Running Out Of Gold? When Does Gold Mining End?

by | Dec 30, 2022 | Gold IRA | 31 comments

Running Out Of Gold? When Does Gold Mining End?

Are We In Danger Of Running Out Of Gold? When Does Gold Mining End?
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  1. Chris B

    Gold is also underneath the ocean floor.

  2. CunningLinguist

    You're a con man. And you want people to invest in gold that's only 90% when it's in coins and then it's not even in our freaking pockets?!? I want pure certified 100% gold in my personal possession or you and anybody else can take a hike! I know how to mind my own freaking gold.

  3. thevendordude

    I dont think we will run out of gold anytime soon. Like you said, new technology and demand will make it profitable to mine in the oceans in the future. I figure we have really only mined about 10-20% so far and the rest is just waiting at the bottom of the ocean.

  4. Frank Evans

    BTG for sure. Also I’ve heard good things about New Found Gold

  5. Aldrin Toribio

    Gold is a good investment .You can buy gold bars, gold coins , gold jewelries…

  6. steve goering

    YUP!… anything… "Gold Rush" I don't thing there is an episode I haven't seen…maybe even twice… 😉 and that includes any of the spinoffs that came from them…espically Freddie Dodge's show.. Him and Juan are 2 of the smartest people…Love the way they help people…keep up the great info…

  7. Linda Nelson

    I watch all of the Gold Rush programs as well. It's an addiction. Another thing affecting gold mining is government control. Tony Beets got thrown for a loop when he lost his water license on the Indian River. He's the king of the Klondike, but wound up scrambling to move his operation to Paradise Hill. Bad deal for him after spending five million dollars on new equipment.

  8. J

    Space mining is a possibility in the next 100 years. We have plenty of gold in our galaxy

  9. 2fathomsdeeper

    Just in the US there's $150 trillion in located minerals. There's still a lot that we don't know about.

  10. Marc Harkins

    Thanks for another great video

  11. Ted Smith

    Hello from the great state of Michigan

  12. Robert Forsythe

    Where was Gold made? A. In a sun that went super-nova. Where do you find Gold in its original location, ie type of Rock. A. a type of vein in granite. There will be new places found, just have to wait.

  13. JEEM, also known as, Jim Hawkins

    Warning: I just thought I would warn everyone that you may be getting a spam email "Reply" from "WhatsApp" with a phone number attached to it.  
    This is not from Daniel.  
    This is from a spammer trying to offer you "investment ideas." It is pure b.s. Don't fall for it. Cheers.

  14. Allan Carrano

    Limited supply of gold and the debasement of the dollar are going to cause the price of gold to skyrocket sooner than later. $4,000 gold on the near horizon is a bit conservative, don't you think?

  15. Dan Ganz

    I was born in Dawson City in 1961 , my Father worked on those gold dredges that Tony Beats has, My Father never got the gold bug or rather "Gold Fever" he only worked for wages, he"s got lots of stories.

  16. T Ho

    Don’t forget the gold we bury as jewelry like wedding rings with people who are buried. Out of the market forever.

  17. JEEM, also known as, Jim Hawkins

    Daniel: Your advice is priceless: ALWAYS check multiple sources when you are investigating and potentially investing in anything! Cheers. P.S. Gold Rush is one of the greatest TV shows of all time!

  18. Teds World

    It will continues to fall from space so will never run out. You can still pick it up off the ground in Australia.

  19. Straightener

    No, we will never run out of gold. It will always change hands, nobody will ever get it all.

  20. Navigating through the beast system

    Still plenty of gold left here in northern California. I never do terribly great myself , but some guys do

  21. Keith Rose

    With the gold price being high, more and more people are out prospecting. Harvesting gold every day. Most states in the US have some gold not enough to make a living at it. But a good hobby.

  22. David Cunningham

    I didn’t realize the situation on gold. How do other metals like palladium affect the old market, or don’t it affect it at all?

  23. Cecil Spurlock jr.

    We the people might run outta gold but the government won't , they'll just take the people's gold again like they did about 80 years ago before they run out .

  24. brian raper

    paper gold & etf's killed the mining share prices15 -20 year ago…before 1996 mining shares were king''''''''''

  25. Silver Stuff

    good point, that's why gold is very expensive because is rare, very expensive and dangerous to mine it, extract it or recover it from electronics, etc. the amount of gold left to mine may be smaller than what they think imho.

  26. pigwigpa

    I remember reading an article years ago about one of the big mining companies. back in the 80s they could find 20 ton mines, but now they're lucky to find a 5 ton mine. the richer mines are played out. God knows what's going on in the Chinese mines.

  27. khon

    countries have put a stake on asteroids, they sent machines and brought back samples. asteroids miners colonizing mars lol

  28. Eddie

    Isn't silver running out, also? Plus silver is very affordable.

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