Signs Pointing Towards the Imminent Arrival of a Recession

by | Sep 23, 2023 | Recession News | 18 comments

Signs Pointing Towards the Imminent Arrival of a Recession

The recession is on its way.

By raising interest rates, the Federal Reserve is intentionally causing things to break, bank failures, increased debt, and people spending money they don’t have will become the norm.

But, amidst the chaos, there’s an opportunity for you!

In this video, I explain why previously unaffordable investments that didn’t generate cash flow are now becoming viable options.


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Toby Mathis, Esq. is the best-selling author of Infinity Investing: How the Rich Get Richer And How You Can Do The Same. Toby is a tax attorney and founded Anderson Business Advisors, one of the most successful law, tax, and estate planning companies in the United States. Learn more at
The information provided in this video should not be construed or relied on as legal advice for any specific fact or circumstance. Its content was prepared by Anderson Business Advisors with its main office at 3225 McLeod Drive Suite 100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89121. This video is designed for entertainment and information purposes only. Viewing this video does not create an attorney-client relationship with Anderson Business Advisors or any of its lawyers. You should not act or rely on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional legal advice….(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


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How I Know the Recession Is Coming

In recent times, there have been increasing signs and indicators that suggest an impending recession. The global economy is experiencing a significant slowdown, and various countries are grappling with economic challenges. As an informed observer, several factors have led me to believe that a recession is on the horizon.

Firstly, the stock market has been displaying volatile behavior, with wild swings in both directions. This roller coaster-like behavior is often a telltale sign of turbulence in the economy. Investors tend to become anxious during uncertain times and quickly shift their investments, resulting in dramatic fluctuations in stock prices. In recent months, we have witnessed markets experiencing significant drops followed by temporary periods of recovery, indicating instability and a lack of confidence in the future.

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Secondly, the housing market has shown signs of slowing down. Property prices, which have been soaring in recent years, have started to stagnate or even decline in some regions. This indicates a slowdown in demand, which is often a precursor to a recession. When people hesitate to invest in real estate, it reflects a lack of confidence in their financial well-being and the overall economy.

Another significant concern is the inverted yield curve. This phenomenon occurs when the interest rates on long-term bonds fall below the rates on short-term bonds. Historically, an inverted yield curve has often preceded a recession. Currently, several developed countries are experiencing this phenomenon, further fueling fears of an economic downturn.

Furthermore, trade tensions between major global players, such as the United States and China, have heightened economic uncertainty. Tariffs and protectionist policies have resulted in increased costs for businesses, supply chain disruptions, and reduced economic growth. The ongoing trade war has cast a dark cloud over the global economy and is likely to have a long-lasting negative impact.

Consumer confidence is another crucial indicator that supports the notion of an impending recession. As the economy shows signs of weakness, people tend to cut back on spending and become more cautious about their financial decisions. This decrease in consumer spending can have a cascading effect on businesses, leading to layoffs, reduced production, and ultimately, a shrinking economy.

Lastly, the current economic expansion cycle, which began around 2009 following the global financial crisis, has lasted for an unusually long period. Economic cycles typically include periods of expansion and contraction. While expansions can last for several years, they eventually give way to contractions or recessions. The length of the current expansion has raised concerns among economists who argue that a recession is overdue.

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It is important to note that while these indicators suggest a recession is likely, they do not necessarily provide a precise timeline or the severity of the impending economic downturn. Predicting recessions is notoriously challenging, as they are influenced by a myriad of factors, both domestic and global.

As individuals, it is crucial to be prepared for a potential economic downturn. Building an emergency fund, reducing unnecessary expenses, and diversifying investments can help mitigate the impact of a recession. Moreover, policymakers and government authorities must closely monitor these indicators and adopt appropriate measures to soften the blow of a future recession.

In conclusion, several factors point towards an economic downturn in the near future. The stock market volatility, housing market stagnation, inverted yield curve, trade tensions, and decreasing consumer confidence all contribute to this growing concern. While the timing and severity of a recession are uncertain, being informed and prepared is essential in weathering the economic storms that lie ahead.

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  1. le th

    Unless you are currently in a recession, you are ALWAYS headed into a recision. That is why it's called a cycle. lol

    …but yes, it is going to be here sooner not so much later.

  2. Carlos Gonzalez

    How we can protect the capital to be invest in the cash flow investment to avoid the Goverment thru the banks that they chooses to seize our savings?

  3. Hidden Name

    Common people already feel the recession. The media and administration says there will be no recession. Economists say recession is coming. Who is actually telling the truth?

  4. JoeCommenter

    Is there any sense to the notion that the Fed will temper their actions until after the 2024 election?

    The state of the economy csn swing an election. Putting an economy intos recession could swing the election against the party of the sitting president. 2024 is a big election as it is a presidential election.

  5. Edward Aldrich

    FED has destroyed this nation. Over printing currency….taking our country off the gold standard….etc.

  6. Anetta A

    100% agree!

  7. @setty_watt

    this is true. Especially the interest part. You either have cash or credit in America. When you can't afford something in cash, you put it on credit and with interest included, whatever you bought winds up costing more. Especially if it takes you months (or years) to pay it off. When paychecks aren't enough, people do this kind of thing all the time (charge car payments, house, rent on credit).

  8. Samantha

    I do feel we have been in a recession tho

  9. Samantha

    Is it smart to move majority of cash in a high yield checking or savings account?

  10. jckid66

    The recession started last year in October according to the charts if the fed raises the rates then there's a possibility of stagflation

  11. Dan R

    It started Halloween of last year.

  12. stockstnt8

    So buy investment now?? Jist some opinions on more specifics

  13. Matthew James Montgomery

    The recession has been here for at least 6 months already. It is coming to a head.

  14. Bill Carlson

    Doom and Gloom, yet my VGT is up 31% so far this year. LOL!

  15. Amanda Gates

    I really hope home prices come down. They are soooo bloated and unaffordable. I’ve been trying to buy my first home for two years now and I’m so fatigued from it all. And prices are still going up in my area! Things definitely need to calm down.

  16. Dust Off 14

    Completely agree. Can’t wait to see prices come down. Enjoying the channel. Thank you for your advise and guidance.

  17. E Dennis

    Coming? It's been here for awhile. Just because the bigwigs changed the definition in order to avoid calling it a recession, we're supposed to buy it?

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