Ray Dalio on US Dominance, China Economy, Inflation, Future of Bridgewater

by | Jan 21, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 34 comments

Ray Dalio on US Dominance, China Economy, Inflation, Future of Bridgewater

Bridgewater Associates Founder Ray Dalio says the long term investment picture for China is “still Bright.” In an interview with Bloomberg’s David Westin he discussed China, saving strategies and Bridgewater’s legacy following his recent departure as Co-Chairman and Co-CIO. He spoke at the Greenwich Economic Forum in Connecticut….(read more)

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  1. Calvin

    We are spending way too much Money

  2. Daniel Krabbe

    What an idiot. How lazy are these investors? "How are we doing? Good! … great .

  3. BAdBrAd

    The idea of a populist right always confuses me. My views have not changes in my 50+ years on this Earth, yet for some reason believing in the rule of law, having policies (foreign and domestic) that benefit America, upholding the constitution, judging people on their character and work ethic as opposed to what they look like was complete mainstream only 15 to 20 years ago. I truly do not believe their is a populist right. I think the countries political leanings have moved further left. Remember Bill Clinton believed in a secure border and capitalism and would say very based things when trying to campaign for his wife during 2016 and then was quickly ghosted for a month or so. Also, Obama on multiple occasions said marriage is between a man and a women yet he was pushed to the left which as a whole as happened to the country.

  4. Samus Samus

    Today's the day!

  5. Samus Samus

    I bet you are good!

  6. Hélder

    It is mentioned in the conversation "500 years ago". At that time Portugal was the super power, and Spain as well. Portuguese currency at the time was the first world reserve currency actually, boosted by the "Age of European Discovery" lead by Portugal and Spain.

  7. Samus Samus

    How is it going?

  8. Barry Shaw

    Guess Yugoslavia didn’t happen !!! Very convenient memory! Enough said!

  9. John Burns

    Dalio once famously asked a homeless person to loan him money…to teach the poor destitute indigent man the value of a buck.He is yet another Out-of-Touch Rich Elitist.

  10. Tas Singh

    When dont pay. Poor does

  11. Tas Singh

    All these stocks guru never pay any taxes. Shame on all

  12. Tas Singh

    Rich never pays taxes. Only working class. Thus needs to be fixed

  13. Samus Samus

    Hi Everybody!

  14. Vitaly Belyakov

    Amazing an American can talk without the usual propaganda-biased-hate-diatribe they usually do when speaking about other people.

  15. Kayla Lee

    He listed all of the problems china has and the conclusion is China’s future is still bright and the reason for that is I know the people, they are reasonable people. How ridiculous is that.

  16. JM

    A billionaire talking about wealth gaps…

  17. steve smith

    This is the guy who in the Spring of 2022 when inflation was taking off said "cash is trash". Bonds and stocks then dropped over 20%. Arguably the worst investment call of all time.

  18.  Herman Ramos

    Yes stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are alot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.

  19. erich kraetz

    If you're holding cash, you have 100% chance of losing money yearly due to inflation. If you"re holding stocks for 2.5+ years, there is a 100% chance you won't lose money. So where is the real risk?

  20. JC * inc

    Ray Dalio is wisdom galore

  21. True Life Stories

    If you want to measure inflation the second best place to look would be Gas Station prices. The first best place to look would be McDonald’s prices.

  22. True Life Stories

    It’s very simple. The United States is playing “Chess”, but China is playing “Go”.

  23. Eclair B.

    Ray’s passion for mentoring shines through the way he hints and equips us with the tools to analyse and decide for ourselves instead of giving us direct answers ❤ It’s empowering how he links examples back to economic and financial fundamentals that we have learnt too!

  24. Joseph Robert Romero

    Inflation hits people a lot harder than a crashing stock or housing market as it directly affects people's cost of living that people immediately feel the impact of. It's not surprising negative market sentiment is so high now. We really need help to survive in this Economy. The fin-Market;s have underperformed the U.S. economy as fear of inflation hammers the prices of stock;s and bonds. My portfoliio of $250k is down to $192k any recommendation;s to scale up my return;s during this crash will be highly appreciated.

  25. Rich Szabo

    I am aware that continuing to invest during periods of volatility can be a smart way to build wealth. I’ve heard testimonies of people accruing over $250k in this red period. What measures can I take to achieve this?

  26. Frederick Miles

    Dalio committed economic treason – he went long Russia, China, etc pre 2022; and shorted US retail. Now he is coming crawling back, once again trying to fail upwards through life.

  27. Anton Gustafsson

    I am so grateful to learn from Ray. If people in my ages take after him, man, thats a gamechanger for the better.

  28. Williams Kohler

    Is it bad that I’m becoming numb to headlines like this? This is all really important information to understand, but at this point I don’t have any room for the existential stress these headlines induce. I guess that’s not a bad thing haha. Thanks for sharing, It’s always good to stay informed but I think separating emotion from news like this is vital in economic times like these.

  29. Annie Zeng

    During this austere times, protecting one's capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if one loses one's capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over.

  30. SmallScreenTV

    Recently China seems hell bent on locking up its citizens in camps and running around sanitizing things like paranoid regards. So, yeah, I don't think China is on the up and up as it might have been just a few years ago. I'd say there's likely going to be an all-out rebellion in China very soon.

  31. Ame Perdue

    Bloomberg was notified in June 2022 , that FTX was perpetrating a giant fraud. Bloomberg chose to ignore that advice . Bloomberg could have saved the funds of thousands of FTX investors, but they chose to stay quiet because FTX was paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising . I urge all Bloomberg customers to close their accounts, immediately and I urge the regulators to investigate Bloomberg behavior .

  32. Meta Warriors

    Great insights Ray!

  33. zaputiną karas_Z tele-grame

    Investing with borrowed money & cheap money ENDED. Easy to invest when you had a printing press of $ FED gave you for free. So invested in capital markets to get higher capitalisation level return & pay back laughable amount of money to the FED. Banks do this all the time. Borrow cheap 0.5% & give interest rates on deposits 20%. 15% leverage. Good business. Don't you think?

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