Roth IRA and Silver ETF SLV

by | Nov 9, 2022 | Silver IRA | 4 comments

Roth IRA and Silver ETF SLV

More details on the Roth IRA:

Watching the price of silver go up and down makes one wonder if there is a way to capture that spread and lock in profits. Yes there is. If you qualify for a Roth IRA and you manage the account yourself you can buy and sell the ETF SLV and the gains compound tax free in your account. If you hold a core asset of physical silver and accumulate on the big dips down, and trade the spread of the spot price in your Roth you get the best of both worlds. You should consult a financial planner to see if you qualify but if you do, the Roth IRA can be a very good way of growing your retirement, or saving up to buy your first home, or used to put a child through college. The advantages of a Roth are something that no person eligible for should pass up. Manage your own and make better returns than your broker would if they handled it for you and charged you fees up the kazoo. If you can count to ten, read , and click a mouse you should be able to manage your own Roth IRA account….(read more)

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  1. hatch381

    Hey Bro.Ive tripled down on this video. I really like this idea. Ive been to the bank two days in a row to talk about rolling over my traditional IRA into a ROTH but couldnt get to talk to a rep. I dont have time to wait around all day so I guess I will try again tomorrow. Two quick questions if its not too personal..what chart do you watch? Ive been watching the SLV chart at Google Finance but you may have a better idea. Also, I assume youre using the 1day chart, is that correct?

  2. 413dan

    Hey thanks for responding, What you said makes a lot of sense.

  3. 413dan

    do you mind explaining this to me? I'm under the impression that debt in USD is wonderful especially when the fed keeps printing.

  4. 143DREWID

    Vegas IRA

    oh yeah

    double down

    the finality is the pisser. If intending upon withdrawing in a couple years if not sooner. the reward will be the worthless dollar. the percentage gained will be lost to pending hyper-inflation.

    damn fun though.

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