Should I Have Convertible Bonds, TIPS and FRNs in My Investment Portfolio?

by | Jan 18, 2023 | TIPS Bonds

Should I Have Convertible Bonds, TIPS and FRNs in My Investment Portfolio?

In Should I Have Convertible Bonds, TIPS and FRNs in My Investment Portfolio? I discuss the reasons why convertible bonds, Treasury Inflation Protection Securities and Floating Rate Notes are not good investments for long-term passive investors.
This is a FREE introductory lesson from the Essentials of Investing course.

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Lord knows there are too many investment schemes out there. Either that, or the investments are too complex to understand. Most of these do not belong in a long-term investor’s toolbox. In this video, I shed some light on high yield and dividend investment strategies – which are not suitable for passive investors.

The mandate of this course and book is clear and straightforward, and can be summarized as follows:

Preserve capital – insulate the portfolio from stock market volatility (i.e. bear) markets

Generate income – by investing in safe investment grade bonds and dividend paying securities

Beat the rate of inflation – generate real total returns (interest and capital gains of at least 3% per annum)

Allocate funds optimally to maximize the overall portfolio’s reward/risk ratio

Harness the power of compounding to maximize long-term returns

See also  Do Not Make These Backdoor Roth IRA Mistakes Under Any Circumstances

What gives YOU the edge in this business of investing is a powerful combination of:

A conservative investment portfolio that preserves capital and generates sufficient growth and income

The snowball effect of the Power of Compounding coupled with the discipline and patience of sticking to an effective game plan.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you in the course.

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LEARN MORE ABOUT: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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