RUSSIAN Economy in CRISIS as Inflation RISES & Vehicle Sales CRASH as Impact of Sanctions Hits Home

by | Oct 21, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 29 comments

RUSSIAN Economy in CRISIS as Inflation RISES & Vehicle Sales CRASH as Impact of Sanctions Hits Home

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Russian Inflation is now RISING Again despite the recent attempts by the Russian Central Bank to keep price rises down. In addition to this the latest sales figures for the Automotive Sector show a MASSIVE reduction in output and sales. The Automotive Sector is a big employer in Russia and the problems it is experiencing will affect the whole economy. In addition to these issues I also provide details of Forecasts in COMMODITY Prices recently issued by Australia. Finally I provide my view on the implications of all of these issues for both Russia & the GLOBAL ECONOMY.

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0:00 Intro

#worldwar3…(read more)

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  1. G Nelson

    You’re so full of left wing bs. Maybe you should watch a little iearlgrey or Patrick Lancaster. I see more communist propaganda coming out of Biden admin than Russia admin.


    Indian companies mahendera and tata has started selling car. .sooner they will be made there in Russia.

  3. H Razo

    I can picture Putin riding in a Mercedes limo waving to all the citizens when it stalls out and dies…..


    I’m a Canadian in Moscow and Basically it’s the same inflation here as in Canada, I call it a 30% Covid tax that never left

  5. Memespeech

    Capital and people were leaving russia tho, which means less spending.

  6. Q H

    But I heard white Ladas are flying off the shelves.

  7. bigdada018

    Big fan of the channel!

  8. Nath

    Keep it going! I love hearing how Russia is falling apart…

  9. J Soelistyo

    Daimler, Joe? showing our age are we 😉

  10. mvp019

    Interesting how this contrasts with an article from The Economist – a rabidly anti-Russian publication, which 3 days ago ran a story with the headline: "As Europe falls into recession, Russia climbs out – Real-time data show a subdued but strengthening economy" – somebody is full of gavno.

  11. db

    i saw a video from a Russian farmer who could not find original parts for his tractor,but only the fake ones, and even the fake ones have risen in price over 4 times. Russia is screwed!!!! and we still have to see the biggest impact later in the new year and beyond! Russia will be 100% bankrupt next year.

  12. Dynasty

    All countries of the world will need to learn to produce everything "in house" as the free trade system has been exposed as a Fraudulent system as it only benefited a few nations while the others have suffered.
    Free Trade System never worked. And people believed these Liars.
    Smarten up people !

  13. Arthur Dewith

    I like to see Lavrov in a lada

  14. ChadMcShagger

    In other words, the spreadsheet doesn't foot.

  15. Marian Parker

    To anyone whose paying attention, its obvious , the entire world is coming off the rails. Soon we will be evicted and become street eligible. what moves can we make to generate more income during quantitative tightening because I can’t afford to see my lifesavings of about $320k turn to dust or being killed by inflation

  16. DalTV

    I am in Russia at the moment and literally nothing of what you said is happening

  17. Todd

    Nice talking points but no relation to reality at all.
    Notice ALL of your posts mirror US State Department talking points and that the vast majority have proven incorrrect in the end.
    Good job, failure like that is what I expect from the US propaganda machine and you are right on target.

  18. Stuart Atkins

    Saw a video where a Russian was asked about not have air bags in his new car. He said 'no big deal; I'll just drive slower.'

  19. Jay Kellett

    So….if interest rates are low in Russia….it's a good time to buy a car…….right?

  20. Mary Hadda

    Nobody has ever wanted to buy Russian cars. After seeing their performance in Ukraine, nobody will want Russian weapons either. No one wants Russian movies, airplanes, computers, or banking services. There's nothing there for tourists, except pain and trouble. Even Russian vodka is not widely popular. All they can sell is oil and gas, and some timber, and maybe some wheat. Russia is not a well-run country.

  21. F Ado

    No one in the world want to be seen in a Skoda or Lada.

  22. R

    It will take one hundred years for Russia to recover to where they were in 2020.

  23. Andrew Dunbar

    I don't think Daimlers have been made in any country for about 13 years.

  24. 6.8mm

    I am sure cars are breaking down all the time in Russia that they are not able to fix anymore because of the sanctions as well.
    So people are stuck with cars that are not working that they can't get repaired or sold.
    And then they most likely can't afford to buy a new car.

    And the same goes for all sorts of transport as well.
    So busses and other public transport will stop working.
    They will get problems with transporting goods.
    And all sorts of other problems related to transportation.

  25. 6.8mm

    When 2+2=5 you know that something is wrong.

  26. porkyfedwell

    Hard to get your car fixed, when all the workers have left the country to avoid the draft.

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