Should I Rebalance The Funds In My 401(k)?

by | Nov 21, 2022 | 401k | 21 comments

Should I Rebalance The Funds In My 401(k)?

Should I Rebalance The Funds In My 401(k)?
Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth—and how you can too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! Featuring hosts from the Ramsey Network: Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, George Kamel, Rachel Cruze, and John Delony.

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  1. Mark Walker

    Dave’s advice always seems suspect. He gives investment advice. Does he have CFP? ChFc? CIMA? He gives insurance advice. Does he have a CLU? Strange. He gives the excellent message of paying off debt. His own bankruptcy history certainly qualifies him to preach that message I guess.

  2. John Doe

    My 401k also offers automatic rebalancing with no fees so I just set it up to do it annually, great question

  3. Matt Walter

    Its literally a push of a button in Vanguard 401k plans

  4. Susan Collins

    I work for a company that has 401k for three years. I managed to put in 18k over that time and ended up loosing 3k. When I quit, I converted the remaining 15k in IRA and dump it all in SBUX and TSLA stocks with help from my F,A Rita Wildrin Mora. It compounded and Now I'm rounding up 160k, this has literally been a life saver.

  5. Jacob Meadows

    I wonder if Dave realizes his international funds are invested in Russia

  6. Nate Branham

    "Batkon Rouge"

  7. Glenn Woodle

    Beware if the fund co charges a fee to do this. They make money "managing" the account or they use this to justify their management fee.

  8. TBD

    Sometimes rebalancing can cost you a management fee, documentation fee, or I've even seen rebalancing fees etc. so that's the only thing I would be mindful of if you do it too often or if the fee is too high

  9. Mike B

    Every 401(k) program into which I have been enrolled offers rebalancing.

  10. webfreakz

    Finally a financial question again on the show!

  11. MusicPhrase

    Completely moot point. Owning the 4 types of funds, like international, is not needed to achieve high diversification. Owning the U.S. stock market or even just S&P is so diversified that it puts standard deviation almost at zero.

  12. jules

    My employer also offers automatic rebalancing

  13. Lee_CPA

    Rebalancing is a way to address the risk component of your portfolio. A lot of 401k have some type of "Goal Manager" such as Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive and they will invest accordingly. Rebalancing simply brings the investment mix back in line with the stated objectives. If you have a four fund portfolio such as the one Dave claims he uses, then rebalancing is a thirty minute exercise about once per year.

  14. tr3slech3s

    I have Merrill Lynch through my company. Do they do it automatically?

  15. K Roddy

    When you rebalance you sell better performing assets and buy under performers.

  16. GenX X

    Dave says not to use the feature, then says he’s going to look into it for Ramsey employees.

  17. BlueSea Blog

    Knowledge and research are crucial parts of investing, from my research the most profitable investment one can venture into is crypto.

  18. Mark Rounds

    My last company I worked for had this as an option, and I ended up shutting it off because it kept putting my gains from one investment into the losses of another. I really wish they had more investment options, but thankfully I work somewhere else now. I think this works better if there are better investments, but if your investments are getting that out of balance then I think you need to look at the investments you have to see why. If it's because one is really great then I don't mind that getting large unless there's risk in the investment or if like Dave said it gets to like 60% or something. If it's because one or two is loosing all the time then it's time to drop it and find a better performer in that category. Thankfully my advisor helped me find some investments that for the most part is staying balanced.

  19. harrison wintergreen

    Hi Dave my Roth IRA is in ETFs should I rebalance 20 times a day to keep it perfectly allocated?

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