Reimagined Title: Intense Layer 1 Showdown: AVAX vs NEAR Tokens! 🚀 The Crypto Battle Unleashed! ⚡️

by | Aug 5, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 20 comments


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0:00 Introduction
00:44 Conclusion
00:47 Crypto Compendium: Composite Score
01:23 Avalanche (AVAX) – Price Chart
01:54 NEAR Protocol (NEAR) – Price Chart
02:15 AVAX / NEAR – Pair Price Chart
02:51 Face Off Comparison
04:43 Is the Crypto Market Cap Dominance % justified?
05:03 Winner – NEAR Protocol (NEAR)…(read more)

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Crypto enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the next big thing in the digital currency space. Two blockchain projects that have been gaining significant attention lately are Avalanche ($AVAX) and NEAR Protocol ($NEAR). Both platforms are considered Layer 1 solutions, aiming to provide faster, more scalable, and decentralized solutions to the blockchain industry. In this article, we will explore the similarities, differences, and potential benefits of these two projects in the ongoing crypto clash.

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Firstly, let’s understand what Layer 1 solutions are. In the blockchain ecosystem, Layer 1 refers to the base layer or the underlying infrastructure of a blockchain network. It is responsible for the core functionalities, consensus, and transaction processing. Layer 1 solutions are designed to provide a robust and secure foundation for building decentralized applications (DApps) on top.

Both Avalanche and NEAR Protocol have set out to address some of the key pain points of earlier Layer 1 blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum. They aim to overcome issues like slow transaction throughput, high fees, and scalability limitations that have hindered the mainstream adoption of blockchain technology.

Avalanche, created by Ava Labs, introduces the concept of a highly scalable and decentralized network using a unique consensus algorithm called Avalanche Consensus. This consensus mechanism allows for near-instant finality, fast transaction times, and low fees. Avalanche also offers support for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, allowing developers to easily port their existing Ethereum-based applications to the Avalanche network.

On the other hand, NEAR Protocol focuses on providing a developer-friendly platform that offers high performance, low latency, and cost-effective transactions. NEAR employs a novel consensus mechanism called Nightshade, which divides network validators into shards to parallelize transaction processing. By doing so, NEAR aims to achieve high throughput while maintaining security and decentralization.

One notable advantage of both Avalanche and NEAR is their ability to handle thousands of transactions per second, significantly surpassing the transaction speeds of many existing blockchain platforms. This scalability potential makes them attractive for applications in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, gaming, and other high-throughput use cases.

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Additionally, both platforms have taken steps to enhance user experience by keeping transaction costs low. This is achieved through various means, such as optimizing network congestion, introducing novel fee structures, and leveraging sharding techniques. Lower fees are vital for encouraging mass adoption of blockchain technology, particularly for micro-transactions and small business use cases.

In terms of adoption and partnerships, both platforms have managed to secure notable collaborations. Avalanche has partnered with prominent projects like Chainlink, The Graph, and SushiSwap, among others. NEAR Protocol, on the other hand, has gained attention for its collaboration with gaming platforms like Mintbase and Zed Run, showcasing its potential in the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) space.

It is important to note that while Avalanche and NEAR Protocol share certain similarities, they also have distinct features and use cases. Avalanche’s EVM compatibility allows developers to tap into its scalability features while leveraging existing Ethereum infrastructure and tooling. NEAR Protocol, on the other hand, focuses on ease of use and developer-friendliness, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more streamlined blockchain development experience.

In conclusion, the crypto clash between Avalanche and NEAR Protocol presents an exciting battle for dominance in the Layer 1 blockchain space. Both platforms offer unique solutions to the scalability and performance limitations of earlier blockchain implementations. It is evident that they are making significant strides in their respective areas and garnering attention from industry players and investors alike. Only time will tell which project will emerge as the ultimate winner in this epic Layer 1 battle.

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  1. The Workshop

    Avax is the chosen one . next bull run we will see the full potential of the subnets and tokenization of most assets

  2. Mike Contos

    Great choice of topics James. Some positive feedback: I went through about 15 crypto influencers throughout covid times, first living in Vietnam under 2 years of communist lockdowns, then paying back fines, covid overstays , etc as an enforced illegal-alien due to a wrecked visa system and a no-movement policy, back in Australia for 6 months now, rebuilding my life again after losing most of what Id built after being locked down and stranded there for 3 years. Ive always come back to your channel for its integrity, honesty and passion for the data. Your videos have been a highlight for me through dark days and much more light and happy ones now. Entertaining, guiding and interesting. Thanks for persevering!

  3. William Barbier

    Thanks for finishing the video and the great work James

  4. Jon D

    Thanks James! I think a useful face-off could be all the pure play ISO 20022 coins. Some of them really seem to be popping off lately while the rest of the market stagnates. XLM, XDC, QNT, ALGO

  5. ray will

    I have a stake in both


  6. Haven Peck

    He should travel more for his spirit idc if it messes up from time to time on the road

  7. NotJoeFresh

    With the subnets on avax the scalability is bigger because it’s completely separate from its original block chain. The subnets don’t conflict and cause congestion on the actual avax blockchain

  8. Vincent Mark

    AVAX for the win all day everyday! if you know you know, although im sure NEAR will do good in its on way over time tho

  9. Luke

    Thank you very much James!!

  10. kids funny videos archie time

    James I love u l, I watch Ben cowen also. Which 1 of you are correct. I'm so undecidedx

  11. B.L Bell

    I don't watch shitcoin content!

  12. Roxtrub

    Near on the other hand is the Blochain Operating System. I hope you all know that. It now is an open source web. Please dig deeper as they have a nearcon coming this nov.

  13. Juan Miller

    Great information! Pretty surprised on this one!

  14. P4RK

    HyperSDK and other non-EVM’s on Subnets allow for >10k TPS. (Just one Subnet). In theory, TPS on Avalanche trends towards infinity because of it being a network of networks. Time to finality is all that matters in this comp imo.

    You are comparing c-chain to NEAR’s full main network here.

    Happy to have a more thorough convo about Avalanche! This just pains me to see as it paints a smidgen of the Avalanche picture.

  15. P4RK

    Avalanche is a Layer 0 consensus layer.

    It should have been Cosmos vs Polkadot vs Avalanche.

    No relevance comparing Near to Avalanche here

  16. NE

    Still talking Sh%tcoins…..

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