
by | Sep 18, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 21 comments

当你离开原雇主时,你在原雇主那里的401k一般要转入新雇主计划,转入传统IRA或转入Roth IRA。有些雇主允许员工不离职也可以将401 K转入其他账户。该怎么选择呢?Sherry 邀请小伙伴们看本期视频,先了解清楚每种选择的优缺点,再结合自己的年龄、目前收入、有没有其他投资方式等因素作出最适合自己家庭的选择。
看完我的第五期关于401K的视频以后,你就比90%的美国居民对401K了解得更多了。相信你在退休规划上段位已经提高,不但可以完善自己的各种退休计划,还可以讲给朋友们听,帮助到别人啦!…(read more)




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In recent years, retirement planning has become increasingly important as individuals aim to secure their financial stability during their golden years. One aspect of retirement planning that requires careful consideration is the management of retirement accounts, such as a 401(k). In this article, we will delve into the topic of the 401(k) rollover/conversion and explore how it can be a beneficial strategy for retirement planning.

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their salary to a tax-advantaged investment account. Contributions made to a traditional 401(k) are often tax-deductible, and the investments grow tax-deferred until withdrawal during retirement. However, when individuals leave their job or retire, they often face a decision regarding what to do with their 401(k) account. This is where a rollover/conversion comes into play.

A 401(k) rollover/conversion refers to transferring the funds from an existing 401(k) account into another tax-advantaged retirement account, such as an individual retirement account (IRA). There are two primary types of rollovers: direct rollovers and indirect rollovers.

A direct rollover involves transferring the funds from the 401(k) directly to the new retirement account. This method ensures that the individual does not have to touch the transferred funds and avoids any potential tax consequences or penalties. On the other hand, an indirect rollover requires the individual to receive the funds from the 401(k) and then redeposit them into the new retirement account within a specified time frame, typically 60 days. If the funds are not redeposited within this time frame, they may be subject to income taxes and early withdrawal penalties.

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One of the main benefits of a 401(k) rollover/conversion is increased investment flexibility. Unlike a 401(k), which often limits investment choices to a selection of mutual funds chosen by the employer, an IRA generally offers a wider range of investment options. This enables individuals to personalize their investment strategy and potentially achieve higher returns.

Additionally, a 401(k) rollover/conversion can simplify retirement account management. Instead of having multiple retirement accounts scattered across different employers, consolidating them into one IRA can streamline the tracking and monitoring process. With a single account, individuals can better control their asset allocation and monitor their retirement savings progress.

Another advantage of a 401(k) rollover/conversion is the potential for more favorable withdrawal options. Some traditional 401(k) plans require individuals to begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 70½. On the other hand, Roth IRAs do not impose RMDs during the original owner’s lifetime. By converting a traditional 401(k) into a Roth IRA, individuals can potentially delay or avoid mandatory withdrawals, allowing their funds to grow tax-free for a more extended period.

However, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks before proceeding with a 401(k) rollover/conversion. For example, an individual who plans to retire before the age of 59½ should carefully evaluate their potential tax liability. While withdrawals from traditional 401(k)s before this age are typically subject to an additional 10% early withdrawal penalty, certain exceptions may apply. By rolling over the funds into an IRA, individuals could lose access to these exceptions and potentially incur penalties for early withdrawals.

In conclusion, a 401(k) rollover/conversion can be an effective retirement planning strategy for individuals looking to optimize their retirement savings. By transferring funds from a 401(k) into a different tax-advantaged retirement account, individuals can gain investment flexibility, simplify account management, and potentially benefit from more favorable withdrawal options. However, it’s crucial to weigh the advantages against potential drawbacks, considering factors such as age, tax liability, and individual circumstances. Seeking professional financial advice is highly recommended to ensure that the decision aligns with individual goals and objectives.

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  1. Yanfang Xu

    如果64岁退休,这个年龄可以拿401 K里面的钱吗?

  2. Lihua Yang


  3. debbie su

    從traditional IRA rollover to Roth ira, 沒有金額的限制,請問有沒有收入的限制呢?比如說收入超過多少就不可以rollover.謝謝sherry.

  4. soo heang yu

    請問如果已經退休了,每年從401K領RMD的人,這個RMD的錢扣了稅後還可以轉存進去Roth IRA嗎?還是我需要多提領比RMD還要多的錢然後將多提領的部分存進Roth IRA呢?

  5. kevin


  6. Artist Sophie

    的确,我看了这5期,比我先生(美国佬)要懂多了,他有好几个新老雇主的401k 账户,也不管理,现在我要来管管了

  7. Bob Jones


  8. Chengcheng Gu

    我想把单位的401k 转为单位的Roth 401 k, 公司也会mach6%吗在roth401k里边? 还是只有在401k里边才会mach6%?

  9. Oliver张


  10. 鸭子


  11. Chen Blues


  12. Cynthia Zheng

    我很喜欢你视频,而且你讲得很清楚容易懂。我想问,我61岁以前没有买过任何退休保险,我现在是不是可以买Roth IRA。谢谢你。

  13. KristW

    我有困惑,请帮忙解惑。如果我有pre-tax IRA $20000 and after tax IRA, 如果我准备distribute or transfer or withdraw 从 after tax RIA 的是20000 本金部分, 是不是也要遵守pro-rata rule? 我读起来,是需要的。因此,如果要紧急用钱,那得有重复缴税,这种情况,是不是不能取了?除非重复缴税?

  14. Chengcheng Gu


  15. Sophy C


  16. smallwhiteface


  17. Maida Wu

    建议小姐姐把这是401第几期的信息写在标题上 连起来看着方便

  18. taoyu Lu

    请教一下一年内把401K转Roth有金额上限吗?Roth 一年只能存6000块上限,401K转是不是不受这个上限额度?谢谢

  19. Huiwen Zhao

    如果我已有一个pre tax 401k account,. 公司允许提供after tax 401k, 我想从薪水里存放些钱到 after tax 401k account. 请问需要401k 公司另外开一个account 吗?还有如果存放到Roth Ira的钱是after tax, 假如过了59岁半全部取出来, 本金和赚取利润都不用打税吗?

  20. Penguin Little

    sherry姐姐,我现在离职了,fidelity 的401k账户里的都买了sp500基金,那么我想在fidelity 开新的roth ira,第一个问题是, 我需要把401k里面的基金都卖了然后转ira吗 第二个问题是,fidelity 的specialist跟我说,可以先开traditional ira,然后*分批*转到roth ira,这样也许可以降低税率,我不知道报税的时候会不会很麻烦,第三个问题是您觉得我的old 401k账户是直接转traditional ira 还是直接转roth ira比较好呢 谢谢

  21. G Y

    问一个问题,退休后已把401k rollover to 税前传统IRA, 还能从这个IRA 转到Roth吗?

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