Review Your 401K Savings as of 1-24-24 – Subscribe Now!

by | Feb 4, 2024 | 401k | 1 comment

Review Your 401K Savings as of 1-24-24 – Subscribe Now!

Randi Rhodes Number-one ranked progressive radio talk show host, political commentator, entertainer, and writer. The Randi Rhodes Show was broadcast nationally on Air America Radio, and Premiere Radio Networks from 2004–2014. Rhodes represents aggressively independent media.
The Miami Herald described her as “a chain-smoking bottle blonde, part Joan Rivers, part shock jock Howard Stern, and part Saturday Night Live’s ‘Coffee Talk’ Lady. But mostly, she’s her rude, crude, loud, brazen, gleeful self.”
Rhodes and her show won numerous awards for journalism and broadcasting, including Radio Ink’s Most Influential Woman, Radio Ink’s Most Influential Women’s list (multiple years), TALKERS magazine’s Woman of the Year, and the Judy Jarvis Memorial Award for Contributions to the Talk Industry by a Woman….(read more)


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If you’re like most Americans, you probably have a 401(k) retirement account. And if you do, you need to check it regularly. In fact, it’s a good idea to check it at least once a quarter. Why? Because the performance of your 401(k) can have a huge impact on your retirement savings. And if you’re not paying attention, you could be missing out on potential gains – or worse, losing money.

So, what should you be looking for when you check your 401(k)? First and foremost, you should be looking at the overall performance of your account. How has it been doing over the past few months? Is it growing, or is it stagnant? If it’s not doing well, you may need to consider making some changes to your investment strategy.

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You should also be checking to see if there have been any significant changes to your account. Have any of your investments been moved around? Have there been any fees or expenses that you weren’t aware of? It’s important to stay on top of these things so that you can make informed decisions about your retirement savings.

And finally, if you’re not already subscribed to receive regular updates about your 401(k), now is the time to do it. By subscribing to receive updates, you can stay informed about the performance of your account and make adjustments as needed.

In conclusion, checking your 401(k) regularly is crucial for ensuring that your retirement savings are on track. By staying informed about the performance of your account and making changes as necessary, you can ensure that you’re on the right path towards a comfortable retirement. So, what are you waiting for? Check your 401(k) today – and don’t forget to subscribe to receive updates on a regular basis!

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1 Comment

  1. @SolidAir54321

    These corporate democrat shows on Free Speech TV like to pump up Biden by talking about how the stock market is up. "Oh, yeah, look at your 401K blah blah."

    What they WON"T talk about is that the bottom 90% of people own only 7% of the stock market and the bottom 50% own only 1% of the stock market. So what do they care?
    According to the Institute for Policy Studies (Jan 17, 2024) regarding the increase of the stock market in 2023, "the lion’s share of these gains went to the richest 1 percent. This elite group owns 54 percent or public equity markets, up from 40 percent in 2002."

    Inequality continues to get worse and Biden (nor his Free Speech fanbois) does not talk about that. Biden doesn't want to do anything that might antagonize the corporations. Especially the ones that donate big to him such as the health insurance industry.

    These shows pretend to be progressive but they aren't. If they were they'd be talking about Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips and their progressive policies. But they aren't. They barely acknowledge their existence.

    They beam as they talk about Biden's victory speech in NH where he goes on about democracy. Yet they say nothing about how the DNC is suppressing other candidates. The DNC declared there will be no Democratic debates. The DNC tried to shutdown the primary elections in a couple of states. How's that for democracy? And the DNC tried to force Iowa and NH to move their primaries after South Carolina because they knew Biden didn't do well in those states. But NH wasn't having any of those shenanigans.

    If you want progressive ideals like ranked choice voting, single payer health care, a true green new deal, tuition-free college and vocational school, paid family leave, etc, then you're never going to get it from Biden and the current corporate Democratic Party. And you're never going to hear about it from Free Speech TV.

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