Should you invest in your company 401k retirement plan

by | Sep 8, 2022 | 401k | 17 comments

Should you invest in your company 401k retirement plan

We are a wealth management firm that specializes in improving on the traditional buy and hold approach. To use a simple analogy, we do this by treating ones retirement investments as if they were real estate.

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  1. Silver Honda

    I’m going to call you. 727 area code, St. Petersburg, Florida location ? Can I call for a free consultation? Or, do I have to be a client?

  2. Chick Sexy

    Called to get some help and was told I have to have an account with jazz and they can't give me any advice or thata not what was said watching the video SCAMMMM…STAY AWAY

  3. Kelvin Garcia

    Thanks for the information!!!

  4. Sherrick Campbell

    Seriously what is wrong with the 9 people that thumbed down this video?

  5. Donald Muller

    I just realized you’re Florida based! We will be calling you soon!

  6. demonfox13

    I'm confuse he says even if your not a client of hes company he will help you. But when i try to reach out to him about help on my 41k questions. I was told you had to be a client for help?


    If they match you in any way and have solid investment portfolios, to me it’s a no brainer to sign up. That’s free money and annual returns for doing absolutely nothing!

  8. Aubrey Sandoval

    Bro honestly my dumb ass just realized I had a 401k and honestly I dont know how it works or how to cash out or …. just lost

  9. Thanh Ngo

    Can you talk about the 3 final years catch-up contribution for the 457b plan?

  10. Wesley Groth

    Aramark only does 3% match :b.

  11. Winston Elston

    Whatever you do, at least contribute enough to max out their match, and go for the most aggressive investments your plan offers and your risk tolerance will allow.

  12. Brad Vincet

    Should I be leery of a financial advisor that rolled my 401k into an IRA that was then invested in a variable annuity? It was only $10k at the time and I was in my late twenties. Keep hearing bad things about variable annuities.

  13. Cheyla Moranchel

    I am currently 21 and going to be turning 22 in the summer. I am still a college student and part time worker. I realize that I want to start with Roth IRA. However, thinking long term and once I get a stable job I will ask about a 401K plan. My question is, if I open a Roth IRA now (not making much) but then later on I get a job and I decide that I can now put in $6,000-$9,000, I will no longer be eligible for Roth IRA and now the 401K plan seems more realistic. What happens to the Roth IRA from my previous years?

  14. Falcon262

    My company only matches their contribution with wells fargo. Ive only heard horrid things about wells fargo.

    Should I still take the match when I dont trust wells fargo

  15. SirIrbin

    Whats the difference between a 401k and a 401a? i have a 401a and im a little lost.

  16. jd rancho

    Great set of videos, Mr. Dustin. Like your accessibility and presentation. I hope to get your thoughts on two scenarios I've encountered with different employers' 401k programs.

    One employer limited annual contributions to $12 000. I had been contributing $24 500 previously and was not happy that my plans were derailed by a limit lower than what the law allows.

    A new employer, while presumably offering a 100% match, will, as, I am told, make the matching contribution only on an annual basis, not, as I would assume, concurrently with the withholdings from my paycheck. I have never encountered such a set-up.

    I wonder if ERISA addresses these situations. Your thoughts please. Thx.

  17. Eric S

    My 401k is through Principal. I'm in there 2040 fund, primarily. But, also have money in there 2050 fund, and 2060 fund. Was wondering what u think of those, and the fees and such.

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