Reacting to Jason Aldean’s “Try That In a Small Town”

by | Jul 29, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 20 comments

Reacting to Jason Aldean’s “Try That In a Small Town”

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Jason Aldean – Try That In A Small Town (REACTION!)

Jason Aldean, the renowned country music artist known for his powerful vocals and rock-infused sound, has done it once again with his latest release, “Try That In A Small Town.” This track is a notable addition to his impressive discography, showcasing his talent for storytelling and his ability to captivate listeners with his effortless charisma.

From the first few notes, “Try That In A Small Town” grabs your attention with its infectious energy and catchy melody. Aldean’s distinctive voice shines through, bringing a raw authenticity to the lyrics that transport us to the heart of Middle America. The song is filled with relatable themes that resonate with people living in small towns across the country.

The lyrics of “Try That In A Small Town” paint a vivid picture of the tight-knit communities and the simplicity of life that characterizes those areas. The song talks about the values and the shared experiences of those small-town dwellers, highlighting the close bonds formed among neighbors, the pride in hard work, and the slower pace of life that contrasts with the hustle and bustle of city living.

Aldean’s delivery is impeccable, showcasing his ability to infuse emotion into every verse. His powerful vocals capture the essence of the song’s sentiment, making it easy for listeners to connect with the story being told. You can feel the longing for simpler times, the frustrations of people trying to adapt to the modern world, and the pride they take in their small communities.

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The production of “Try That In A Small Town” is top-notch, blending the rough edges of rock music with the heartfelt essence of country. The instrumentation is powerful, with electric guitars and drums driving the song forward, enhancing its anthemic quality. Aldean’s band, known for their exceptional musicianship, adds an extra layer of depth and energy, complementing his vocals perfectly.

One of the standout aspects of “Try That In A Small Town” is its ability to evoke nostalgia and transport listeners to their own small towns, regardless of where they are from. The song ignites a sense of pride and belonging, reminding us of the beauty in simplicity and the importance of cherishing our roots.

In conclusion, Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town” is a masterpiece that showcases his talent as a storyteller and his ability to connect with his audience through relatable themes. With his powerful vocals, impeccable delivery, and expertly crafted production, Aldean continues to solidify his status as one of country music’s most captivating and versatile artists. If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and give “Try That In A Small Town” a listen – it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

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  1. Gena Roberts

    The controversy mainly was about the image of them in front of that specific court house..because 0ver a hundred years ago a black man was hung there…but they also filmed Hannah Montana at that court house, plus used in many. Many other movies and videos.

  2. National Sports Entertainment NSE

    The out of touch left does not understand there are a lot of similarities between a small town and a hood

  3. Michael Argiro

    Jason is awesome
    That woke stuff is ridiculous

  4. Lisa Parmer

    The majority of the protesters shown in video clips are mentally ill white people. Which is a true depiction after going through the Minneapolis riots here in Minnesota. Typically 20-30 year olds living in their parents basements that have been pampered their whole lives with no jobs. They need to be enlisted in job core to learn how to work and build communities. Just my opinion, tried not to be ugly.

  5. Heddy St George

    The ones who said this song is racist are racist themselves

  6. James Paul DeLashmit

    The term Racist was developed by DEMONCRATS, trying to instagate CRIME between Peaceful Citizens!!! There is Only 1 race……the Human race, we all bleed red!!! I don't care what color anyone's skin is…if they commit a heinous crime STOP them dead in their tracks!!! The Crime rate would dramatically DROP!!! And the people going to Prison would go way down in numbers!!! Go back to Executing Judgement on Crime!!! If someone Kills someone without just cause, start putting them to death….Not in prison for Life and having the American People to keep them fed in prison!!! I'm sick of it!!!

  7. Laurine Reinwalt

    Dirt Road Anthem IS NOT Jason Aldean's song!!! You're truly missing out of you don't give the original by Brantley Gilbert it's respect!!!!

  8. bob u

    Free speech reins.. don't like it don't listen to it .

  9. Cameron Watson

    Small town of Americans is like expecting you to lay down if somebody comes into your neighborhood expecting you to do nothing! Would you let them go?

  10. Angela Mae Zgurich

    You guys are so much fun to listen to ! Thanks for supporting Jason Aldean…

  11. David Brown

    This song makes sense, 64 now but as a young fool me and 5 mates went to a small town outside Glasgow , Scotland, and tried to raise hell. We succeeded; in getting our ar**s kicked. Small town translates as a tight knit community where people not only know each other but care for each other, and back each other up. I have lived in a small town outside Glasgow the past 42 years, life lesson learned.

  12. Dave Osmun

    you 4 are great

  13. Connie Sewell

    New subscriber, love you! Y'all have your heads on straight. You remind me of my sons!

  14. Diane White

    I want to commend you gentleman for seeing the song for what it is.

    I was raised in a small town that was fairly evenly diverse. And in that town if you tried to jack an old woman at a red light, someone's beating your a** at that red light. And it didn't matter the color of the criminal or the color of the saviour. We looked out for each other. Yes no town is perfect, but small town folks look after each other. That was in a BFE town in West Texas. Now I live in a small town in Illinois. And it's the same here. People watch each other. They would protect their neighbors. Doesn't matter color. The cops have built in backup because folks would step up to help if needed. Riots and looting aren't happening here because they'd get shown the way out of town real quick. That's all the song means. Several years ago in that small Texas town, they had basically a blizzard, talking 8+ foot snow drifts. The typical for the area, maybe 1 inch. They weren't equipped. The government sent in plows to clear roads. At my dad's home it made it worse because they pushed all the snow up on their curb making it impossible to get out with over 6 foot of snow blocking the driveway. The other side of the road is a park and could easily have pushed the snow there instead of trapping people in their homes. They didn't care. My elderly, disabled father was trapped for 4 days. That's when his neighbor got back into town (he's a truck driver) and plowed out all that snow for everyone on the street. It wasn't the government that got my dad out, it was his neighbor. That's what small town is about.

    People are griping about the courthouse. There probably isn't a small town courthouse anywhere in the country that something bad didn't happen at. They scream about the newspaper article in the lyric video being too rare to find. I found it very easy with one simple Google search for rare newspaper articles. I went through the archives of this article. The author was a white satirical writer who condemned both KKK/white supremacy groups and black groups with similar intent. Satirical = Sarcastic. So basically a joking writer that believed in togetherness instead of separation. The threat of death came from a black man with the NAACP. How are you going to call it racist because a black man threatened the life of a white man and the white man pretty much turns it into a big joke.

    90% of the music video showed white rioters and looters. Yet he was made to remove the 6 seconds of a BLM riot. 6 seconds.

    I have spent days watching the nonsense and have tried very hard to hold my tongue. Many I followed on tik tok I don't follow anymore, and many others are now being followed. I am small town and believe in everything Jason Aldean said in the song. Am I racist? My dad would come down from heaven and I'd be in the woodshed. He raised me right. There's no such thing as bad acts only committed by one race. He also taught me that the original definition of n****r (I won't write the word because I know many are offended by it) is a lazy, slovenly person and that there were white, black, brown, purple and green n****rs. Do I use the word? No. He used to call my next door neighbor a white n****r. Why? Dude was lazy. She took care of the yard, she took the trash out, she did all the cooking and cleaning, she took care of the garage, she did everything with the kids. Dude didn't even take care of them financially half the time. So yes that's what he, was. Is my dad racist for saying that? No. It was the book definition of the word. I say was because now all dictionaries have been changed. It was deemed offensive so they changed the dictionaries to reflect that. Think about that.

    Now they're trying to get a song banned because they deemed it offensive. What is wrong with this country? If I dye my toes pink and someone finds it offensive am I going to have to cut them off? Because that's about how silly this world is getting.

  15. Rard Beast

    My only problem with this song is that he didn't show clips of January's 6th full-scale attack on the Capital

  16. john dayton

    One thing Jason Aldean is my cousin and nothing is wrong judging all because one song he's got a lot of good songs out there

  17. Tina K

    The majority of people angry seem to be white people. I am just so confused as to where the racism is in this song? I grew up in small town Midwest America, we loved eachother and helped eachother, black or white or Asian etc. It's just sad that people look for reasons to hate and be divided. Also he didn't write this song

  18. steven p

    Yep stupid is as stupid does

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