Sherry Explains Retirement Planning – Using the Backdoor IRA Strategy to Save in a Roth IRA without Penalties for High Earners, Completely Legal.

by | Apr 19, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 31 comments

Sherry Explains Retirement Planning – Using the Backdoor IRA Strategy to Save in a Roth IRA without Penalties for High Earners, Completely Legal.

收入太高,就不能直接存入Roth IRA了,但是你仍然有办法间接存入Roth IRA,就是用走后门策略。看了本期视频你就知道怎么样操作了,也还可以了解到如果传统IRA里既有税前又有税前资金时,要怎么补税。

做backdoor Roth IRA, 之后怎么报税呢?8606表是什么?看了本期视频,就知道了!

Roth IRA 终身免税,别浪费它的好处哦!…(read more)




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retirement planning requires diligence and strategy, especially when it comes to saving for your future income. One such strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is the backdoor Roth IRA. This strategy is particularly useful for high-income earners who wish to save for their retirement but are not eligible for a Roth IRA because of income limits.

To understand the backdoor Roth IRA strategy, we must first understand what a Roth IRA is. A Roth IRA is an Individual retirement account that allows you to save for retirement with after-tax dollars. This means that you pay taxes on the money you contribute upfront, and when you withdraw the funds in retirement, the money is tax-free.

However, there are income limits that restrict who can contribute to a Roth IRA. For the year 2021, the income limit for individuals is $140,000 and for married couples is $208,000. If you earn more than this, you are not eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA directly.

This is where the backdoor Roth IRA comes in. The backdoor Roth IRA strategy involves two steps: first, you make a nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA, and second, you convert the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. This is completely legal and, in some cases, advantageous.

The key to the backdoor Roth IRA strategy is that there are no income limits on making contributions to a traditional IRA. However, there are income limits on converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Therefore, high-income earners can make a nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA and then immediately convert it to a Roth IRA, effectively circumventing the income limits.

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For example, let’s say you earn $200,000 a year and want to contribute to a Roth IRA. You are not eligible because you exceed the income limits. However, you can make a $6,000 nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA and then immediately convert it to a Roth IRA. Since you already paid taxes on the $6,000, there would be no taxes due on the conversion. This would allow you to have a Roth IRA with the benefits of tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

It’s important to note that the backdoor Roth IRA strategy is not for everyone. If you have a significant amount of money in traditional IRA accounts, the conversion could trigger a significant tax bill. Additionally, you cannot make a nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA if you have any other IRA accounts that have not been taxed yet.

Overall, the backdoor Roth IRA strategy is a legal and viable option for high-income earners who want to save for their retirement. However, it’s essential to consult with a financial advisor beforehand to determine if this strategy is right for you and to discuss the potential tax implications. With careful planning and consideration, you can achieve your retirement planning goals and secure your financial future.

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  1. Sherry细说投资理财

    视频里单身收入$139,000以上,夫妻联合报税$206,000以上,就不可以直接存入Roth IRA。这里的收入是指的Modified Adjusted Gross Income.

  2. Shirley Meng

    Backdoor ROTH IRA 2022年还可以做吗?

  3. Chengcheng Gu

    这个有点难懂哦。我存了6000到traditional IRA,我怎么才能知道这6000是税前还是税后?

  4. Donna Wang

    有一点没有听明白: pro rata 包括401k里面的钱吗?

  5. lucy liu

    Sherry:我是在今年5约分以后,做了Backdoor conversion to Ruth IRA , 8606 表 是不是 到明年报税时填写?谢谢你。

  6. Crystal Zhou

    请问从传统IRA转到Roth IRA要缴税吗?

  7. Heather Jiang

    Sherry 请问用走后门Roth IRA: traditional IRA => Roth IRA, 有没有金额限制? 每年只能转$6000? 还是有多少转多少?当然都是税后的钱。 比如我把saving account里面税后$200K存入traditional IRA, 在走后门到Roth IRA, 行吗? 谢谢

  8. carol w

    你好,请问夫妻收入不超过限额,可以直接存Roth IRA吗?和back door转入Roth IRA有什么区别呢?感觉直接存更方便,对吧?

  9. Cici Xi

    你好 Sherry , 谢谢你的讲解, 2020 年 我和我老公分别放了 6000 美金 到 roth ira , 但是我们 2021 年今年整理报税的时候 ,发现 我们工资超了, 我们现在在延期报税,我和我老公分开报税,所以我们 在 报税前分别把6000 美金roth ira 的钱 和6000 所产生的 gain 转到了 tranditional IRA, 但是因为我们 工资超了 ,我们不能抵税在 tramditional IRA 里面的钱。 那我们需要 今年报 8606 这个表格 还是再2022报这个表格? 说我们放进去的$6000 已经交税了。如果报的 话 ,我们需要 把总的金额 (6000 和它所产生的 利润)填到 8606 里面么,还是只报8606 不能坻税6000这一部分报了 ? 然后余下的6000 美元之前在 ira 产生的 gain ,等从 tranditional 里 拿出来再交税?

  10. Simi Wang

    想问下Mega backdoor 和6000块的after tax =>Roth IRA 可以同时进行吗

  11. Eddie C

    想问下如果是after tax的钱(比如到手的6000$)从银行存入traditional ira然后backdoor到roth ira这个6000$在五年内取出也要交罚金吗?

  12. Caryn CC

    早点听到就好了,刚刚开了Roth IRA 2020 和2021。问题来了,夫妻收入超过了上限,怎么办?

  13. Bonnie

    你好sherry, 听你的视频学到很多知,识,我住在加州,去年是拿的失业金没有收入,用什么方法我可以存入Roth IRA, 我之前每年都存入Roth IRA帐号,谢谢。

  14. Tiller Hey

    Does backdoor Roth IRA have ceiling 6000$ as well?

  15. quancheng1

    在券商哪里开traditional IRA 有什么条件吗?如果收入11w, 已经有了RuthIRA 账号,单向突破每年的限制,往里多存些钱。

  16. Nick Adams

    Sherry 讲得真好特别有条理! 我看了一整天包括其他youtuber, 一亩三分地,investpedia,您解释得最清楚了! 我的情况是,2020年的税已经报过了,上周才开的IRA.。请问我现在还可以存2020年的tranditional IRA,走backdoor IRA吗?感觉如果存入之后马上转,也不会影响税额,但是现在不能改税表了。

  17. maggie zhang

    谢谢您的分享,我尝试从传统ira向roth ira transfer税后金额,但fidelity系统提示需要纳税,是不是应选择现在不纳税,后续填8066表就可以了?

  18. Don Lee

    If I move $6000 from bank (after tax dollars) to traditional IRA and then Roth IRA, does it mean I don't need to pay tax for that $6000 although I have already paid tax for it? If so, I can deduct $6000 from my income?

  19. Grace Chi

    Hi Sherry, thanks for sharing! I have a question – I don't have traditional IRA, but I have 401(K), can I do backdoor Roth IRA without being subject to pro rata rule?

  20. Lisa Ye


  21. Connie Zhao

    Dear Sherry,又来复习,但没找到我的答案。请问,我有传统IRA账户,今年想以走后门形式把传统IRA的钱全部转到Roth IRA,请问backdoor行为有时间期限吗?今年是2020.12.31?还是2021.4.15?谢谢你

  22. May Kao

    401K的IRA 帳户,應如何分批領出,再存税后的Roth IRA呢?或是什么是最好的投資呢?

  23. Jia Xu


  24. H Shih

    請問Sherry,如果已經有其他 Rollover IRA (with tax-deferred money),可否開一個新的 Traditional IRA,從銀行匯入六千美金,再用 backdoor 完全 convert 到 Roth IRA? 另外,是否可以在今年 4/15之前存入去年 (2020) 的六千美金額度,然後在4/15之後,再存入今年 (2021) 的六千美金額度?這樣報稅的時候會發生問題嗎? 謝謝您的分享。

  25. Shang-Sheng Liu

    請問non-deductible contribution to traditional IRA 的部分,取出時,如果扣稅?

  26. Taoger G

    如果只有先生有工作、妻子没有工作 。妻子怎么开IRA 呢

  27. Yiyi Lin

    请问如果我每一年都转6000的backdoor IRA,第五年能取6000还是所有存入的本金?

  28. Adam

    No contribution limit for backdoor Roth IRA, right? wow

  29. Shan Li

    Sherry 如果我存6000税后到trad ira后有了一百来块钱的盈利,这些钱转到Roth需要对一百块钱交税吗?还有换工作后401k可以转入Roth ira吗?是不是要交税?

  30. Bean Family


  31. 庭院种菜

    Sherry早!哎,不知道什么时候我能混到收入太高而不能直接存Roth IRA的水平:)

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