Retirement Tsunami Ahead – Robert Kiyosaki, John MacGregor

by | Dec 26, 2022 | Keogh Plan | 21 comments

Retirement Tsunami Ahead – Robert Kiyosaki, John MacGregor

The retirement preparation storm has been brewing for decades. For years, the media has reported on how ill-prepared the boomer generation is for retirement. What’s worse is the future for younger generations who are now relying on their 401(k) for retirement. Today’s guest explains how the 401(k) was never designed to be the sole retirement vehicle, but today is one of the only retirement vehicles for the young. 

John MacGregor, author of “Top 10 Reasons the Rich Go Broke” says, “Social Security is expected to run out by 2034, we’re looking at the perfect storm, and people must get proactive and cannot bury their head in the sand.”

Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest John MacGregor discuss the looming retirement crisis facing millions of people around the world. 

Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki

Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki

Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki
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  1. Myalterego Stacy

    I'm getting the impression someone is really going to regret telling lies.

  2. Anderson Fraggy

    Great! your potential seems timeless
    I have saved 300k up. How can I deploy it to prolific lnvestment? Reading books on investing and as well get started. Thanks

  3. Sandra G

    Agree with your views on stock market, but just as there are ways to ride debt (as you say), so too, there are ways to ride the stock market also.

  4. Lucy Bernardi

    Awesome!!! your potential seems limitless. I have always been fascinated by investing, but without any knowledge on what’s best to invest in, I find it difficult to begin. I ask politely, what’s the best sector to invest in?

  5. Nada Zulu

    Great video. But let me talk about something important, see that many young and old make mistakes that, in my opinion, should not be. I believe that everyone, young or old, should have an investment plan that increases their financial return from three digits to six digits. An investment can be your retirement plan or future plan, depending on what you want, but the most important thing is that you have an investment that is profitable.

  6. Loundsify

    My number 1 goal so far is to be mortgage free by the time I'm 40, then anything else I have after that I will use to create wealth for myself and family.

  7. Loundsify

    Who pays for your pension? It ain't you, your pension pot is filling someone else's. That's why immigration is important because people aren't having enough children to pay for their pensions.

  8. Steve C

    Not to nitpick, but are we not already in a recession? What comes after a recession? A Depression?

  9. Dora Solano

    Hello Robert,
    Thank you for your show…
    I am 49 yrs old, I am living abroad and stopped contributing to my 401k about 5 years ago, I was really poorly educated about finances but I see the storm looming and I kn9w I have to do something, I would like to get my very small 401k and invest in real real estate before they chip it away, i am desperate!!!!

  10. paul VON

    Nowhere to hide? I disagree. Own real estate

  11. Kid Fiddler

    I never rated you Robert. Boy was l wrong. I apologise

  12. JD Conley

    I use my 401k for the tax deferred savings. I put the contributions in extremely safe investments, essentially cash, and transfer to a SDIRA periodically. I then use the SDIRA to invest in business, real estate, and crypto. Basically I just use the 401k as a temporary holding account.

  13. Shawn D.

    My financial advisor doesn’t know the difference between a river and a lake.

  14. Ash

    I love this episode! I am open to looking for info that helps me become better, even if I'm at first cautious. He brought up options! on Rickards' videos, that's how he generates money for his service. I am subscribed to Lyn Alden, who has amazing research and I have faith in her analysis and align with her method. plus, it's affordable. I have her Option Weaver book and will totally do it too.

  15. Judann Pec

    I was a government worker and took my job seriously. I did not have a lot of friends there cause I had a line in the sand. Did inspections of health care facilities, complaint investigations. Please realize many govrnment workers are worth their salt.

  16. ibrahim bozdag

    BUY GOLD & SILVER. Make sure bars are in your hand tough.

  17. keith conti

    I believe their will be a call to pay all debts from debters this mean every billionair who owns apartments. no longer there will be debt as assets..s o yes this will happen so every person or boomer will havea reset no more being a lanloard with passive income i fyou dont own the house fully.

  18. Swoo Ney

    Federal Reserve Notes?

  19. Laurie Boss

    I am 2 years away from retirement. My retirement account has lost some in the last 2 quarters. I am thinking of pulling it out and paying off my house. That will free me up of about $900 amount in expenses but give me an asset that is totally paid for. If the stocks and bonds go bust I will not loose anything, but will have 2 years to build some of it back up.
    I am trying to think if there is a down side to this plan.

  20. Danzo Brooke

    Recessions are where millionaires are created. I feel for the older generation, but if you are young or middle age, you should do everything possible to double and triple your invest_ments because recession is here.

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