Shocking Strategic Maneuver: Russia’s Potential Shift Focuses towards U.S., Caution Urged

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Silver IRA | 43 comments

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Title: Warning! RUSSIA May Now Be Turning Sights on U.S. in Shocking Strategic Maneuver!


Recent developments in international relations have raised concerns about Russia’s ongoing global ambitions. While tensions between Russia and the West have persisted for years, there are indications that Russia may be shifting its focus towards the United States. This shift, if true, could have far-reaching implications for global geopolitics. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this potential strategic maneuver and the possible consequences it may bring.

1. Growing Resentment and Tensions

Over the past decade, strained relations between Russia and the West have deepened. Following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and subsequent involvement in the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine, tensions reached unprecedented levels. The enforcement of sanctions by the U.S. and its allies further intensified the rift between these global powers.

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2. Escalating Cyber Warfare

One of the key indicators suggesting Russia’s potential shift towards the U.S. is the escalation of cyber warfare. Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and recent cyberattacks targeting American government institutions and critical infrastructure have raised alarm bells. These attacks have shown a level of sophistication, suggesting that Russia has been honing its capabilities to target the U.S. directly.

3. Energy Dominance and Geopolitical Influence

Russia’s vast reserves of natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas, play a pivotal role in its strategic maneuvering. The U.S., as a major global consumer of energy, is a crucial market for Russia. However, the growing U.S. energy industry’s push towards energy independence, coupled with the decrease in global oil prices, has undermined Russia’s energy dominance. This has likely fueled Russia’s desire to challenge U.S. influence to safeguard its own interests and maintain geopolitical clout.

4. Shift in Focus from Europe to the U.S.

While Europe has long been the primary focus of Russia’s assertive foreign policy, recent events indicate a potential shift towards the U.S. Russia’s increasing military presence in the Arctic, which borders both the U.S. and Canada, is a worrisome development. The region’s untapped resources and strategic location make it a geopolitical hotbed. By exerting influence in the Arctic, Russia could potentially gain an upper hand relative to the U.S. in the global power struggle.

5. Consequences and Implications

If Russia is indeed turning its sights on the U.S., the geopolitical consequences could be far-reaching. Heightened tension could lead to an escalation in cyber warfare and military confrontations, further straining international relations. Additionally, the potential impact on global energy markets and efforts to combat climate change cannot be overlooked. With the U.S. and Russia being two of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, cooperation between the two is vital for any meaningful progress in combating climate change.

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While the alleged shift of Russia’s focus towards the U.S. is still speculative, recent events and geopolitical considerations warrant vigilance. If tensions continue to rise, global stability could be significantly compromised. Diplomatic efforts and open dialogue are crucial to curb the potential for further escalation and ensure the pursuit of peaceful solutions. The world must remain alert to these developments and act in unison to mitigate the risks associated with this shocking strategic maneuver.

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  2. Kathleen Cernetich

    Anybody who is knowledgeable about a nuclear attack would know a mask or six feet apart will not do anything.
    the only way to prevent radiation once it's airborne is to submerge yourself underwater. A good thing to stock up on is oxygen tanks and a diving suit either that or be underground in a bunker

  3. Kathleen Cernetich

    Before the war in Ukraine is over with you can bet on it United States will get involved before it is over

  4. Kathleen Cernetich

    If they're already talking about it it will happen don't be a victim of a Cyber attack get your money out of the bank while you can

  5. Kathleen Cernetich

    Play it safe everybody's been warned get your money out of the bank start paying attention to the advice that's being given the people that are awake won't be attacked by the wolves when it happens

  6. Kathleen Cernetich

    Everything is a distraction everything happening is drawing people's attention away from the problems we have in our own country it's trying to get people unfocused from what they have planned so it can come as a surprise when it occurs


    Are worthless dollars will be returning home, we just lost 75 % of the value of the USA dollar. Thier money's is backed by GOLD Russia China India all will be trading with Gold, They No longer need the USA Dollar, Soon they will cut us off completely, They all have made a pac with each other, America is fucked



  9. Melody Montana

    Americans need to reread Anne Frank

  10. Bob Edwards

    Preparing? Why haven’t they been prepared.

  11. Bob Edwards

    Don’t you think our banks would have the best tech people blocking cyber attacks

  12. chuckmoney21620

    Russia is struggling with Ukraine wtf is they gonna do with us lol

  13. Willie Maria Wyndham

    Woke insanity at its best. This one tops them all

  14. Zell Dincht

    There might be a cyber atk on banks. Yeah. It seems putin..isnt the real putin.. look at a pic of him now to the pic with George bush

  15. Buzz Blitzer

    Cyber attacks by Russia….or KLAUS SCHWAB & THE W.E.F. ELITIST CABAL, using Russia as an excuse?

  16. Michael Schranz

    Don't forget the wef were playing cyber wargames last year. Cyber polygon.

  17. jmn93065

    First of all, Russia did not invade Ukraine, If you had listened to Putin, you would understand he is carrying out a policing operation to remove the criminal elements and the Nazis from Ukraine. Ukraine is the money laundering capital of the world, Hillary is running a child tracking network out of there also, plus as you know the US has bio weapon labs there with an Adrenochrone lab to boot. Since the US financed coup of 2014, all this corruption has exploded with both Republicrats and Demoncrats have set up shop there. This action is a good thing for the planet. Time to wake up folks.

  18. No Fluff Hypnosis

    Klaus Schwab from the WEF warned about cyber attacks coming soon. Man, that guy must be psychic!

  19. World News Report Today

    She stole my entire show from yesterday. I left the urls in the description. Wow.

  20. jakewoodstock

    We already have sanctions on Russia sanctions won't help us real leadership might…

  21. James Buffer

    Dumb girl. Pretty but lacks depth and understanding.

  22. Cheryl & Jason

    The sanctions are like a FART in the wind… Russian officials said they do not give a 5hit about western sanctions… meaning they planned for this China is helping them… China,,, Iran,,, North Korea,,, Pakistan,,, pick any of the countries in Africa/ South Africa that hate America and there you have the Axis not to mention Cuba and South American countries that wouldn't mind seeing the USA knocked off its high horse… it's possible we've been untouched forever … yes we've been attacked but never had all out war on our main land…

  23. Jocko Harpo

    Russia is not invading Ukraine. They are taking down Bidens money Laundering opersti8n.

  24. Glenn Jones

    I need to buy a desk and a 6 ft tape measure before there is a run on these at the stores, or before the supplies are vaporized

  25. sarah

    Well you better keep your hands off the biden's Ukrainian money!

  26. thomas marable

    If I was Putin. I would crash the banking system on the 1st or the 15th. All the government checks not coming out would turn the USA crazy. Just saying

  27. Richard B

    Hilarious. What is a mask going to do against nuclear fallout?

  28. J

    Don't rely on computers and a cyber attack would be silly.

  29. J

    All nations that forget God will be turned into hell. God may just be about to put America back on her knees.

  30. Fl Sun

    Well, what’s happening in Ukraine is done by the NWO globalists cabal!… just to start war with Russia!… Putin was poked for a while now and didn’t paid attention to them…. He went an blow off those globalists’s bio weapon labs …
    The Globalists (Rothschild’s) they are doing to Putin what they did every time when they wanted to implement an international Central Bank in a country… like in Libia with Gadaffi, in Romanian with Ceausescu, Sadam Hussein etc…

  31. Richard B

    Lisa, do you think co-op would be affected?

  32. Richard B

    Biden is a sitting duck.

  33. Patricia Dunnavant

    Another problem with the Swift Sanctions is Russia's inability to pay debts to OUR banks. Reduces our cash flow
    Must be very young people at FEMA or they never saw films on nuclear war as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Masks and social distancing will only mean you will not melt into another person when you burn up.

  34. Baby Buddha

    Gee, rhis soap opera of idiots is just mindblowing stupidity! If you havent figured out all of this is preplanned by world leaders. Its the puppet show from Hell! Lol! Cyber attack on USA & European banks is next, wiping everything from stocks, bonds, savings accounts, pension investments etc. (all unfunded liabilities basicslly. Then we will suffer a while then pur saviors The Governments will all come up with a digital currency so we can all be happy owning nothing, honest per social credit scoring( or theyll shut you account down) and of course we will all be greatful for the providings of our government. Hmmmmm….. think it will work for them???

  35. John Johnson

    You all need to wake up to who your real enemy is ; the deep state is going to do cyber attacks and blame it on Russia Russia Russia ; the enemy is the deep State Central Bank ; Russia is doing us a huge favor in destroying the deep State infrastructure in Ukraine created by our very own CIA ; Russia has discovered 11 biolabs and they have destroyed seven of them the last I heard

  36. ron vogt

    How about stupidity

  37. aj burch

    Our banks are in trouble because Russian pays 100s of billions of dollars into the global system. Without that money, businesses in the US are screwed.

  38. Space Ace

    imo wrong dig deeper

  39. t

    Sorry but I believe the biological warfare has already begun two years ago if not 3

  40. 5 flapjacks

    When its all said and done, the most important question to settle is; who will save me from my sins-short falling? For God The Father so loved YOU that He gave His only son Jesus to pay off our sin full! Jesus died so we don't have too. Trust in this with confidence and understanding, and you will be eternally saved.

    If you need teaching on the matter, the bible teaching you tube channel……faith cometh by hearing…….is a good source of info. The teaching series titled, 'change of mind' has all the basics…

  41. Michael Schmith

    The head line is bad rewrite

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