Report: Putin Incapacitated and Concedes Power After Mysterious Circumstances

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Silver IRA | 32 comments

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Breaking! Putin Incapacitated, Turning Over Power After ‘Strange Things’ Happen To Him, Says Report

In a shocking turn of events, recent reports have surfaced claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been incapacitated and is considering transferring power. The news first broke when rumors circulated about some “strange things” happening to the Russian leader, fueling speculation about his health and ability to govern effectively.

While details remain scarce and the Kremlin has yet to give an official statement on the matter, various sources suggest that Putin has been experiencing physical and neurological disturbances. These alleged incidents have reportedly left the once seemingly invincible leader grappling with his declining health and prompting him to consider stepping down from his position of power.

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The reports have sent shockwaves across the international community, as Putin has played a pivotal role in shaping Russia’s politics and global affairs for over two decades. Known for his strongman image and iron-fisted rule, Putin’s absence or resignation would undoubtedly have significant repercussions both domestically and internationally.

Throughout his tenure, Putin has cultivated an aura of toughness and resilience, projecting an image of a leader who is always in control. Any signs of vulnerability or illness would not only pose challenges to his personal legacy but could also potentially create a power vacuum in Russia. Questions would arise regarding the future of the country, its political stability, and its relationship with the outside world.

It is important to approach these reports with caution, as information about Putin’s health has often been shrouded in secrecy, and rumors about his supposed ailments have surfaced in the past without substantial evidence. Nevertheless, the sheer volume of recent reports and the apparent seriousness of his condition suggest that this situation merits further attention.

If true, Putin’s incapacitation and potential handover of power would undoubtedly mark a turning point in Russian politics. The Kremlin has yet to confirm or deny any of the allegations, leaving the world waiting anxiously for an official statement to clarify the situation and its implications.

In the absence of concrete information, speculation and uncertainty will continue to grow, leading to heightened geopolitical tensions. Given Russia’s prominent role on the global stage, any shift in leadership will have far-reaching consequences, influencing not only Russia but also its neighboring countries and international relations at large.

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As the world grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainties, and political unrest in various regions, the potential instability in Russia adds another layer of complexity to an already volatile global landscape. It emphasizes the importance of informed diplomacy, international cooperation, and strategizing for potential scenarios that may arise as a result of this reported development.

What lies ahead for Russia is uncertain, but the impact of Putin’s alleged incapacitation would undoubtedly be significant. Whether these reports will persist as mere rumors or transform into a defining moment in Russian politics remains to be seen. For now, global attention remains fixated on the Kremlin, awaiting official confirmation or clarification surrounding Putin’s health and the future of Russian leadership.

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  1. Marvin Hall

    If he has a head wound then he will fit the prophecy and recuperate in three days. Rasputin couldn't be killed even after being poisoned by Russian Officers close to the King before the Russian Revolution. Putin is a seasoned ruler and is in good physical shape. He could have assassins surrounding him trying to poison him too even maybe his generals can be suspects or plants of double agents already living in Russia now. Even Jacob Sisneros whose family is located in Haifa, Israel could be of Russian Jewish Descent. Neil Goldblatt's son got out of jail probation and was a GKIS member using Scarface techniques to launder money at all banks downtown. Listening devices and sniper positions by Battalion Command Center and electronic surveillance even using credit card machines on parking lots downtown Denver, Aurora, Westminster, Littleton, Centennial, DIA, FBI, FAA, NSA, and Interpol could be alerted. This costs the taxpayers $$$Billions maybe $$$ TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN COST THE USA 1 BILLION DOLLARS A DAY FOR 20 YEARS. $$ 365 BILLION A YEAR TIMES 20 YEARS. DO THE MATH $$ 7 TRILLION, 320 MILLION OVERALL. ALSO, WE RAN HALLIBURTON GROWING OPIUM PRODUCTS INCLUDING FENTANYL THAT KILLED 100,000 VICTIMS A YEAR IN THE USA. TIMES 20 YEARS= 2 MILLION PEOPLE DIED INCLUDING DEAD SHERIFFS, POLICE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE MEMBERS, FBI AGENTS, DEA AGENTS, AND ARMED FORCES INCLUDING ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, MARINES, SPECIAL OPS, SEAL, DELTA, BLACK OPS, AND COAST GUARD PERSONNEL.

  2. Marvin Hall

    I have people who follow me all the time I have been in USA and moved to OKC back in 1967. I know we have civil rights, Constitutional rights, and UN human rights against Genocide Treaties of 1946 signed after the Nazi Nuremberg Trials of convicted atrocities against 6 Million Jews who were victims of the Holocaust and Crimes Against Humanity. Massad and other Jewish Organizations even Jewish Family Services. I used to work with them at the Kosher Pantry. I worked there with Joe Silver, Pam Barron, Michael Moyzhaykin and worked at a Food Bank that was associated with MAZON JEWISH ORGANIZATION THAT THEY APPLIED FOR A Grant to help run their food bank. We also worked with several food banks that gathered breads, milk from Safeway, King Soopers, Whole Foods, Jewish food stores, Colorado Food Bank, Acme Delivery Warehouses with Goldbergs who ran biggest food services. I worked at ACME WAREHOUSE BACK IN THE 1990's as a food puller, forklift driver. They are Worldwide now and Marvin Davis Association for Diabetes and Womens Cancer Association are local organizations have fund raising runs still operating despite COVID-19 LOCKDOWN AND NATIONWIDE FOODBANKS SERVING MILLIONS OUT OF WORK, TOLD TO NOT GO TO WORK. REVELATIONS STATES, "AND THERE SHALL COME A DAY WHEN NO MAN SHALL WORK. WE ARE SITTING ON A PRECIPICE, DANGLING ON THE EDGE OF REALITY. PUTIN COULD HAVE BRAIN CANCER IF THAT'S THE CASE WE MUST PRAY FOR PEOPLE IN UKRAINE, NATO COUNTRIES EVEN USA. GOD IS IN CHARGE WITH ANGELS THAT PROTECT OUR NATION AND SOVEREIGNTY AND THE RPUBLIC FOR WHICH WE STAND AS WE THE PEOPLE. WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF WAR, PEOPLE ARE ALREADY BEING PUT INTO SELECTIVE SERVICE IF YOU REGISTER TO BE ON THE VOTING BALLOT SYSTEMS. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY AND PROTECT US FROM HARM OR BEING INVOLVED IN A WAR THAT IS MADE UP OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS, AMEN, !!!!!!$$$###***

  3. Jason Ollick

    Putin seems to be a whole lot better than biden

  4. Gates. AntiChrst

    I like Putin – goof luck & get well!

  5. Diane Cvengros

    Wow, thanks Lisa. I just got my notification, no figure. Sergei Levrov stuck his foot in his mouth right away. He could single handed cause a war with Israel with his words alone about Hitler being 1/2 Jew. Causing Putin to apologize for what was said.
    Crazy world. Biden destroying the U.S., Trump pushing his pick for Senators, Governors & Representatives. Just in PA alone he is pushing Dr. Meet Oz for Senator he Doesn't live here, if maybe a month. Used his Aunts address. Ugg Politics, not like they just threw stones at each other. Sorry just venting. Appreciate you Lisa and your husband for all your hard work bringing the truth out.

  6. endofsociety

    Great. Putin was reluctant to push the nuclear ( going by his constant warnings and holding back) button but we don’t know what his stand-in might be capable of. This may in fact be a set up. A scape goat more or less so that Putin can’t be blamed for pushing the button.

  7. Keith Fornal

    ■don't blame putin for war warnings as that's exactly what Hillary. Obama, biden want but not putin, so stop prophesy for the deep state porttraying putin as a bollisn. Bec the enemy of my enemy (biden) is my alley in the global take down of obama biden & the elitist ds kabaal Crime syndicate that will assist DJT, 's return to potus. .your mainstream news derived narritive shows lack of spiritual & patriotic discernment

  8. raymond burgos

    Thats made up video…b.s

  9. Donald Grappo

    Putin looks puffy and enflamed. Like he has cancer or other serious illness.

  10. Stephen Bartram

    Now how would the post know that
    I smell bspropaganda

  11. Michael Anthony SC

    And guess who else has tremors. Hillary Clinton….Could it be adrenalchrome?

  12. Been Danglin’

    The mouth-moving in church was him pretending to know the words.

  13. Maria Herradi

    Of course that if he had cancer surgery needs to recovered . That doesn't make him incapacitated . I passed through that . He will be ok .Watch !

  14. Heidi VLF

    Trusting the MSM! I can just turn on CBS. Another useless channel.

  15. Evangel17

    I don’t see it this way at all. Putin is under a tremendous amount of pressure and he’s Not a robot but a Real human being. Not one of you reporting this garbage about him could hold up under the scrutiny he’s under ‘Not One. You report what Putin and Lavrov say or do But are silent on what has provoked this and how the United States has been the aggressive party here. You no doubt will say Putin invaded Ukraine But Putin says it was a liberation of the people in Donbas area from Nazi’s and The people from these areas will agree with him. His two goals were to Demilitarize and Denatzify Donbas area. This is what he’s done and Patrick Lancaster, Eva Bartlett, Gonzalo Lira, All r in Ukraine and also agree along with the people that United States is supporting Azov Battalion who are Neo Nazis and have been at war with the Russians there since the coup via Obama and company of 2014. Get ur facts straight and quit playing along with criminals who spread such Propaganda against Putin and Russia. Shame on you.

  16. Okiegirl A


  17. Elliepup30

    I have to add…it's all a pysop

  18. Freedom rings.

    I think we should be a bit more concerned with the health of our own president who is clearly unstable

  19. Michael Stetzer

    Strange that we have a leader who is far worse off than Putin, yet he remains in the highest office in the land.

  20. Lisa cox

    If you want the truth about Ukraine go to YouTube channel debated… Good one put out earlier….

  21. Eagle 275

    After what he's done I'd be one nervous mfer too!

  22. Annoymous Me

    I think it is brain cancer. It would make sense if he is having neurological problems and movement issues.

  23. Sally H

    That is not Putin


    I and many others I'm sure, have been praying the Lord God would remove him from power and neutralize his evil ways and government.

  25. MJMJ

    IDK – he looks normal to me.

  26. One love

    This idea that somthing is wrong with Putin is ridiculous. If you want to point out someone that has issues then Biden is where you should be looking at. Putin and his country is being attacked by the world for what he thinks is best for his country and his people. I can imagine how stressful it is for him. At least Putin did not mandate a poisonous experimental vaax on his people.


    Putin looks bloated and puffy. Water retention. Bad heart, also?

  28. Lori Smith

    Israeli News live just said he had the inside scoop that it's prostate surgery. Ouch!

  29. Sharon J

    I’ve thought for a months this does it look like Putin.

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