Senator John Fetterman Questions Bank Executives for Bailouts without “Work Requirements”

by | Dec 8, 2023 | Bank Failures | 34 comments

Senator John Fetterman Questions Bank Executives for Bailouts without “Work Requirements”

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Sen. John Fetterman, the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, recently took to social media to question the lack of “work requirements” for bank executives receiving bailouts. In an impassioned post, Fetterman called out the double standard that exists when it comes to financial assistance, pointing out that struggling individuals and families are often subject to stringent work requirements in order to receive assistance, while wealthy bank executives seem to face no such expectations.

Fetterman’s comments came in response to the news that major banks, such as JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, had all received billions of dollars in federal aid in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The senator questioned why there are no strings attached to this financial support, particularly when lower-income Americans receive government assistance.

The issue of work requirements for bailouts is not a new one. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, banks and financial institutions were bailed out by the government without any requirement for them to change their business practices or to support struggling homeowners who were facing foreclosure. Despite the fact that many of these banks were responsible for the crisis in the first place, they were handed billions of taxpayer dollars with little accountability.

Fetterman’s comments have struck a chord with many Americans who feel that there is a double standard when it comes to government assistance. While everyday citizens are often subjected to strict requirements in order to receive support, the same level of scrutiny does not seem to be applied to wealthy corporations and individuals.

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The issue of bailouts and corporate welfare is a contentious one, and Sen. Fetterman’s comments have reignited the debate. Many argue that if individuals are expected to work in order to receive government assistance, the same should apply to corporate entities. Others believe that bailouts should come with conditions attached, such as increased regulation and oversight, in order to prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis.

Fetterman’s questioning of the lack of “work requirements” for bank executives receiving bailouts has sparked an important conversation about fairness and accountability in the distribution of government aid. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the economy, it is crucial that these issues are addressed in order to ensure that all Americans are treated equitably in the face of financial hardship.

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  1. @irishfan743

    Is does we voters from state pa think really won election mailed in ballots? Or do will admit to election fixing democrat office in! How? Embarrassment residents for state Pa to he admit is leader our! How?

    Good lord and baby Jesus please help us in Pa. This is who they said won our election. Yoda is confused after listening to him speak.

  2. @richystar2001

    Wtf is he talking about?

  3. @ronnielamar3473

    From Illinois I watch different politicians. At first Fetterman was a little shakey. Then he goes and knocks one out of the park.

  4. @craiganderson3919

    This is like a bad dream that continues each night and keeps getting worse.

  5. @keystoneplumber


  6. @bettyecollins4255

    I totally agree with the breakdown of J Winsor an the comment of Laura Lee. Yes, Senator Fetterman had a stroke last year. which has impaired his speech. However, if it becomes necessary he has an apparatus too assist with his speech, just like anyone else with a disability. If anyone has a family member that has a disability of any kind, or you don't be mindful of what your creator may have in store for you next!! Read what J Windsor, has too say, he couldn't have explained it better for everyone too understand…..

  7. @williampierce2187

    cant feed them ? dont breed them. get a freaking job

  8. @chrish9214

    SCHOOLS BANK EXECUTIVES?!? Omfg seems to me whoever wrote this click bait title didn’t ever attend school to know what getting schooled truly means. This man is a vegetable addict and has no clue what he is doing… you liberals ARE IN A CULT WAKE UP HOW CANT YOU SEE THIS? How can you defend a man like this? Because he is mentally handicapped?? There is no room in our government for these people.

  9. @robertcompton5232

    Fetterman's tactic was brilliant during this exchange – confuse the enemy with pure gibberish, then let the fake news media slap together a carefully edited clip to hide your mental impairment. Absolutely brilliant!

  10. @ee.es00

    What in Gods name was that. This man is genuinely deranged and should not be in any office.

  11. @harleyguy3043

    what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!

  12. @lindagiles2769

    Hold them accountable and yes their should be requirements to get bailed out.

  13. @Logan-py8we

    Hard to watch…feel sorry for him but he's just another
    Useful idiot being used by the puppet masters

  14. @echotawest793

    The people that voted for this potato get exactly what they deserve.

  15. @ImaYam

    We have to protect the taxpaper not to crash it!!

  16. @jwinsor1435

    Though Senator Fetterman’s exact words were at times difficult to understand, the gist of his question was not. What should taxpayers be expected to give failed banks ‘free’ money to bail them out because their bosses failed to do their job for their investors and depositors? These greedy financiers certainly had no difficulty in procuring quarterly bonuses and significant annual raises for themselves when the money was rolling in, as well as insuring that their contracts had platinum plus parachute clauses in the event that something went wrong.

    On their watch, the banks failed. Executives at the top of financial institutions have always been allowed to cocoon themselves in a ‘fail safe’ bubble that prevents them from being touched when their institutions fail. They should be the first ones whose assets are frozen (regardless of how or where they have tried to hide them). They should have to keep working if they expect to collect a paycheck. Once the bank fails, they become a regular salaried employee of the bank without any of their previous perks and benefits. The gulf between those who work hard for a living and can barely scrape by and those who make ‘bank’ off the hard work of others is wider today and expanding faster than at any other time in our history. It’s time that someone paid attention and implemented corrections to prevent a global recession.

  17. @strix5309

    To all you Trumpy MAGA trolls — have you ever actually listened to Trump speak or answer a question coherently? He’s completely incapable, and he hasn’t even had a stroke — yet.

  18. @kellysardella928

    May Sen Fetterman ALWAYS stay a man of the people.

  19. @murphmanin

    Fuck yea get em John!! Id take this gentleman as prez no prob!! Need a guy like this to battle the orange orangutan

  20. @laportezjr

    I think that was a good question Sen fetterman ask the chainman of snap asking a person who is down on their luck to work for food stamps that's crazy seriously

  21. @karen7573

    In 2021 we spent $113.74b on SNAP. In ONE WEEK in 2023 we spent $300b for SVB.

  22. @jeankennedy399

    Great to see Fetterman back!!

  23. @NPCHSN

    Love how you dried out all of the complete nonsense from this brain damaged man. But, censorship is what you do so well.

  24. @michel3691

    Thank you, Mr. Fetterman. You brought up a valid point. Politicians want poor people to have to work to get help. The rich companies should have to work to pay back their buyout.

  25. @brendathompson544

    This guy is absolutely awesome!!!! Such a great advocate for the people!!!

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