“Simply Bitcoin in Real Life: Preston Pysh and American Hodl”

by | May 2, 2023 | Fidelity IRA | 21 comments

“Simply Bitcoin in Real Life: Preston Pysh and American Hodl”

Nico talks with Preston Pysh & American Hodl.

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Preston Pysh is a well-known Bitcoin enthusiast, investor, and author, who, along with another Bitcoin investor, PlanB, founded the American HODL platform. American HODL is a community-driven platform focused on providing education and insight into the Bitcoin space.

Pysh is widely recognized for his expertise in Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency sphere. He is known for his unique style of explaining complex financial concepts in simple terms, which has helped to increase awareness and adoption of Bitcoin across the globe.

One of Pysh’s achievements is his podcast, The Investor’s Podcast Network – We Study Billionaires. On this podcast, Pysh and his co-host, Stig Brodersen, discuss investment strategies used by successful investors, including some of the world’s most successful figures. In addition to being an author, Pysh is a sought-after speaker who has spoken extensively on topics related to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

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Pysh also founded American HODL as a platform for Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors who want to learn more about Bitcoin and the blockchain space. This platform provides educational resources, including articles, videos, and podcasts, focused on Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

One of the more recent initiatives by American HODL is Simply Bitcoin IRL. The Simply Bitcoin IRL podcast is an extension of the American HODL community, providing an informal and conversational platform to discuss everything related to Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The podcast provides insight into current events in the space, new projects, and emerging technologies, among other topics.

In conclusion, Preston Pysh is an important voice in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space. Through his platform, American HODL, Pysh is helping to educate the masses and increase awareness and adoption of Bitcoin by offering a community-driven approach to learning. His work is helping people understand the power of Bitcoin and its potential to revolutionize the global financial system.

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  1. Mlbon Fox


  2. Cyberwiz9000

    This is was my first bear market where I executed my buyer of last resort strategy.

    It’s felt good. When shit happens, people always want to do stuff.

    So when the Bitcoin price tanks, there are 3 options.

    1. Do nothing and hodl (which is the hardest, I almost did it in the 2018 bear cycle, but eventually I sold part of my stack).

    2. Sell, which is the easiest, but with the most regrets afterwards.

    3. Have some fiat reserves, or work hard to get some extra fiat, and regularly buy the crashes in the bear market, this is easier for me than just hodl, because you have something to do, and it feels much better than to sell during a bear market.

  3. Leslie Deming

    extremely underrated podcast. nice work nico

  4. Wouter Vos

    "they need a recession"
    What they need is a reduction in consumption.
    But by far the biggest consumer is government.
    And they're not doing anything about that.

  5. Kyle Schieck

    Glad to see preston and hodl are still friends even after that twitter thing lmao

  6. Beardy Day

    Hodl you leave Bitcoin Tina selling at 17k alone! American Hodl not Sodl.

  7. Stevedre

    Why doesn't Powell and the FED just say that inflation IS 2% Now! They lie about everything else and expect us to believe it. Why are they truthful about inflation!? Actually, they fudge those numbers too. Real all in inflation is probable closer to 20% than 10%. Just say it 2% and be done!

  8. Stevedre

    US oil production could crush the Saudis and Russia and we could demand settlement of our cheaper oil in Petrodollars. Game Over! China's economy is back under our thumb and the dollar is the worlds currency. BTC will still grow but the dollar denomination of BTC will more reflect un-hyper-inflated prices. If BTC rockets because the US wont produce oil and our dollar is hammered by China and other international currency adoption. You will be holding high values BTC BUT the average used car will cost $100K and a trip to the grocery store will be $250. In that scenario, BTC is merely a hedge keeping you afloat NOT a huge investment gainer.

  9. Maros Lajcak

    It amazes me that you guys have so few views…and those viewers don't bother to click that thumb up. You are my favorite channel by far. Go B

  10. B Vyner

    I think its a 2% inflation target because its "better" for society as a whole. Your guaranteed to lose purchasing power if you stick your money under your bed and just try and save, ie being unproductive with that money. 2% infation will bankrupt you slowly *but its slow enough to almost not notice, and forces you to keep investing or working and provide value for the society. If someone is given a fortune by their parents and they do nothing with it, half with be gone in 50 years, again forcing them to be productive with the capital.

    Short answer = keeps people working and being productive
    Good for the society in general, less desirable for individuals.

  11. Jon Thor Austen

    Simply Bitcoin, consider also putting the watermark date on videos. It will help set an example for other you-tubers IMHO.

  12. Kevin Curran

    I won't subscribe till they implement timestamps

  13. T.G.F.B.

    Cheap energy allows you to stack. Consuming less energy than you can access.

  14. Dan Helios

    Great IRL Nico! Your hosting ability is blooming, awesome to have watched it grow over the years 😀

  15. barbagiggia

    These 2 guys are brilliant and true bitcoiners.

  16. Larry Block

    Imo no $100k bitcoin bc, we had 3 black swans 3 months in a row. Dec 2021 Omnicron creates shut down fears and rattles markets, Jan 2022 FED inflation pivots from easing to tightening rattles markets, Feb 2022 Russia invades Ukraine rattles markets again and that’s it for a blow off top.

  17. Diana Christian

    Cryptocurrency is the best way to make money easily. I started with $10,000 and my profit is $38,650 just in 2 weeks of my trading. Cryptocurrency is the best.

  18. Eli Roy

    How can I get more profitable investment in the market? Is this pump shorts getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

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