Simplify Your Retirement Plan: Release Your 401k

by | Jul 19, 2023 | 401k | 23 comments

Simplify Your Retirement Plan: Release Your 401k

This film holds a dark truth that 51 million Americans should know.
Since Columbine, our nation has seen over 1.4 million people injured or killed by guns, and gun companies have made more money year after year. We brought victims of gun violence together to discuss the problem and to ask: How much of the gun industry’s growth is actually coming from us all?…(read more)


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Unload Your 401k: A Wise Move or Financial Suicide?

A 401k is a commonly used retirement savings plan offered by employers to their employees. It provides multiple advantages, including tax benefits and employer matching contributions, making it an attractive option to save for retirement. However, there are various reasons why individuals may contemplate unloading their 401k before reaching retirement age. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of unloading your 401k and whether it is a wise move or financial suicide.

Firstly, unloading your 401k before retirement age can provide you with immediate access to a significant sum of money. This could be advantageous in situations where you are facing a financial crisis such as paying off medical bills, unexpected home repairs, or overcoming a job loss. Instead of accumulating debt or stressing about meeting immediate financial obligations, liquidating your 401k can provide you with the funds needed to address these issues promptly.

Secondly, unloading your 401k might allow you to invest in other ventures that potentially offer higher returns. If you have identified an investment opportunity you believe will provide greater profits than your 401k, cashing out your retirement account and investing the money might bring higher financial gains. However, it is crucial to evaluate the risks associated with such investment decisions, as they often involve increased uncertainty and potential losses.

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On the other hand, unloading your 401k comes with significant drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. Firstly, accessing your retirement funds before reaching the age of 59 ½ incurs a hefty early withdrawal penalty. This penalty usually amounts to 10% of the withdrawn amount, in addition to being subject to ordinary income tax. The amount lost in penalties and taxes can significantly affect the overall value of your retirement savings and potentially hinder your future financial stability during retirement.

Another crucial factor to consider is the loss of compound interest and potential growth that your 401k account would have gained if left untouched until retirement. The power of compounding interest is essential in accumulating wealth over time. By cashing out your 401k, you lose the opportunity for your investments to grow and work for you in the long run. It is vital to evaluate the potential growth over the years, as well as the impact of lost employer contributions and tax benefits associated with a 401k withdrawal.

Moreover, unloading your 401k can be seen as a disservice to your long-term financial well-being. Retirement planning involves setting aside funds for your future self when you are unable or no longer willing to work. By prematurely withdrawing your retirement savings, you risk compromising your financial security during your golden years.

In conclusion, unloading your 401k can provide immediate financial relief and the potential for higher investment returns in certain situations. However, it is necessary to weigh the benefits against the substantial penalties, lost growth, and potential negative impact on long-term financial stability. Before making any decisions regarding your retirement savings, it is crucial to consult a financial advisor who can guide you through the pros and cons specific to your circumstances. Remember that retirement planning is a long-term commitment, and careful consideration is essential to ensure a comfortable retirement.

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  1. Moron safety bot

    If theses people got robbed theyed say I wish I had a gun

  2. Moron safety bot

    Check out lutys sub machine gun he proved something his gun was unregistered and automatic coincidental not realy

  3. Cole Haubenreiser

    I know school shootings are bad and tragic, but it's what the people do with this freedom is what's bad. We cant ban guns, because it will end up like prohibition. People will bootleg guns and sell them illegally, and commit more crimes

  4. John Noble

    Lol they block comments on all other videos

  5. P. Garvey

    Umm…if someone shoots up a school…the gun will go to jail?

  6. Jack Templeton

    wonder how much these actors got paid??

  7. AzianDragonz

    You guys are offering investment advice now? I hope you have your series 7, 63, and 65. Otherwise I'm reporting you to FINRA.

  8. Russell Decker

    Hey thanks for the free investment advice!! Sheepoeple! You're the ones running while I look for cover and get in the best firing position to defend myself. Try and take my guns, I dare you!!

  9. bling sanny

    wars are more dangerous

  10. WAR HOG

    im gonna buy a AR-15 and a pump action shotgun now 😛  I LOVE MEH GUNS BITCHES

  11. Adrian Solorio

    Here's food for thought: instead of getting rid of the guns that kill people, get rid of the people using those guns. Doesn't that make sense?

  12. Noah Bradburn

    You guys are saying shootings are the guns fault, that's just like saying forks make people fat so we should ban all forks and spoons to prevent obesity.

  13. Pegasus Osprey

    When 911 occurred we blame the 747, when drunk driving occurred we blame the ford automobile, when street racing happens we blame the Lamborghini, when titanic sunk we blame the ship not the engineers, when a shooting happen we blame the gun and the shooter is innocent as well as the terrorists, drivers and the creators are all innocent.

    Gun control advocate : )

  14. phosidan

    You Anti-gun uninformed idiots. You are all hypocrites at the highest level. Your arguments are ill willed, unintelligent, inept and down right disgraceful. Please, the bull shit has reached the top of the ceiling; no need to keep adding to it.

  15. Tori

    if you buy a car ,you want to drive a car.if you buy a gun you will kill or hurt a human being. if you buy a weapon to protect yourself,then you should buy one that don't kill someone

  16. Hasby JoJo-Barnes

    I live in Australia, I have no fear of guns. America, that's something you need to feel. Guns always equal bad endings.

  17. Jhon Doe

    You know with all the people with guns in America
    You'd think there'd be more shootings you dumb fucks

  18. MVrockersPS3

    Still kicking myself for not buying rgr and swhc during the post Sandy Hook shooting dip.

  19. Robert winston

    did ya invest in apple??  = child labor+ working conditions so bad the workers jump off building to their death
    how about  nike = child labor
    BP??= pollution
    any car company = people die in cars???
    buy a diamond lately ???= chopping peoples arms off sound fun??

  20. Robert winston

    Gremlin #1: [repeated phrase while on telephone in stock exchange] BUY! BUY! BUY!
    Gremlin #2: [repeated phrase while on telephone in stock exchange] SELL! SELL! SELL!
    Brain Gremlin: [on telephone] Well, it's rather brutal here. Right now we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns.

  21. Sleven .Gameplay

    "daughter killed in drive by" so that most likely means that it was an unregistered  firearm that was bought illegally being used by a gang banger. Not a law abiding citizen who buys the gun legally. Gun control takes guns out of the good guys hands and gives all the criminals more power. Just take a look at Chicago, 4 dead 33 wounded, gun control works real well.

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