is still alive and until the Russian dictatorial regime is changed to a free and open society

  23. Erikson Lavender

    Putin Russia is not ready for nato

  24. Bo

    So "The cowared of the Kremlin" won't bust a grape at a fruit fight. If it endangers his personal safety in any way. Which it absolutely would. His life wouldn't be worth spit, after even a limited nuclear strike.

  25. Bo

    I think the west has sent not near enough. And should have sent most of it a year and a half ago. And there should never been any restrictions on use of the weapons. Because somebody's weapons are going to be used on terrorists helmets, to win this war. At least for Ukraine to win the war. Western leadership has, thus far. In my opinion was, and still is serious lacking. Ukraine needs long range, offensive weapons (without restrictions), so they have the ability to make Moscow and St. Petersburg, look like Bakhmut.

  26. Eee Ee

    I thought the ruzzian Hitler didn't pay dead soldiers? Or they paid in bags of potato… LOL

    If we have learned anything from past history and dictators, the world need to fight this PURE Evil.

  27. CT9905

    Putin will Survive!!!

  28. Arne Pietruszewski

    Russia does not want a full nuclear submarine fleet. Nuclear submarines are a hinderance in the baltic sea. Baltic sea is too shallow.

  29. Dr. Gary Hatcher

    He needs to be removed. Totally.

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