Republicans Issue Dire Warnings on the War as Ultra Rich Buy Bunkers in Mass Numbers

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Silver IRA | 39 comments

Republicans Issue Dire Warnings on the War as Ultra Rich Buy Bunkers in Mass Numbers

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Something’s Up! Ultra Rich Buying Bunkers En Masse As Republicans Issue Dire Warnings On The War!

In recent months, a disturbing trend has emerged among the ultra-rich: buying bunkers to protect themselves from an impending war. As the world grapples with escalating tensions and geopolitical unrest, these wealthy individuals are taking drastic precautions to secure their future. This alarming development coincides with dire warnings issued by prominent Republicans, increasing concerns and fueling speculation about a potential global conflict.

The idea of bunkers, fortified underground shelters, is not new. It has been a recurring trope in movies and dystopian literature depicting apocalyptic scenarios. However, the current wave of bunker-buying frenzy seems to be driven by real-world concerns rather than fiction.

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While exact figures are hard to come by, reports suggest a significant rise in bunker purchases by the super-wealthy. Industry insiders reveal that wealthy individuals from various backgrounds, including tech moguls, hedge fund managers, and even celebrities, are among those investing in these fortified hideouts. These bunkers are often self-sustaining and equipped with state-of-the-art technology and provisions to ensure long-term survival.

The main catalyst behind this surge in bunker-buying is the warning emanating from Republican circles. Influential voices within the party have been sounding the alarm about the potential outbreak of a major war. They argue that geopolitical tensions, skirmishes, and trade conflicts have pushed the world closer to a cataclysmic event that could have far-reaching consequences.

These dire warnings are not unfounded. Geopolitical flashpoints like the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East compound the global instability. Additionally, rising tensions between major powers like the United States, Russia, and China only serve to amplify concerns.

Nevertheless, critics argue that these precautions taken by the ultra-rich are excessive and unnecessary. They contend that purchasing bunkers perpetuates a divide within society, favoring those with considerable wealth while leaving the rest to face potential devastation.

Despite the controversy surrounding this phenomenon, it sheds light on the anxieties that prevail in our world today. The fact that individuals with immense resources are resorting to extreme measures speaks to the uncertainty that many feel regarding the future.

It is important to remember that bunker-buying is a symptom of a deeper problem: the lack of international cooperation and trust. Addressing the root causes of tension and conflict should be a priority for global leaders and policymakers.

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While we cannot predict with certainty if a global war is on the horizon, this growing trend among the ultra-rich serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of our current global order. It underscores the necessity for collective action, diplomacy, and empathy to address and defuse tensions before they spiral out of control.

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  1. John Myers

    Leave the worry to me sayth the lord

  2. John Myers

    They had better read the Bible (revelations) befor they dig in it will cave in on them and bury them alive , BETTER GIVE YOUR SOULS TO JESUS and trust in him

  3. satinlace12003

    Bunkers will not save these evil people from the wrath of God!

  4. Jason Rist

    the good news is you're likely to survive unless you're within 7 miles of an explosion of a 1MT and or downwind from the heaviest fallout [1000-50Rads/hr].
    The bad news is, you're likely to survive…

  5. Netsurfer S

    And when the Son of Righteousness returns, they will ask that the rocks fall upon them!… He (Yahshua) comes too judge!!!

  6. Ellen Wright

    The roaches going to underground bunkers will all be killed in one of the worldwide earthquakes during the Tribulation, if not sooner with the increasing frequency and intensities of earthquakes now…

  7. Lody Rogers

    They will have to come out soon or later.

  8. Bill Bercik

    Investigate the 2020 election fraud. Biden stated "we created the most extencive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American History" We the People want our Rightful President Donald J. Trump. Biden ran for President several times prior to 2020 and never even made it onto the Ballot but now they expect us to believe he is more popular than obama? I aint buying the lie.

  9. douglas bagshaw

    Joe Biden is a puppet president for Obama who is actually making all the decisions

  10. Mark Moore

    Well Biden said Putin would be shaking in his shoes oh I forgot Biden lives been lying ever since he’s been in office just as bad as Obama if not more

  11. AmandathePandaBooks

    Nikki Hayley is a war monger, a rhino, a closet democratic!!! She is completely evil!!

  12. Mister T

    Panic buying loo rolls for the rich and shameless

  13. Paul.

    Post guard outside there bunkers. With orders to shoot anything that comes out of them. Exspeacly if they are the Hollywood elites and any and all left wing liberals and RINOS

  14. SeventySeven

    Rising S bunkers are garbage, buy an atlas shelter

  15. Mark Cooper

    Daniel 9:27
    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for 1 week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
    I believe we are in those last 7 years that this verse is talking about. God said to look for signs in the heaven for his sons soon return
    Luke 21:25
    25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring
    That sign is the Revelation 12 Sign
    Revelation 12:1-2
    1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars
    2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered
    Which appeared on Sept. 23rd, 2017 and when we add the 1260 days (mentioned in Revelation 12:6) We get March 6th, 2021 which is the beginning of the 7 years
    Revelation 12:6
    6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a 1260 Days.
    To back up the Revelation 12 Sign we look to Matthew 24:32-36 which talks about God sending is son back within a Generation of Israel (Fig Tree) getting their land back (1948)
    Matthew 24:32-34
    32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh
    33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
    34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
    We find out how long a Generation is mentioned in Psalms 90:10
    10 The days of our years are 70; and if by reason of strength they be 80 years yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
    Add 80+1948= 2028 this is when Jesus is returning.

  16. Pat Hoover

    They know biden is starting ww3..

  17. WhistleP

    God forbid Taiwan takeover because they produce 66% of the worlds semiconductors and other mining products.

  18. Armando Perez

    The super rich have underground cities and an underground highway network so I am not surprised! They have wanted this for a long time! In my opinion, we are coming upon the end times! Any war with Russia or China will mean WWlll and it will be nuclear! The Lord Jesus Christ will come soon if the horsemen of the apocalypse are galloping around, which it seems they are doing! The super rich cannot get away from God’s justice! They only think they can!

  19. Kevin Lawrence

    Putin not NWO research Bio chemical facilities in Ukraine

  20. Jaytee Rogers

    Cold war all over again. But this world will be destroyed by fire. Is it the world nuclear end.

  21. Sherry Lepinski

    Lock them chickens in there !

  22. Stormin Norman

    Joe Biden and His Administration and our DOJ are THE Domestic terrorists. They are all in to destroy America.

  23. Irby Swatsell

    They will hide in the cracks and rocks. No escape.

  24. Guitar Guy

    Russia is disconnecting from global internet march 11th and Biden wants to fed Bitcoin can you say nwo

  25. Rob Embery

    This isn’t news this shits been going on for 10 years

  26. 123STEP23

    let them buy bunkers, they cannot hide from GODS judgement… no one can.

  27. Be gone Be gone

    Well, since covid is a beaten horse, another distraction has popped up to start the fear all over again . Stay strong since God has us covered!

  28. lazy lightning

    Satan is running out of time , and he knows it. Demons are working overtime to kick off WW3. A must for the real new world order.

  29. Route Unknown

    Thanks for the report. How do you know it's a war with Russia and Ukraine? Maybe Russia won't be the ones to attack could be another false flag. Still have to be prepared.

  30. Larry Southern

    Here's a thought..
    If the sun exploded right now this instant…
    You would have about ninety minutes…
    To you know……

    Relax….don't worry about…

  31. AzTexScott

    Everyone keeps calling him a fool like it isn't the plan to collapse the US and bring it into the NWO. The fools are the ones who think this is an accident or bad decision making.

  32. Bat Blasterson

    I blame the 81 million people who voted for biden. They should never be allowed to vote again, in any election until they can prove that their IQ has risen above that of a five-year-old.

  33. Keith Metcalf

    No bunker will save you!

  34. A CATAL

    I Don't believe everything coming out of Ukraine, there is too many propaganda coming out from Ukraine, also there is so much corruptions in their government.

  35. Tammy Hohnholt

    Go in Your bunker God will open the earth and you will be swallowed up!

  36. Maxine Simonelli

    Stop Putin…. before he hits nuclear plant now.

  37. Christina Pareti

    Let's wake up people I would like you to educate yourselves about the "The Great Reset And The NWO" ! Klaus Schwab describes this to you and what will happen people have been so blind for several years as to who and what is destroying the World and I'm not talking about Putin !If people don't stand up to this and Wake Up everything will be destroyed !!!


    Poking the bear , then hiding in a hole.

  39. Maxine McCartney

    Pelosi pushing US to continue our commercial business with Russia.

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