Republican States Unleash Potent Weapon Against the Global Cabal

by | Aug 12, 2023 | Silver IRA | 42 comments

Republican States Unleash Potent Weapon Against the Global Cabal

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It’s On! Republican States Just Unleashed Their Greatest Weapon On The Global Cabal!

In recent years, there has been a growing concern among conservative Americans regarding the influence of a secretive global cabal that operates behind the scenes to control world events. These concerns have led to a renewed sense of urgency within several Republican-led states, who are now taking bold steps to combat this perceived threat. The weapon they have chosen to wield? State sovereignty.

Republican states across the country have begun asserting their autonomy and pushing back against what they see as an overreach by the federal government and the powerful individuals and organizations that pull its strings. They believe that by reclaiming their autonomy, they can weaken the grip of the global cabal and restore power to the people.

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One way these states are flexing their muscles is by passing legislation aimed at nullifying federal laws they deem unconstitutional or oppressive. While some critics argue that this can lead to a state-versus-federal government showdown, proponents argue that it is an essential tool in protecting individual liberties and preserving the principles of limited government.

One prime example of this pushback is seen in Republican-led states’ efforts to safeguard Second Amendment rights. Several states have recently passed laws declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries, where local authorities refuse to enforce any new federal gun control measures they believe infringe on the rights of their citizens. This defiance sends a strong message to the global cabal that they will not stand idly by while their citizens’ rights are trampled upon.

Another area where Republican states are exerting their sovereignty is in election integrity. In response to concerns over potential voter fraud, many Republican-led states have implemented stricter voter identification laws and are pushing for more transparent and secure election processes. By doing so, they hope to insulate themselves from any potential interference by the global cabal in future elections.

Furthermore, some Republican states have taken action to protect their economies from the influence of multinational corporations and global elites. They have implemented policies that prioritize the interests of local businesses and workers over the profit-driven agendas of outside entities. By doing so, these states hope to reclaim economic independence and lessen the influence of the global cabal on their local economies.

Critics argue that these actions by Republican-led states are nothing more than political posturing, and that they will have little impact on dismantling the perceived global cabal. However, proponents argue that these steps are necessary, as they symbolize a new and defiant era of state-led resistance against oppressive forces. They see this as the first step towards reestablishing a government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

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While it remains to be seen how effective these measures will be in combating the global cabal, one thing is for certain: Republican states have unleashed their greatest weapon – state sovereignty. Through nullification, safeguarding constitutional rights, and protecting local economies, these states are standing up to the influence of powerful global entities. They are sending a clear message that they will not be silenced or controlled by a shadowy cabal intent on reshaping the world according to their own agenda.

As the battle between state sovereignty and the global cabal rages on, only time will tell who will emerge victorious. But for now, Republican states have taken a significant step forward in asserting their autonomy and defending the rights of their citizens. It’s on, indeed!

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  1. Michael Sanders

    The global pedophile cabal 666

  2. John Swiger

    That's a thumbs up to Governor Justice from this West Virginian.

  3. John Solomon Sinclair

    Are there bible verses that are anti socialist? Can a Christian be a socialist or communist?

  4. Ronald

    I know the great reset is already in the lexicon with the word great but I don't think it's great I wish we would have used different terminology or whoever started it

  5. Be gone Be gone

    Watch the weather worsen in those states that will take action against evil banks.

  6. ML Johnson


  7. Annie Grant

    Could you possibly let us know what banks are in the woke organization?

  8. Paul LaRue

    ESG bankers need to be Executed

  9. 2coryman

    GOD wants us all to know this and to do and live as HE Says,
    God The Father
    Feast of God the Father and His Divine Will – 3:00 P.M. Service
    August 7, 2022 · Printer Friendly
    Share on FacebookTweet about this on Twitter
    (This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

    Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: "A nefarious collusion is being formed by nations who oppose freedom and the Truth. Do not be deceived into thinking the term 'union' defines good. Do not dine at the table of illicit gain."

    "Time is the package that, as it is opened, reveals much – the annihilation of entire nations – by disease or aggressive takeover, the rise to power of evil forces, the small made greater, small issues becoming great problems internationally, the coming to power of the Antichrist. All that I have foretold in Scripture will come to pass."

    "Children, I confide some events of the future to you not to alarm you, but to call you to prayer – prayer for trust in My Provision. I do not want you to live in fear, but in the peace that only trust can give you. Other messages from unauthentic messengers are meant to cause you fear and unrest. They do not ultimately lead you to trust in Me."

    "Be careful who you lend credence to. I speak to you to leave you in peace and trust in My Provision."

    "Children, take advantage of these times I give you to pray and sacrifice for the welfare of all humanity. The present moment will never be repeated again in the same way – under the same circumstances. I have been generous in My Patience with an errant society. Do not be a part of the world, but a part of My army of reparation."

    "Be certain that the rosary is included in your day. Pray for My Remnant Faithful. Pray that more priests join the ranks of this chosen group of prayer warriors and promote it."

    "As I speak to you, the sands of time are quickly passing through the hourglass of the future. Do not be so foolish as to think that because the present moment has passed without catastrophe, you will not see any future moment when My Words to you will not come to pass. Once My Patience is exhausted, the future I have spoken of will unfold rapidly."

    "Prayer and penance are your allies. Do not abandon them."

    "Celebrate My Lordship over you – not just today, but every day. Be assured of My Loving Paternal Concern for each of you. There is no present moment in anyone's life which I am not a part of. Depend upon My Strength, My Wisdom, My Omnipotence. When you ask Me with a loving respect, I can change hearts, influence free will and bring about a change of opinions. These are all needed for a conversion of heart and therefore, the conversion of the heart of the world."

    "Approach the Altar of My Heart with awe and respect. I will then listen to all you say."

    "The Sovereignty of My Divine Will embraces all people and all nations. If you love Me, obey My Divine Will by obeying My Commandments."*

    The Triple Blessing** was given.

    Read Psalm 4:1-3+

    Answer me when I call, O God of my right! You have given me room when I was in distress. Be gracious to me, and hear my prayer. O sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? How long will you love vain words, and seek after lies? But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him.

    + Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

    * To LISTEN or READ the nuances & depth of the Ten Commandments given by God the Father from June 24 – July 3, 2021, please click here:

    ** For information on the Triple Blessing (Blessing of Light, Patriarchal Blessing and Apocalyptic Blessing), please see:

  10. a.s.

    showing charts figures and graphics etc. gives it a more rich and fuller experience.

  11. Mike

    That is social credit score in play.

  12. Ce Ce

    I’ll support it here in Louisiana

  13. Family of Busch

    Consent to be governed = Oath of a Public Servant

    The United States is a Corporation 28 U.S.C. 3002(15)(A) & Consent to be governed is established by the Oath of a public servant as required by 5 C.F.R 2635.101(b), CFR Part 3101, 5 CFR 735 as per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 2.There is only one form of Action – the Civil Action & confirmed in (28 U.S.C. 1333 28 U.S.C. § 1331 & 28 U.S.C. § 1353 Historical Notes) which can only be commenced by a covered employee (2 U.S.C. 1408) & therefore can only be actionable against another covered employee. No one can give consent of another to be governed as "waivers of fundamental Rights must be knowing, intentional, & voluntary acts, done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances & likely consequences. U.S. v. Brady, 397 U.S. 742, 748 (1970); U.S v O'Dell, 160 F. 2d 304 (6th Cir. 1947)."

    Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776. “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the Governed,” Requiring its EMPLOYEES to place loyalty to the Constitution. And;

    5 C.F.R 2635.101(b) – Standards of Ethical Conduct (Consent of the Governed)

    1. Public service is a public trust (corporation) requiring EMPLOYEES to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws & ethical principles above private gain.

    Rodriques v. Ray Donavan (US Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 13341348 (1985.) “All codes, rules, & regulation are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with G-d's laws. All codes, rules, & regulations are unconstitutional & lacking due process…”

  14. Don Bing

    Wow soft republican party actually beginning to slap back in a fist fight. I'm really surprised they didn't wait for us to be in complete ruin before they puffed their little chest. Really it's great news but the Republicans really disgusts me with the lack of fight for the American people and their constitution.

  15. Randall Bushnell

    You are right, if the rest of the world isn't on board with JOHN KERRY'S POLICIES won't work, and doesn't accomplish anything, except he's waisting fuel trotting around world, making him a complete fool.

  16. Alfred Misterka

    Thank you republican party we need to push the demacrat party back God bless america and your children

  17. Pat Hoover

    What about ohio.. our Republican governor moves so damn slow. But still better than a radical lefty.

  18. Cal Jennings

    I'm glad that I'm in Texas!

  19. Sink or Swim

    Wrong-a-roni, the gas prices have risen because of buydumbs policies… not granting leases, pulling back productive leases, taxing, fining, shutting down critical infrastructure for "repairs." Fircing regulation that makes it impossible to be profitable.. Shutting down rail and trucking, and ending the keystone pipeline.. They've also backed indian reservations and blue states like Michigan to shut down pipelines. It is 1000% buydumb and his fellow sh!t heads. Its also the GOP sitting back and doing nothing… the two party illusion is what we are seeing peeps… they are either brainwashed, bought or they are globalists…

  20. Kelly Carver

    WHAT CLIMATE CHANGE!? THEY'VE BEEN GEOENGINEERING ALL WEATHER..YES ALL WEATHER FOR TWENTY YEARS!! We haven't even HAD any GOD GIVEN NATURAL WEATHER FOR TWENTY YRS, so the satanist filth don't even KNOW what the REAL CLIMATE IS DOING AT ALL!! Research it! Those are NOT normal CONTRAILS FOLKS! They have been dumping TONS of nano aluminum, barium and strontium on us DAILY!! THEY are the ones destroying the earth, NOT US!! And they need to be STOPPED FROM IT! Because THEY ARE KILLING OUR EARTH! NOT MANKIND, our FILTHY GVT!!

  21. Iam Knauttminehm

    It will take as much American land equivalent to 5 North Dakotas in order to build a green-supportive renewable energy-based infrastructure. Could this explain why Bill Gates is buying up so much farm land? After all the carbon-farting livestock are removed, along with all crops that will eventually have to be imported, then the globalists can begin to turn America into a giant renewable energy power grid for the world.

  22. Marc Ouellette

    About time. Banking, education and governance needs to be morally maintained.

  23. monique broadus

    Biden need to be impreach Now he sending American to hell Racist at all time high

  24. Gail Schofield

    Bugs are NOT what I care to eat! But, I cannot afford $32 pound for beef!! I know I am not alone. What can we all do to keep food affordable??? Is part of their plan to starve the world of water and nutrition???

  25. Sam Dill


  26. Mary Bailey

    thank you for the update have a blessed day

  27. robert adams

    I am gonna make them eat DIRT when I stomp their faces into the ground, I will probably go to hell for it but I hate them with my whole heart for what they are doing to our children, for the evil to our kids I promise to destroy them utterly, and I will show them the mercy they have shown the unborn and may the God of heaven burn them live in hell fire FOREVER!!! Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to every man according to his deeds!!! Jesus said if my kingdom were of this world my servants would arm themselves and fight, there is coming a time in the book of Revelation where it says the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God!!! That's when I will get my gun and fight like David, with the angel of the Lord going before me!!! (The Outcast)

  28. Martin

    GOD may be slow but the earth is patient . The earth will soon make are lives change to fit its needs not areas nonmatter how hard we try. Remember Water Water everywhere but not a drop to drink. So say I. Thanks and prepare were just getting started.

  29. Patricia Crews

    greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere majority of theses gases is condinsation water carbon dioxide not a pollutant represents co2 n oxygen which has to do wth the PH of the blood essential for survival bottom line federal government has no regulitary authority to regulate it.. they're gamblin wth our financial independence biggest heist of the american ppl in history

  30. Terese OZer

    Homes taken by fraud … first they came for the farms .. then homes .. now business with lock downs .. while states went along .. with fraudclosure the state's went along to protect their pensions ..

  31. Ohana ilo

    Sounds like the movies. In particularly the movie titled: “Twelve Monkeys” starring, Brad Pitt the son of a billionaire banker and Bruce Willis, the soldier now criminal. It also has the killer virus released by the, “Mad Scientist” who developed a, “BioWarfare weapon” then globally deployed it, to destroy the world he had similar attitude and philosophy as the, “green new deal woke crowd.” And strange how it included the same shortages and the little tyrant oppressors from government.

  32. Patricia Garrett

    I live in a blue state…run by a schmuck governor (California). I could cry because I've lived here 46 yrs and it's such a beautiful state with tons of resources. I am going to be moving because of age and family pressing me to get out and move nearer to my relatives. But it's hard to do so.


    TEXIT vote comes next year…

  34. Kitty

    ReElect Governor Kevin Stitt Oklahoma!

  35. Janet Pigram

    Jp Morgan are the new CHASE card accounts they are pushing in UK. Are they part of this

  36. Raymond Arnold

    Lisa, I din't presently have a telegram account. I will text you as soon as I create one…soon.

  37. Veracocha Starr

    Tesla imports batteries from China

  38. Kelly Carver

    They want to FORCE us into ELECTRIC cars so THEY can CONTROL US! They want us totally LOCKED DOWN, making over 60 percent of all US lands OFF LIMITS to us.. and once we would all get in those damned electric cars they would SHUT DOWN THE GRID, or SHUT OFF THE CARS REMOTELY! DON'T DO IT! A third of the weight of the HEAVY electric cars is about a THIRD of the weight of the CARS and they are HORRIFIC in the land fills! Their whole plan is nothing but CRIMINAL plans to strip us of everything we own and the filthy satanist UN serving traitors need ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY for what they have done to us w their PLANneddemic and the so called cure that was never a cure at all but an alternate system that builds inside us..sick freaks are insane, and I mean that!

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