Should You Transfer Your TSP To An IRA? (TSP Rollover)

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Rollover IRA | 6 comments

Should You Transfer Your TSP To An IRA? (TSP Rollover)

In this video, Jose Armenta, CFP®, reviews the advantages and disadvantages of transferring the TSP to an IRA.

If you want more details on the subject read the following article:

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Until next time, take care!
Jose Armenta, CFP®

#TSPToIRA is a Create Your Path (“CYP”) blog. CYP is a registered investment advisor offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempted. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. The presence of this website on the Internet shall not be directly or indirectly interpreted as a solicitation of investment advisory services to persons of another jurisdiction unless otherwise permitted by statute. Follow-up or individualized responses to consumers in a particular state by CYP in the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation shall not be made without our first complying with jurisdiction requirements or pursuant to an applicable state exemption. CYP is not employed by the United States Federal Government and does not represent the United States Federal Government. All content on this site is for information purposes only. This website is not personalized investment advice. Securities investing involves risks, including the potential for loss of principal. There is no guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be successful. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Create Your Path LLC, unless otherwise specifically cited. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources, and no representations are made by our firm as to other parties, informational accuracy, or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant, or legal counsel prior to implementation….(read more)

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  1. Barbados 1969

    Can I transfer my TSP to an IRA before I separate from the military.

  2. Lg springs

    For ease of use and flexibility I'm going to rollover my tsp to a traditional IRA. There are just too many restrictions with the TSP and having to notarize my spouse every time I want to make a withdrawal is just ridiculous. As with everything the private sector has a much more cost efficient and easy to use IRA product. It's worth it to spend the time and get a rollover. They don't make it easy but you'll be happy you did.

  3. Larry Dickenson

    The most significant benefit of transferring money from the TSP to an IRA is the ability to use your Required Minimum Distribution to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution, thereby minimizing the impact on your Federal Adjusted Gross Income.

  4. No Way

    Jose, thanks for video. That was a lot of useful information. Keep up the good work!

  5. kbensit

    Thank you!

  6. Dave Ray

    Thanks, Jose. Good stuff. Another disadvantage to transferring one's TSP (along with their payday allotment) is the fact that he/she would give up the 5% immediate matching from the government. It is a giant advantage for an investment to double immediately! Semper Fi, brother.

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