Reviewing Star Trek Picard 309 – “Vox” with Doug Drexler on T7R2 #114: The Youths Are Not Fine.

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 29 comments

Reviewing Star Trek Picard 309 – “Vox” with Doug Drexler on T7R2 #114: The Youths Are Not Fine.

Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) and sci-fi producer, Ryan T. Husk, review Star Trek: Picard, season 3 episode 9, “VOX.”


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Produced by Ryan T. Husk

Executive Producer:
Dr. Susan V. Gruner
Jason Okun

Associate Producers:
Homer Frizzell
Dr. Ann Marie Segal
Eve England
Yvette Blackmon-Tom
Carmen aka Skillet
TJ Jackson-Bey
Bill Victor Arucan
Titus Mohler
Darlena Marie Blander
Dr. Mohamed Noor
Tierney C. Dieckmann
Anna Post
Rex A. Wood
Anil O. Polat
Joe Balsarotti
Mike Gu
Dr. Stephanie Baker
Neal Akasaka
Justine Norton-Kertson
Carrie Schwent
Faith Howell
Edward Foltz AKA Crewman guy
Mai, Live From Tokyo
Matt Boardman
Chris McGee
Justin Weir
Jake Barrett
Jane Jorgensen
Henry Unger
Jed Thompson
Allyson Leach-Heid
Steve Case aka JoeBugBuster

Special thanks to Malissa Longo

The Kids Aren’t Alright | Review of Star Trek Picard 309, “Vox” | with DOUG DREXLER | T7R2 #114…(read more)




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The third season of Star Trek: Picard has been full of surprises and reveals, with each episode providing a new piece of the puzzle. However, the latest episode “Vox” took a different approach, dialing back the action and focusing on the characters’ personal struggles. In this episode review, we’re going to take a closer look at “Vox,” with special guest Doug Drexler joining us to share his thoughts.

The central theme of “Vox” is the idea that the kids aren’t alright, which is reflected in the various storylines that unfold throughout the episode. We see this in Picard’s mission to find a missing girl, Rios and Raffi’s ongoing struggles with their past traumas, and Soji’s troubling visions of the future.

“The episode really hit home for me because it reflects a larger societal issue,” says Drexler. “We see so many young people struggling with mental health issues, addiction, and the general pressures of modern life. It’s a stark reminder that we need to do more to support our young people and ensure they have the resources they need to thrive.”

One of the standout moments of the episode is the conversation between Picard and the girl’s mother, who is understandably frantic with worry about her daughter. Picard’s calm and rational approach is a stark contrast to her emotional state, and it’s a poignant reminder of how he has changed since his days as a Starfleet captain.

“What I appreciated about this scene is that it shows how much Picard has grown as a person,” says Drexler. “In the past, he might have been more focused on the mission and less concerned with the emotional needs of those around him. But here, he takes the time to truly listen to this woman and offer her some comfort.”

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Rios and Raffi’s storyline also packs an emotional punch, as we see them grapple with the traumas of their pasts. Rios’ breakdown in the holographic pool is a powerful moment, as he confronts the guilt and pain that have been haunting him for years.

“I thought the scene with Rios was incredibly well done,” says Drexler. “We’ve seen glimpses of his past traumas throughout the series, but this was the moment where it all came to a head. Santiago Cabrera’s performance was truly impressive, and it was a reminder of why he’s one of the strongest members of the cast.”

Soji’s storyline, on the other hand, takes a more ominous turn, as she grapples with the visions of a dark future that she’s been experiencing. The scene where she breaks down in tears is a gut-wrenching moment, as we see how much this is weighing on her.

“This was a really interesting twist,” says Drexler. “Throughout the series, it’s been hinted that Soji is special in some way, but we’ve never seen a clear indication of what that might be. These visions suggest that there’s something much bigger at play, and I’m excited to see where the series goes from here.”

Overall, “Vox” is a strong episode that highlights the personal struggles of the characters in a compelling way. The focus on mental health and trauma is a welcome change of pace, and the performances from the cast are top-notch as always. We’re looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here, as it continues to explore the mysteries of the galaxy and the human psyche.

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  1. SideSwipeGTA

    Even Doug Drexler is not immune to the memberberries.

  2. J D

    I and then I think they backed out if the ship after they hit it. I remember thinking how do you back out of a ship you ran into in space. Wouldn’t the ships be stuck to one another? The other ship can’t just put on space breaks . It would move with the ship .

  3. J D

    I remember that they rammed into the other ship.

  4. Condor1994

    Woohoo hi doug love your work so good to see the NX Refit in that shot with the D

  5. Gremm Paltakin

    49:26 her name was in the credits lol. As far as not showing her face, I think you guys are reading too much into it. It's not some reveal, it's supposed to be the original queen from First Contact, but she only agreed to do the voice, wasnt interested in appearing on screen.

  6. Kevin Russell

    This episode really got me good a couple times. When Shaw died saying the conn is yours, Seven of Nine. Oh man, the emotions felt. I really ended up enjoying Shaw as a character. Then hearing Majel Barrett as the computer voice of the D. Wow.. what another great episode of Star Trek

  7. Stipe

    I can't describe how much I liked this episode, especially when our old friend Enterprise came back and voice of the computer was one of Majel Barrett

  8. jessica butler


  9. carrito1981

    Altered States is my jam!! Love that movie. Highly recommended.

  10. Reid Moore

    I took pleasure in seeing the USS Drexler. I thought "he finally got his name on a ship!!"

  11. Gremm Paltakin

    DREX! Great to see you!!!!!!!

  12. Still_A_Typo

    Doug Drexler is such wholesome joy! You can feel his enthusiasm. It's infectious!

  13. Simon L

    The USS Drexler and USS Lofton would be an awesome names for federation ships.

  14. PmmGarak

    I'm completely torn in half here – I admire the detail work on the D bridge set, but I always hated the sterile look of TNG. I'm a niner through and through, Give me dark and dirty anytime. Actually, whenever I see the D interior, I even smell that dusty furniture store air with the chemical smell of new sofas and that wood polish. I never liked it. I really admire the craftsmanship. But I didn't need to see that thing again.

  15. Gaz Packer

    Great show – Doug is amazing and it’s so good to see the enthusiasm which is a big part of what’s made season 3 what it is. The carpet meme is due to all new starships having hard shiny floors!

  16. TheTuubster

    55:00 Worf didn't do anything. The 1701-E was partly damaged when it crashed into the enemy ship. They refer to something happening after Nemesis.

  17. TheTuubster

    47:40 I found the scene between Picard and Data also interesting in the aspect that Picard has also become more like Data, as he is synthetic being now too.

  18. TheTuubster

    34:00 The carpet inside joke was, that the studio head of Paramount was adamant to have the ship sets use carpets to provide a dry environment sound (which also fitted the Trek theme of the future being also more about comfort on the ships as described in the TNG writers bible). I personally like the carpets on the Trek sets of the 90s too. The shiny floors are just too much of a trope.

  19. TheTuubster

    While it is nice to see the old gang together again, "Picard" is missing what made me a Trek fan during the TNG days: Allegorical story telling. The season is pretty much only plot and self referential character drama sprinkled with memberberries. But what I want from a Trek story is tackling an issue, a theme, an idea reflecting on our world but use allegory to offer a new perspective on it, by using alien worlds and cultures or the more enlightened viewpoint of an advanced mankind. I don't want the main characters dealing with themselves, I want them dealing with a problem through the viewpoint of their character. That's the Trek I want to see.

  20. P.D. Rich

    Just after listening to Doug's first 10 minutes, all I can say is "Ex-F**king-actly Doug"!!!!!
    Doug never drops anyone in it (Unlike John Eves) but he always speaks his mind.

  21. David Bishop

    There. Are. Four. Enterprises!!

  22. Pookha Hare

    Altered states is great William Hurt film

  23. Matthew C

    I'm here for Doug Drexler's shade on the terrible shows Kurtzman and his minions controlled (Discovery, Picard S1-2, Short Treks, etc.). Let's pray to the Prophets that Matalas gets Star Trek: Legacy, even though, from all the rumors, that Kurtzman is PISSED that people love Picard NOW, but hated it before.

  24. Giant Clam

    7 lost 900 IQ points.

  25. JohnnyC

    Has anyone seen an explanation for why the D bridge removed the updates made in Generations? (Workstations on the sides, elevated Command chair area, chair for Worf/tactical)

  26. Howtz 49

    I would love to see a DS9 version similar to picard with a series leading up to the return of Captain Sisko.

  27. Griz Redford

    Over the moon when Shelby turned up, shame my feeling of euphoria didn't last long.

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