Russell Napier: Growing Wealth in an Inflation Avalanche (w/Russell Napier and Stephen Clapham)

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 25 comments

Russell Napier: Growing Wealth in an Inflation Avalanche (w/Russell Napier and Stephen Clapham)

If central banks and governments unite to debase their money and depreciate their currency, will the long-awaited inflation finally arrive? And if it does, how can investors position themselves to not only protect their portfolio—but in fact grow their wealth—in this inflationary environment? Russell Napier, preeminent investment strategist, joins Stephen Clapham of Behind the Balance Sheet to answer these two critical questions. Napier makes his case for why inflation is indeed on the horizon, discussing everything from rent controls and yield curve capping to credit rationing and pricing power, and then he and Clapham explore the various investments that have a favorable risk/reward profile should Napier’s thesis prove correct. Filmed on February 4, 2021. Key learnings: Napier sees favorable opportunities in companies that can secure easy debt financing, value stocks whose pricing power varies with inflation, and countries with low debt-to-GDP ratios such as Singapore.

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Russell Napier: Growing Wealth in an Inflation Avalanche (w/Russell Napier and Stephen Clapham)


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  1. Faith Mar

    Here from 2022 telling you we have inflation!!!

  2. kenzong

    sorry, difficult to follow his argument

  3. theIdlecrane

    This Brave New World sounds like a more Communist style Planned Economic System.

  4. quartytypo

    America will have a trillion-dollar bill and it won't buy a loaf of stale bread.

  5. james martin

    Smartest person I've heard speak in over two years.

  6. Ron Baltus

    They demolished the twin towers because they were full of asbestos and had no sprinkler systems.

  7. AOK

    Workers don’t just join Unions to protect their earning power. They join to protect their working conditions and also for protection from those they have to interact with.

  8. David Coard

    Lots of information to digest.

  9. CappedVillain

    Napier is a sharp mind in our time

  10. Chenin Blanc

    Napier talks with too much certainty……..

  11. Chester Perkins

    Looking forward to seeing some more of your videos. I really think that you deserve more views. Did you ever look into using Promosm!?? It will help you get your videos higher in the YouTube search results!!!

  12. Ian Hart

    A couple of great uncles bought property in Coleraine in the 1950's and lost money because of rent controls

  13. Thomas D

    [People who have money will have to shed their CHICKEN-LITTLE FEAR. To make money on their money they shall need to leave the risk-free bond & leave the casino and enter the production-investment company stock market: Pick an invention or an innovation and risk loosing
    Gee, that sounds like productive-capitalizing]

  14. Thomas D

    03:13 – When the "state" regulator does not allow the [needless] bond yields to reflect the inflation [guess]
    03:19 – Financial Repression [And he is not registered as a comedian]
    04:42 – GOVTS have a large number of Issued-Currency Units they call "GOV-DEBT"

  15. Thomas D

    02:52 – The 1st point is it's a new mechanism [It is not new]
    02:57 – Historically, that level of money supply growth would normally create inflation [too silly]
    03:05 – That leads us to a time when bond [no longer needed bond] yields are capped
    _______ [Soon, an end to free money for those who have money]

  16. Thomas D

    02:05 – [The guarantee is the only reason current private bankers who are a bunch of frightened, too-afraid-to-lend-and-loosetypes do not lend except for insured risks. Nothing new here since 1990]

  17. Thomas D

    01:33 – All money in circulation has ALWAYS come from Currency-Issuing-GOV purchasing

  18. Rachel Woodruff

    You will get more views if you cut this video into 30 minutes each. And time stamps.

  19. Yugal R

    Timestamp!!!!! Please

  20. benny532017

    A pretty worrying outlook – two clever chaps – thanks for the interview!

  21. Dahcyber on Instagram


  22. Joe Shmoe


  23. Tib Syy

    There is only one deflation. Wage deflation!

  24. Tom Coughlan

    When a interview like this makes you question many ways things can play out from today’s actions to at least protect your family you know it’s worth listening to more than once . One residential houses in Europe like starting a business is just out of the question between law regulation taxes that’s before the bill comes for covid

  25. BlueFM

    The fact is with technology information being shared with the average citizen, governments and private sector are now threatened. This means the corrupt, negligent behaviours of those in power private and public need to put a stop to free thought and alternative models to live by. Hence the distractions and free money and everyone can own a home/cars etc. This now has everyone committed to taxes, your bank accounts, freedoms are now transparent to governments/ private Corp, yet their agendas and motivations are NOT transparent…….any more questions just buy a van a see down by the

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