Shocking Report Shows Shows Companies are Preparing for a Major Economic Slowdown

by | Feb 24, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 41 comments

Shocking Report Shows Shows Companies are Preparing for a Major Economic Slowdown

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A recent report has revealed that many of the world’s largest companies are preparing for a major economic slowdown. The report, which was conducted by consulting firm McKinsey & Company, surveyed more than 1,000 global executives and found that nearly three-quarters of them believe the world economy is heading for a significant slowdown in the next two years.

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The report also found that companies are preparing for the downturn by cutting costs, reducing headcount, and delaying investments. The survey revealed that nearly two-thirds of companies are cutting costs, while a majority of them are reducing their workforce and delaying investments.

The survey also found that companies are becoming more cautious in their approach to investments, with only 27% of executives saying they are investing in new technologies, compared to 40% in the previous quarter.

The survey also showed that companies are becoming increasingly pessimistic about the future of the economy. Nearly half of the executives surveyed said they believe the global economy will be in a recession by the end of 2020.

The report is a stark reminder that the global economy is facing an uncertain future. Companies are taking steps to prepare for a potential downturn, but it is clear that they are worried about the potential impact of a major economic slowdown.

It is important for businesses to take steps to ensure they are prepared for a potential downturn. Companies should review their cost structures, evaluate their workforce needs, and make sure they are investing in the right technologies. They should also be prepared to make changes quickly if the economic situation worsens.

The report is a reminder that the global economy is in a fragile state and that companies must be prepared for a potential economic slowdown. It is important for businesses to take steps now to ensure they are ready for whatever may come.

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  1. don axe

    I always trust a guy with giant eyebrows

  2. jason powell

    How many of throes people are getting a second or third job? If you live paycheck to paycheck and you need extra money, you get a second or third job..

  3. Keith Rodgers

    How can you have consumer demand when workers have been on a wage freeze for years ? For the best part of 30yrs 1-3% wage rises when prices have been going up by 2 to 3 times that. That’s why business profits have gone thro the roof. Now it’s collapsing, a proper home goal !!

  4. Lowrider

    It’s always a self fulfilling prophecy!

  5. 2023 Gainer

    $$$… small Cap Stocks Surged in Jan and led the EV sector..* FFIE.. Up 186 % Jan…Faraday Future. Just Weeks from Planned Production of FF 91 SUV EV..* XOS Trucks Up 62 % Jan…* CENN… Up 92 % Jan…* ZEV.. Up 111 % Jan…* RIDE.. Up 16 % Jan.. * IQSTEL. Profitable. 4 Divisions in 19 Countries. Launch EVOSS in 2023.. Thumbs Up Video/ Thanks for Your Analysis. $$$

  6. DriveSure Dispatch

    I do appreciate your content you provide, but I will say, I'm not sure you think an engineered soft landing is even theoretically possible without inflation spiking back up. Even if consumers somehow are deceived into buying, how is that going to fix the original problem that inflation is what got us into this mess?

  7. pdloder

    Haven't watched this channel for at least 6 months – thought by now you'd have learnt to fill the screen with your charts – but no.
    Makes it very hard to see anything on a phone.

  8. Annie L

    you all.can thank corupted joe bixen for tbis recession

  9. Brian

    Hey Steve. Where is the dis-inflation you have been talking about for the last year-plus? And the whole, gonna cut jobs, gonna, gonna, gonna…….. The Gonna crowd doesn't mean 'jack' to me. talking mad – smack about what your "gonna" do doesn't mean anything to me. Do something, or go away. Otherwise, the Gonna crowd are nothing but a bluff. Still waiting for the Recession and lower inflation. Me thinks, that you will be talking about Dis-inflation, until you are red in the face, Oh wait. You already are, 'AND', have been for quite some time! Me thinks, more of the same in your future! Don't hold your breath for that Bond Gravy-Train sale! Snowballs chance in Hell!

  10. Paul Jensen

    Inflation Rates are not going to 2.5% this year.

  11. Michael Williams

    The stock market doesn't indicate jack. It is going up for 1.7 Trillion reasons. Stock prices inflate just like milk and eggs do.

  12. Albatross

    Give the homeless free houses & electric vehicles what’s wrong with you Joey

  13. Albatross

    Good it is about time what is taking so long potato Joey

  14. Jesse Wheeler

    Longtime fan. Do us (and yourself) a favor and go back to your old-style introductions. You used to ask 3 or 4 questions before the show started with an uplifting tone even if the message was doom. Now, your intros are always doom and predictable. Your content is spot on as always, but I promise you, your old intro was better. You are getting more views than Forbes and you can challenge Wealthion and even Yahoo! Go back to your old intro style and you will get more views.

    PS – Bring back the crown. People love that shit.

  15. Dj Trainspotter

    "More laughs are coming"! . . Indeed.

  16. haby alexandru

    Buy gold and silver End the matrix

  17. emailshe

    No videos today, as he is busy selling his shots on loss for whatever they are worth.

  18. james hanson

    Takeaway is that financial conditions are easing when they should be tightening. No mystery, real rates are still well below real inflation. Which is outstanding for this economics autodidact to see that the economy is real, and its reactions are real. That is to say the economy follows the actual conditions, as it should and not the nominal data of Fed narrative. Thanks Steven.

  19. William Johnson

    It doesn't matter what the economy does, Wall Street is going to shamelessly continue it's Ponzi game. If you are a gambler, rather than an investor who looks at fundamentals, this is the market for you. Computers and emotions, fear and FOMO. I'm sorry, but I can't buy tulips (Shiller P/E 29, historical average 17).Tulips went to over 7 yrs. wages, for just one bulb. Picking individual stocks and timing their purchase and sale is a proven loser for the vast majority of people, if you have read the studies.. As for labor, the latest statistics prove out the shortage of labor theory, as well as promote the idea of letting immigrants in to do menial jobs. Hard to have a recession when you have a labor shortage. Layoffs? Just a lot of talk. Otherwise, they will never get the people back.

  20. warrior lady

    I like it how you think its a guaranty CPI will drop fast, don't pay to much attention to charts and start looking at other factors as well.

  21. Linda Jones

    Steve. I don’t want us to breakup but you have to talk to me with more positivity.

  22. eurekalogic

    The Fed has a mandate of 100% employment. Allowing layoffs or planning layoffs will cause self extinction because their mandate will be gone.

  23. Gene S.

    You're missing one thing, Steve: a major war with Russia. Washington wants a war. They want our boys on the ground in Ukraine. Assuming it will stay conventional, which is a big assumption, it will throw every economic prediction out the window.

  24. The Comrade

    You see the spread on gas and inflation? Consumable goods typically never go down in price due to constant demand.
    For inflation to come down, demand must come down for 'necessities'.

    We will see their 2.5% when we reach some ridiculous unemployment number and people literally can't spend 9$ on a 12 pack of soda…

  25. Ridzuan Ali

    Thank you, SVM, for this insights. Take care. God bless.

  26. Low IQ industries Inc.

    Powell isnt worried because he's not the one thats gonna get laid off.

  27. Jeffrey D. Rein

    Yes, Fed interest rates impact on the labor market is tertiary. How tertiary? As tertiary as the war in Ukraine being caused by the tertiary effects of the asteroid that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct! Everything is impermanence.

  28. Wayne Garden

    Why is it always getting worst with you???!!!

  29. Crypto holica72

    I work in the trades. We can't find enough workers for the jobs we have. It's been that way for a while. Guess sit just depends what field you're working in.

  30. erongi23

    Economic theory is a bit unfair to labor under capitalism. It says labor can get too big rises and cause inflation and the wage price spiral but does not state that profits can be too big and take too high a proportion of gdp. The wage price spiral requires an imperfect market ,an element of oligopoly or monopoly, in order to allow for prices to be moved up. It takes two to spiral.

  31. SuperSatan666devil 4th

    Relax! You should not be complaining.
    Get another wife who is financially wealthy, if you are panicky!

  32. Chris Rooney

    Bitcoin has been falling for a while now and it might keep falling or decide to rise again. The truth is no one knows, I believe it’s the right time to make purchase and also get the assistance of a professional

  33. Zane Dickson

    Soo are you shorting this?

  34. Rob Nowe

    How many realtors and mortgage banking employees are getting the ax or are having their incomes lowered substantially? How much of their income are they losing to lower home sales and less mtgs? What about the appraisal and escrow and title and other derivative workers?

  35. Vichet Kim

    If the Holy Bible is correct, they'll all look like a bunch of less than zeros. In the negative, which is where they want interest rates to be.

  36. NPG

    I think it will be a collapse… Civilisation collapse is even possible. Get right with God is my advice. Money won't matter by the end of this.

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