¿¿¿Retiro o préstamo de tu 401(k)??? | ¡EMOCIONANTES OPORTUNIDADES para los emprendedores! 😉

by | Mar 4, 2024 | 401k

¿¿¿Retiro o préstamo de tu 401(k)??? | ¡EMOCIONANTES OPORTUNIDADES para los emprendedores! 😉

En el video anterior, cubrimos los conceptos básicos de un 401(k). Sin embargo, aún hay seis detalles adicionales que debes conocer. ¿Cuándo puedes retirar el dinero acumulado en tu 401(k)? La respuesta es simple: cuando quieras. Es tu dinero y tienes acceso a una plataforma en línea para gestionarlo.

Sin embargo, hay un aspecto crucial que debes tener en cuenta. El propósito principal de un 401(k) es el ahorro e inversión a largo plazo para la jubilación. Retirar fondos antes de los 59 años y medio resulta en una penalidad del 10% sobre el monto retirado, además de impuestos sobre la renta.

En este video, el 👨🏻‍🏫 Profe @‌juliofinance también aborda la Distribución Mínima Requerida (RMD) y las opciones para tomar préstamos de tu 401(k). Además, nos cuenta qué sucede con tu 401(k) si cambias de trabajo y si los emprendedores también pueden beneficiarse de este plan.

00:16 – Todo lo que debes saber sobre el 401(k)
00:39 – ¿Cuándo puedo retirar dinero de mi 401(k)?
02:13 – ¿Hay obligación para retirar el dinero del 401(k)?
02:59 – ¿Puedo tomar dinero prestado de mi 401(k)?
05:04 – ¿Qué pasa con mi 401(k) si cambio de trabajo?
06:55 – ¿Es recomendable aportar siempre a mi 401(k)?
08:53 – ¿Puedo tener 401(k) si soy emprendedor(a)?

#invertir #planesderetiro #401k

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Producción: Fintelhub & Yucalab
Grabación y edición: La Maga: Creative Studio LLC…(read more)

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With the ever-changing landscape of financial planning, it can be difficult for entrepreneurs to decide whether to withdraw or borrow from their 401(k) plans. However, good news is on the horizon for those looking to access their retirement funds while pursuing their business ventures.

It is important to consider the implications of taking money out of your 401(k) early. Withdrawing funds before reaching retirement age can lead to penalties and taxes, ultimately reducing the amount of money available for your golden years. On the other hand, borrowing from your 401(k) can provide you with the necessary capital to start or grow your business without incurring penalties or taxes.

The good news for entrepreneurs is that recent legislation has made it easier to access your 401(k) funds without facing early withdrawal penalties. The CARES Act, passed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allows individuals to withdraw up to $100,000 from their 401(k) without facing the usual 10% early withdrawal penalty. This can provide entrepreneurs with the flexibility needed to navigate uncertain economic times and pursue their business goals.

Additionally, borrowing from your 401(k) can be a viable option for entrepreneurs looking to fund their ventures. By borrowing from your retirement savings, you can access the capital you need without incurring taxes or penalties. Furthermore, the interest you pay on the loan is paid back into your own retirement account, ultimately benefiting your financial future.

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Ultimately, the decision to withdraw or borrow from your 401(k) will depend on your individual financial situation and business goals. It is important to weigh the risks and benefits of each option and consult with a financial advisor to determine the best course of action for your specific circumstances.

In conclusion, there is good news for entrepreneurs looking to access their 401(k) funds to support their business ventures. With recent legislation providing more flexibility for early withdrawals and the option to borrow from your retirement savings, entrepreneurs now have more options available to them. By carefully considering the implications of each option and seeking professional advice, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions that will support their business goals while safeguarding their financial future. So go ahead and pursue your entrepreneurial dreams with confidence, knowing that there are options available to support your journey to success. 😉

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