rewrite this title Germany slips into recession: Why is the German economy shrinking? | DW News

by | Jun 4, 2023 | Recession News | 28 comments

Germany is in recession. Revised figures for the first quarter show the German economy shrank by 0.3 percent. That followed another quarter of falling GDP at the end of last year, meeting the criteria for a technical recession. A big reason seems to be the failure of private consumption to support the economy in the face of high inflation rates. A mild winter meant Germany avoided what could have been an even deeper recession. DW speaks to Veronika Grimm of the German Council of Economic Experts and Armando Garcia Schmidt of the Bertelsmann Foundation.


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  1. Cin Peace

    Not spending money in R&D is a sign of not confident in economy due to the high energy cost. COVID has been long over, can't be an excuse anymore. Some European companies are moving or planning to move to US. That could be the reason not spending in local R&D too.

  2. Anindya Haldar

    It's policies and social structure are unattractive for high skilled people to move and work there.

  3. Hu Jintao

    Germany: Lets dismantle our energy system and hope that the wind blows.
    DW: Why is the German economy shrinking?

  4. stevie6621

    Its shrinking cause they follow the orders of their Anglo-America rulers.

  5. aslam ibnshiraj

    Q. Why is the German economy Shrinking?
    Ans: No more Cheap fuel from Russia.

  6. Harsh Bhandari

    Shutting down nuclear power plants and then crying about recession

  7. Ibrar Ahmed

    Chinese penetrated in Germany manufacturing that's the reason of lack of innovation

  8. Yoda

    Germany will be fine, don't worry basement dwellers…a country that managed to become the 3rd largest economy in the world, despite being beaten in 2 WW, and having to integrate the basket case that was the GDR, will find its way…

  9. Dhiraj Patra

    First Germany need to be generous and admit that it need help from abroad specialists, Accept them

  10. E C

    All this just to please their US masters

  11. Om dutt Dixit

    Guess American gas is not as cheap as russian one

  12. NP@

    But Germany have €100billions to buy American weapons, so Germany have plenty of money. And don't worry about innovation, America would do it.

  13. NP@

    Europ walk behind Biden, they sold everything to America

  14. Thomas Barth

    shei iss noo guud inn englishh .

  15. sirshendu2e01

    The anchor looks like De Maria

  16. Pradeep Nagaraj

    Germany lacks both vision and innovation now.
    But a great nation I always admire. I hope they will beat this recession soon.

  17. Chibioza

    Go woke go broke!

  18. Kashif Abbas

    I left Germany this year and went to Switzerland because my spouse is in Pakistan and to get a "Termin" for her at German Embassy, she had to wait 2.5 years. Foreign office clearly said they have no "Beeinflüss".
    And guess what, i am an SAP IT Consultant "Fachkrafte". I loved Germany but it should also care for me.

  19. Özcan Yılmaz

    German specialists are determining everything with their behaviours. They should compare with a chart with spending habits and income relations including various race groups, old and new citizens and helped people etc.

  20. Santosh Kumar

    I am Indian living in Bangalore. Earlier I wished to move to Germany and work as Data Scientist. However, I am doing very well here + I don't want my child to be kidnapped by German authorities.

  21. Chris Pulse

    Bitcoin has been a resilient and valuable asset, and it will continue to shape finance. Some say Bitcoin's performance is tied to the stock market, but I disagree. Bitcoin unique properties make it a great hedge against inflation, regardless of the stock market. Because Bitcoin has a limited supply and is decentralised, it can't be manipulated or controlled like flat currencies. This gives me confidence to trade the asset, and it's only a matter of time before Bitcoin outperform every other asset. I've amassed 15.3 BTC trading with Joann Haskell signal in less than a month.

  22. sy

    Germany will recover easily….it's not a big issue .
    Also their economy today is still decent to support such a small population.

  23. suryanshi singh

    Beware, beware,beware the 3rd world war is on the horizon.

  24. Karen S. Hernandez

    Because of the economic crisis, I will advise every wise individual to invest in different streams of income that’s not depending on the government to generate funds.

  25. Agata Staniak

    Because it ws just such a great idea to make access to job market difficult for people not speaking German but English and not having a German degree but any other EU recognized degree knowing that you have aging population and then letting in lots of people not speaking even English and not having any degree and telling them your social care system can handle both your own aging population and this population of people who cannot enter the workforce since they cannot communicate and do not havy any degree compatible with it but who are in need of social care. Yes, well done Germany, really. Btw, how does it feel like to know you have immigrants with medical degrees that you need but do not employ at all since they have to linger for 2 years so that their foreign degrees can be recognized in Germany and before anything sensible happens?

  26. Mark Trinidad

    What Germany needs is to follow American orders.

  27. DesiDesigncomedy

    They need to smile more hurl some fun around.

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