rewrite this title School SUSPENDS Kid For Reporting Bullying

by | Jun 2, 2023 | Gold IRA | 39 comments

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In this video I discuss this case out of Arlington Virginia that starts off 7 is being covered as a hoax/cash grab. However, upon further review, I discovered the issue at hand is not the harmless children’s game in the headlines. It is in fact the school appears to have facilitated bullying & punished the victim for reporting the bullying

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  1. Jack Sparrow

    I don't see the evidence that there were threats of physical violence to the kid. It sounds like the kiddies were enforcing male norms of "man up and get over it." I don't see this as bullying. I don't see this as racial. I see nothing to claim damages.

  2. Grateful American

    Black people were the worst bullies when I was a kid, where's my 10M?

  3. Phlox

    when the need for racism outdemands the supply, you need to make everything racist.

  4. Chase

    Schools rarely take action against bullying.

    I am glad his parents kept pushing and that it didn’t end worse.

  5. L.T.

    10 million?! Imagine the Blackassity. That’s ludicrous. Look at their smug faces over this nonsense. This family has no shame being total grifters

  6. Sven Pollmann

    Hans Joachim Friedrich, one of the best german journalists ever lived, once said: "Keeping your distance, not collaborating with anything, even a good one, not sinking into public dismay, staying cool in dealing with disasters without being cold."
    So keep it up that way.

  7. Larrytheman

    Instead of suing the school why not sue the substitute teacher. The teacher should also have charges against them. But the school district meaning the tax payers should not have to pay them. They did nothing wrong.

  8. baba black

    Thank you for the context on a biased situation.

  9. chris holland

    how do you not have an issue with this,,it is a classroom,,not a place for games

  10. Willi Schwabe

    They got me on their side, when they calmly brought up their grievances, rather than drumming up hysteria like usual.
    F that school I hope they get sued into oblivion and everyone apologize to the kid, who had any involvement.

  11. Jered Van Houten

    I hope they win. Schools should be anti bullying not bully more.

    Sad thing is in public life even the government goes after the whistleblower and not help them. (E. Snowden).

  12. Almighty YT

    Theres no merit in anything they do – ive literally heard kids be coached especially by their mothers who wish for that rich and creamy white bullying money- nothings ever their fault its always excuses accusations and in the vast majority Id say 99.99% theres a tinge of hoax- For a time i went to a country school w 1 black dude who treated divinely – getting so sick of this BS racism baloney which climbed out of Trumps a✨ along w the self hating left- Im democrat and they ruin it for everyone – obviously if your a true right free thinking African American best ups and carry on- to be great u cant walk on eggshells and that's becoming kind of accepted by uptight white punters- the nerve to say shhh dont bother the poor colored ppl by farting too loudly please sir uh fartings racis uh u know the word- smd

  13. Jack Covey

    A wrinkle to this story not mentioned: the rock bottom, bare minimum requirements to substitute teach in Virginia. All you need is a high school diploma, or just a G.E.D. The other requirement is only one of the following: either two years of post-secondary schooling (community college or college) OR experience working with children (day camp, summer camp, etc.) In short, you can substitute teach in Virginia with not even one day of schooling beyond high school, not one class of teacher training, and no bare minimum GPA. Had this idiot had even minimal training, he/she never would have done this. Some states require substitutes hold a teaching credential, or at least have completed a Bachelor's degree. Virginia does this so that they can cheap out on the costs of subs, and when you do this, this is what you're going to get for your money. Oh, and one more thing, one of these subs with the horribly low requirements described can teach for up to 90 days, or approximately 1/3 of a school year in the same class. Someone who has a D- average in high school, and no further schooling or training is teaching high school students, or legally could be teaches 1/3 of your kid's school year, and then of similarly unfit idiots, in succession, can teach 100% of that same school year. Here's a link to Virginia's requirements:,of%20work%20experience%20with%20children.

  14. longWriter

    I'm glad you're bringing nuance to this; there've been a lot of videos in the conservative space for the last few days about how a woman with a rented bicycle was screaming for help and how liberal knee-jerk reactions get her story wrong, but now I'm seeing conservative knee-jerk reactions can be just as unjust. And if we don't remember that and make sure the story is really what we think it is, we'll end up sinking to the liberals' level.

  15. Beocca

    If you don’t want it to look like a cash grab, pull the stupid hoods down. Like father, like son.

  16. Kent Klostreich

    Thank you for your fair-minded, analytical approach.

  17. Unko Richie

    Black kid getting bullied by a bunch of white kids? Sounds like he's getting a little dose of what blacks do to other kids everywhere

  18. Dickmond Dickelheimer

    That poor kid's greedy parents have condemned their poor son to a life of being called SOFT.

  19. Andrew Penny

    Okay but what was the given reason for the suspension??? If its not being said maybe its because it doesnt fit the narrative. Maybe he acted disrespectually and lashed out at faculty. That would make him look bad to the kids who already made fun of him and give him a suspension. And you cant be like "oh, its okay that you lashed out and broke school ethical poliicies. because you felt racizms.

  20. Mike Z

    10mil? Tough situation for the kid, but this lawsuit will make it worse for him as a developing person.
    No matter though, the public school system has run its course. Time to dismantle it and start fresh.


    "their son, who is black" yes. Thank you.

  22. Brando Ferg

    10 mill will teach them RQ

  23. aslkdjf zxcv

    i blame the republican party for not ending the DOE between 1980-today.

  24. Sean Napier

    Public school faculty are a waste of taxpayer money. Do the right thing and homeschool your kids and stop giving money to these bureaucrats

  25. Cleveland Steve

    I hope he gets 11 million and it comes out of the teachers union pension.

  26. TheRinguDinku

    Of course its middle school, the worst time where kids are reaching puberty but still have no sense of restraint. Theyre rude, mean, vindictive, and will do anything to be pieces of shit because they think its funny. And of course the school is being retarded, school rules have always been retarded.

  27. yuukisama2001

    I think we have flown into odd territory. Where some administration can use this "racial" situation to cause trouble because they know what's going to happen and then they can get use it to our advantage. Okay, years ago some might not thought this was not a problem. But thing is you have some levels of covert "racism". I've known and spoken to people who grew up with teachers from the North, not the South, because they knew how they were. Where the teachers WERE racist. The racism was more covert to blk students. They did do little things that while some might not think anything is wrong THEY know it's wrong. Now we're in a situation where when things are called "racist" constantly, now when someone IS doing something they can say…NAAAAH!! We're better now. This could be perfectly innocent. But now that you have bullying because of the atmosphere makes it all the more worse. But schools don't do anything. I mean we want to protect "trans" kids, meanwhile "trans" kids are turning into mass shooters and they don't want to own that they have a problem in their community that they aren't anything different than the "cis WM" that does that. But hey lets blame Christians for their problems. But NOPE schools don't do anything.

  28. MrHeavy466

    This seems like the perfect cause for BLM honestly: a black middle class family trying to do the right thing and do right by their son by speaking out against the school district that seemingly punished the son for doing the right thing.

    So where are they?

  29. Billy Lee

    Every kid gets bullied, just nobody gaf unless you file suit based on some protected attributes

  30. Peace 99

    GEE, I am offended…TS.

  31. julian giangrande

    Honestly he should get the same amount that a white student would get if the races were reversed.

  32. Canned Food and Shotguns

    Good. Hold the school accountable. The last bullying story I heard about was a false rape rumor and the young man killed himself because the school did nothing.

  33. Jay Dubb

    Good for you man! Avoid conservative hivemind, Think critically, have truth and evidence be your guide to how to think about a story. I love that AJW does not just mindlessly embrace standard conservative talking points but really analyses the story.

  34. Mr. Biggs

    The 10 million thing will get spun into some kind of reparations by the lawyer

  35. Slim friend

    I dont understand this, why should the school pay 10 mil because you get bullied ? That is so much money just because people are mean to you

  36. Dual Core

    Poor little lamb dindu nuthing I'm sure

  37. George Romo

    Thank you very much for this update when you 1st announced it, it did sound like a cash grab race bait situation

  38. Jack's YouTube Channel

    Here's the thing that makes me feel conflicted on this one: I grew up taking field trips to literal (historic) plantations and learning about the lives of everyone who lived there (with all races rotating through all roles during "interactive" parts of the trips). My great-grandfather was a sharecropper. And yet… I would have never connected this silly icebreaker activity to cotton-picking and/or slavery in a million years.

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